comprehensive immigration reform

Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Page 7

See the summary for this topic on the main Comprehensive Immigration Reform page.

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Nancy Pelosi opposes immigration enforcement, says agents are kicking in doors - 04/24/08

Responding to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus complaining about the House leadership not supporting "comprehensive immigration reform", aka amnesty, Nancy Pelosi said the following today: "I am frustrated, too... And as I have said since the day we took over here, we're not going to have an immigration bill unless the president takes the lead on it. There is no way to have a partisan immigration bill.

Raul Grijalva, Congressional Hispanic Caucus: lack of immigration "reform" is "spineless" - 04/24/08

Yesterday the Congressional Hispanic Caucus complained about the failure of other Democrats to support "comprehensive immigration reform", aka a massive amnesty. ...Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona called the Democratic caucus "spineless." "Today my party wants to do what is easy, not exactly what is right," said Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Illinois. "The leaders in our party who are arguing for consideration of helping just a few immigrants are risking the future of all immigrants." Rep. Joe Baca, D-Calif., who chairs the Hispanic Caucus, said the visa and other bills under consideration were "...

Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform to oppose Lou Barletta (Jim Wallis backgrounder) - 04/17/08

On Monday, the illegal immigration supporting Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (headed up by Jim Wallis) held a press conference where they stated their opposition to Hazleton, Pennsylvania mayor Lou Barletta. It was probably what you'd suspect, and their press release had more of the same: ..."They need to stop using rhetoric that demonizes immigrants and make an effort to respect all people, including immigrants..." Barletta responded to the paper by pointing out that they'd forgot to specify that his opposition is to illegal immigration and that he supports the legal variety...

Barack Obama immigration editorial misleads - 04/15/08

But, you already knew that. Barack Obama offers an editorial entitled "Enforce tighter border, employer verifications" (link): While I understand the passions -- and legitimate differences -- on both sides of this difficult issue, we must restore civility and reason to the conversation. Translation: "my opponents are gun-toting anti-immigrant racists". And, "as irrational as it seems, what I propose is the rational approach." First, we must reinforce our borders to deter the more than 2,000 immigrants who cross them illegally each day. Most of these aspiring laborers risk death in the desert...

James Parks/AFL-CIO, Jennifer Ludden/NPR promote bad, inhumane public policy, illegal immigration - 04/08/08

Jennifer Ludden of National Public Radio (NPR) offers a two-part series about those deported from the U.S. to El Salvador in "Deportee Back Home After Near-Death Trip to U.S." ( and "Deportee a Stranger in His Homeland" ( To a certain extent they're both cautionary tales illustrating why people shouldn't try to come to the U.S. illegally. And, they're also both largely pointless and shallow character sketches.

Michael Chertoff misleads, promotes immigration "reform" at Yale (New Haven) - 04/08/08

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff visited New Haven, Connecticut yesterday to deliver a keynote speech at Yale Law School.

Paul Vitello/NYT offers weepy, inaccurate pro-grower propaganda (Keith Eckel) - 04/04/08

Getting to the story a bit late, on the second of this month Paul Vitello of the New York Times offered "Immigration Issues End a Pennsylvania Grower's Season" (link).

Barack Obama's "honest conversation" about immigration included dishonesty, false choice, support for illegal activity - 04/03/08

On the first of the month, Senator Barack Obama spoke in Scranton, Pennsylvania and was asked about the 12 million (or so) illegal aliens in the U.S.:

League of Women Voters now supports amnesty for illegal aliens ("comprehensive immigration reform") - 04/02/08

The League of Women Voters is presented by itself and the MSM as a "non-partisan" group, but, oddly enough, their positions all fall on the left side of things (background here). Their latest "liberal" position is to support amnesty for illegal aliens. Per their national president Mary Wilson (link): "After a lengthy and comprehensive study of this complex issue by our grassroots members...

