comprehensive immigration reform
Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Page 9
Summary (posts follow):
See the summary for this topic on the main Comprehensive Immigration Reform page.
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Goal: tie U.S. Attorneys firings to immigration (Dems hoist on own petard) - 04/16/07
I can't do everything, and I've completely failed to try to tie in the firings of several U.S. Attorneys to immigration matters. For instance, here's Phyllis Schlafly tying the firings into the Ramos/Compean case, suggesting the Bush should fire U.S.
Hillary Clinton picks National Council of La Raza's Raul Yzaguirre to co-chair - 04/12/07
Hillary Clinton has selected Raul Yzaguirre - former president of the National Council of La Raza ("The Race") - as the co-chair of her presidential campaign. He'll head up her "outreach" to Hispanics. In actual fact, he'll help her even more strongly support illegal immigration, as Yzaguirre's history shows.
NCLR is a considered-mainstream group that has links to and funds extremists. Last year, Karl Rove spoke at their convention.
Yzaguirre says:
"Hillary Clinton has spent more than three decades advocating on behalf of those who are invisible in America... Not only is she the most...
Bush drones on in Yuma, promotes "comprehensive immigration reform" - 04/09/07
No fence pics yet. Developing...
UPDATE: ICBITN ("I Can't Believe I Took Notes"). As expected, this was Immigration Speech #5, with the 5-D variant. There is absolutely nothing in what he said that was either a) new, or b) answered his critics.
Bush border buggy back Monday in Yuma (fence photo op) - 04/08/07
In May of last year, America's beloved president (George W. Bush) visited Yuma in Arizona to announce "Operation Jump Start", whereby National Guard troops would assist the Border Patrol with their mission. The photo above comes straight out of his scrapbook of his fun vacation.
Los Angeles: thousands march for illegal immigration, literally demanding "amnesty" - 04/08/07
Peter Prengaman of the Associated Press offers this about a rally which thousands of illegal immigration supporters held in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, April 7. According to one audio recording I heard, someone led the crowd in a chant of "What do we want?
Sojourners/Jim Wallis promoting massive amnesty to Congress - 04/07/07
Continuing the age old debate about whether someone is a crook or an idiot, Jim Wallis' Sojourners organization is sending out an email to their mailing list urging people to contact Congress in support of a massive illegal alien amnesty. A purported copy is here:
Wallis has a blog at, and I urge everyone to leave comments there designed to help his parishioners understand all the ways he's wrong. Here are excerpts from the email; note that the language used is like a patchwork quilt of speeches from president Bush, Howard Dean and...
Reverend Stephen P. Bouman: globalist, illegal immigration supporter - 04/02/07
From this:
Several synod bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) urged their members of Congress and key congressional staff March 22 to enact comprehensive immigration reform in 2007 that is "humane and for the common good."
...Key components that the bishops believe help to fulfill these principles include: elimination of the family visa backlogs; fair and humane enforcement provisions and the elimination of the unnecessary detention of families and children; earned legalization of the n
ACLU, LULAC, ACORN, SVREP endorsed Dallas April 1 illegal immigration march - 04/02/07
On Sunday, April 1, the "Rally for the New American Family" was held in Dallas to support "comprehensive immigration reform", aka a massive amnesty for illegal aliens. Last year's event (the one where George P. Bush was scheduled to speak) had as many as 500,000 illegal aliens and their supporters marching through that city's streets; this year it might have been as little as 1% or less of that amount.
The national ACLU and other questionable organizations endorsed the march, and one of the speakers was dual citizen, Mexican partisan, and former Vicente Fox cabinet member Juan Hernandez.
"Smiley" Jeff Flake, WFMOJALI Luis Gutierrez promote their amnesty - 04/01/07
Congressmen Jeff "Smiley" Flake and Luis "WFMOJALI" Gutierrez offer a one-two promotion of their illegal alien amnesty scheme.
First up is Gutierrez, delivering the Democratic Party's radio address (link) on Saturday. There's almost nothing there that isn't pure hot air, but, let's look at his promotion of illegal immigrants:
...Our bill deals directly with the undocumented who are living, working and contributing to a better, more dynamic America... it also creates a system that is fair and just and reflects the enormous contributions immigrants make every day...
Illegal aliens do make...
Secretary calls for reform - 03/31/07
Star Telegram/Patrick McGee/[[March 22, 2007]]/ link
Describes the same press conference as Commerce chief defends raids
The U.S. secretary of commerce (Carlos Gutierrez) joined forces with a group of Texas businessmen Wednesday to amplify their call for immigration reform that would bring more foreign workers to the U.S.
White House TWP illegal alien amnesty PowerPoint presentation - 03/29/07
U.S. News has uploaded a PowerPoint presentation the White House has regarding their new illegal alien amnesty scheme in this PDF file. Even by the abysmally low standard of other Bush administration plans, this is idiotic. Most of the provisions in there would not appeal to even the most cravenly corrupt Democrat, so this isn't a good bargaining ploy. And, it allows the far-left illegal immigration supporters (see the Kevin Appleby quote below) and racial power groups to portray the Bush administration as a bunch of meanies, which doesn't seem to square with their supposed play for the "...
White House's "tough cop" amnesty scheme (the "infinitely renewable Z visa") - 03/28/07
Apparently the private talks the White House has been having with various Senators regarding yet another illegal alien amnesty scheme have reached the point where they're starting to leak the plan in order to get feedback. It appears to be the "tough cop" version of the Flake-Gutierrez massive giveaway; the goal is presumably to get a compromise that most Democrats and many Republicans could support. Most Americans would not support any kind of amnesty if they were aware of the massive legal and continued illegal immigration that would result.
Since they apparently want feedback, I suggest...
Will Dick Durbin block immigration "reform" (aka a massive amnesty)? - 03/27/07
Could Senator Dick Durbin - an illegal immigration supporting hack who refered to himself and illegal aliens as "we" as in "we can win" - block immigration "reform" by trying to push for business-unfriendly H-1B related worker protections? From this:
...Durbin is considering the tougher standards for companies that want to bring temporary foreign workers into the country under the H-1B visa program. According to a summary of Durbin's draft proposal, before they could use such visas, companies would have to give a written pledge, or "attestation," that they made a good-faith effort to hire...
Wed. and Thu. are "National Call-in Days for Immigration Reform" - 03/27/07
The Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform - which includes one group linked to the Mexican government and another with an alleged link - informs us that Thursday and Friday are their "National Call-in Days for Immigration Reform" ( I suggest you join in and call Congress, just make it clear that you oppose CCIR and the Flake-Gutierrez amnesty scheme.
Congressmen Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) have just introduced bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform legislation. The immigration debate is moving forward and Congress needs to hear from you...
STRIVE Act: MALDEF, Juan Hernandez, ANLA support; Chertoff kinda - 03/24/07
Without refering to Flake-Gutierrez specifically, DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff reiterated his support for "guest" worker scheme:
"[The new laws should] bring them out, register them ... and make sure as a condition that they pay their debt to society for having broken the law... What I'm talking about is a common sense policy... We have to be tough. We have to be humane.
STRIVE