Eric Hananoki/Media Matters tries pretending that McCain differs from Hillary and Obama on immigration - 03/26/08

Eric Hananoki of Media Matters for America offers "Chicago Tribune falsely claimed Clinton, Obama, and McCain "essentially agree" on immigration" ( Summary: In an article on immigration as a campaign issue, the Chicago Tribune reported that Sens. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain "essentially agree on the need for an overhaul of U.S. Immigration law that would combine increased border enforcement with a new guest-worker program and measures to permit the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants already in the country to eventually apply for...

Henry Fernandez lies about Jim Oberweis to support illegal immigration (libel?) - 03/10/08

Henry Fernandez - a Senior Fellow at the Center For American Progress Action Fund who's also part of the Mexican government's "extended network" - offers "Anti-Immigrant Zealots Lose Hastert's Seat For Conservatives" ( about the recent Illinois House race in which Jim Oberweis lost to Bill Foster. The article contains this paragraph that strongly appears to libel both Oberweis and Mitt Romney: Oberweis, a wealthy owner of dairy stores, was targeted by grassroots supporters of comprehensive immigration reform. They found he had the same problem...

CBP Commissioner Ralph Basham blackmails Congress on securing border; "virtual fence", real fence this year? - 03/06/08

From this: The United States may be unable to meet its timetable for essentially stopping illegal immigration across its border with Mexico by 2011, a Bush administration official told Congress on Thursday. Ralph Basham, commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said the government was working to meet the target set in November 2005 of having "operational control" of U.S.

Possible Democratic Party immigration "reform" charade: "offer legalization" to become "require" - 02/29/08

A new "confidential" study called "Winning The Immigration Debate" has been released by two groups linked to the Democratic Party: the Center for American Progress (linked to Hillary Clinton and indirectly linked to the Mexican government) and the Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (member groups also have indirect links to the Mexican government) [1]. I haven't seen the study, but while some might be fooled, it's clear that it's just a new attempt to get the same old amnesty. And, their recommendations boil down to simply a rhetorical change, from "offering" a "path to...

Barack Obama promises "security and prosperity in North America" (work with Mexico, immigration "reform") - 02/20/08

Yet another laundry list of promises is available in the article "I will repair our relationship with Mexico" (link), supposedly written by Barack Obama himself. It contains two phrases with "prosperity" and "security" together in relation to North America and even the use of "partnership" at the end.

NCIC August 31 press release - 02/14/08 Released August 29, 2006

House trying to pass amnesty "lite"? (Nancy Pelosi, Joe Baca, Zoe Lofgren) - 02/14/08

From a FAIR bulletin (link): Capitol Hill news sources have been buzzing for the past 48 hours about backroom negotiations in the House of Representatives that may bring comprehensive immigration reform "lite" to the floor. Congressional Quarterly reports that Congressman Joe Baca (D-CA), Chairman of the Hispanic Caucus, is leading the fight for legislation that would provide a five-year amnesty visa to illegal aliens currently in the U.S.

Burdened DHS: 10s of thousands get green cards before background checks - 02/11/08

From this: In a major policy shift aimed at reducing a ballooning immigration backlog, the Homeland Security Department is preparing to grant permanent residency to tens of thousands of applicants before the FBI completes a required background check. Those eligible are immigrants whose fingerprints have cleared the FBI database of criminal convictions and arrests, but whose names have not yet cleared the FBI's criminal or intelligence files after six months of waiting. The immigrants wh

Barack Obama proud of marching for illegal immigration at Mexican government-linked events (Ted Kennedy) - 02/03/08

On May 1, 2006 Barack Obama marched and spoke at the big Chicago illegal immigration march, an event whose main organizers include several people with links to the Mexican government and Mexican political parties.

Mark Pera: help from Mexico-linked ICIRR, money from immigration lawyers (Illinois) - 01/30/08

Mark Pera is trying to unseat incumbent and fellow Democrat Rep. Dan Lipinski (link) (D-IL) in Illinois' 3rd district. I strongly urge voting for anyone other than Pera, due to his links to a few interesting groups. While Lipinski might have his problems (link), I doubt whether they rise to Pera's issues. Those include receiving help from a Mexico-linked group, receiving money from immigration lawyers, and receiving the endorsement of a racist linked to the Mexican government. I'm going to send an email to Pera asking him whether he's going to reject the support of these groups, but I suspect...

John McCain would sign his own amnesty bill as president; tries co-opting attrition - 01/28/08

Yesterday, Tim Russert asked John McCain: "If the Senate passed your bill, S.1433, the McCain/Kennedy immigration bill, would you as president sign it? McCain replied: "Yeah. But look, the lesson is, it isn't - one, it isn't going to come. It isn't going to come." Video here. In other news, McCain is now trying to pretend to embrace the attrition concept, whereby we'd enforce our laws and reduce non-emergency services now to encourage many or most illegal aliens to go home voluntarily. However, he only presents it as a side-effect of an amnesty rather than suggesting it as an...

CNN Democratic debate January 21, 2008: one weak immigration question - 01/21/08

Tonight's CNN "debate" (link) was as worthless as all the others have been, featuring just one very basic, very weak question about immigration matters. Joe Johns - CNN "reporter" who left whatever little journalistic integrity he had back in Jena, LA - asked: Senator Obama, we all know what universal health care is, as Senator Clinton just said, sort of the idea that everybody deserves health care.

One Bill Gil Cedillo brings back illegal aliens driver's licenses (January 2008 edition) - 01/12/08

From this: Saying Friday's release of final regulations in the U.S. REAL ID Act clears the way, a Los Angeles Democrat said he will move ahead with a bill that would let illegal immigrants obtain driver's licenses. State Sen. Gil Cedillo has previously proposed such legislation, but it has been vetoed repeatedly by Republican Gov.

Vile: Washington Post turns on Mike Huckabee to support illegal immigration - 12/13/07

The Washington Post offers a vile, spittle-flecked editorial called "The Immigration Swamp/As the presidential campaign intensifies, so does the nativist ferocity." They turn on Mike Huckabee for changing from a strong supporter of illegal immigration into someone who (supposedly) wants illegal aliens to return home within 120 days: The idea that

NPR Democratic debate: weak questions on immigration, logical fallacies - 12/04/07

NPR held a Democratic debate earlier today, and it currently looks like they asked a few incredibly weak questions on immigration that simply allowed the candidates to give their stock speeches. Not only that, but the questions appear to have been designed to make the candidates look slightly reasonable by comparison.

Black and Brown debate features childish race card tricks (Richardson as Hillary's VP?) - 12/02/07

The "Iowa Brown and Black Forum" was held yesterday. Edwards gave a shout out to Obama and said he wants to raise the minimum wage to $9.50; B. Hussein Obama agreed. Then, the card games began, with Obama saying:

David Broder wants McCain-Huckabee ticket (because of immigration; retransmits Huck lie?) - 12/02/07

David Broder offers the completely clueless "Republicans would be wise to tab McCain and Huckabee" (link). He wants that ticket explicitly due to their immigration stances. And, Broder not only fails to do his job but he may be spreading Huckabee misinformation and he's being misleading about a program Huckabee supported: What sets McCain and Huckabee apart is most evident in the way they treat the contentious issue of illegal immigration.

Immigration "parliament" held in Mexico, with Americans; may lobby in Washington DC - 11/30/07

On November 16 and 17 a group of activists from Mexico and the U.S. met in Mexico City for the "First Parliament of Mexican Migrant Leaders Living In The U.S.A.". This doesn't appear to have been an official Mexican government event, but many of those attending were apparently Mexican political leaders, and some of the Americans attending serve on the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IME,, an advisory council to Mexico's president.

Lawyer Julie Pace sues Arizona over e-Verify, suggests filing late to crash system - 11/27/07

Julie Pace and David Selden are lawyers with the Arizona firm Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, and they're representing a coalition of business groups fighting against a new Arizona law set to go in effect on January 1. The law would require employers to use the federal e-Verify system to verify the identities of new hires; if they knowingly hire illegal workers their business licenses could be suspended or revoked. From this: If the judge upholds the law, lawyers plan to tell employers to sign up en masse during the last two weeks of December, Pace said. The notices will be sent out...

NYT almost follows the money on Western Union (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Ken Salazar) - 11/24/07

Jason DeParle of the New York Times almost follows the money on Western Union, a company that makes almost a billion dollars per year off legal and illegal immigrants sending money home ("remittances"): lin

Barack Obama supports driver's licenses for illegal aliens, misleads about incentives - 11/15/07

On this video from tonight's CNN Democratic debate ( via this), Barack Obama does a partial Hillary Clinton on driver's licenses for illegal aliens, before unequivocally supporting them (followed only by, "but, I am going to be fighting for comprehensive immigration reform"; the "but" part generated peals of laughter from the audience). In addition to his chances being

Eliot Spitzer drops driver's licenses for illegal aliens (Hillary updates position) - 11/13/07

Presumably not wanting to join Hillary's List, New York governor Eliot Spitzer will announce tomorrow that he's shelving his unpopular plan to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens (link): The governor's office signaled to New York lawma

Hillary Clinton opposes mass deportations, promotes illegal immigration (AP malfeasance) - 11/07/07

I've been unable to find out which Associated Press "reporter" wrote this: Sen.

Dianne Feinstein drops AgJobs amnesty, doesn't have the votes - 11/06/07

According to this, Sen. Dianne Feinstein yesterday decided that she didn't have the votes to add the AgJobs farmworker amnesty to the Farm Bill: "When we took a clear-eyed assessment of the politics of the farm bill and the defeat of the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform, it became clear that our support could not sustain these competing forces... [because of this] we will continue to see labor shortages far into the future. Fruit will rot. Crops will go unharvested.

Hillary Clinton now supports driver's licenses for illegal aliens - 10/31/07

Adam Nagourney of the New York Times offers this: Hillary Rodham Clinton offered support today for Gov.

Hillary Clinton: soft on driver's licenses for illegal aliens (Obama supports it) - 10/30/07

I'll replace the following with a transcript when it's available, but from tonight's Democratic debate: [Hillary Clinton says:] [Eliot Spitzer] is trying to make up for the failure of the Bush Administration to address illegal immigration. He's filling a vaccuum...

From the Back of the Pack to David Brooks' Heart (promotes Mike Huckabee) - 10/19/07

As an indication of the cluelessness of our elites, David Brooks offers a paean to Mike Huckabee entitled "From the Back of the Pack" (link). Expect this attempt by our elites to push Huckabee to succeed about as well as their attempt to push through "comprehensive immigration reform".

Michael Chertoff/DHS "fisks" NYT/WaPo pro-illegal immigration editorials - 10/07/07

From our "what universe is this again?" file comes this entry ( from the Department of Homeland Security "Leadership Journal", aka DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff's blog: Two editorials in today's Washington Post and New York Times offer a good illustration of the kind of obstacles our Department faces in dealing with the problem of illegal immigration. The Washington Post writes [link] that our use of Social Security no

Curt Thompson: Urges Calm and Practicality - 10/03/07

link: galeo . org/story.php?story_id=0000003303 State Sen. Curt Thompson: Urges Calm and Practicality, "stay calm, stay put and get involved" Found in Mundo HispanicoWritten by Senator Curt ThompsonPosted on 2007-07-11 Originally published in Spanish in Mundo Hispanico on July 5, 2007. Posted on GALEO on 7/10/07 in English, courtesy of Sen. Curt Thompson. This version is unedited and is slightly different than the print version. The Spanish print version was edited for space.

Obama immigration interview: he'd make situation far worse (Kevin Johnson/UC Davis) - 09/25/07

Professors Kevin Johnson (, Jennifer Chacon, and Bill Hing of UC Davis have scored a true coup for the blogosphere: an interview about immigration with Barack Obama!
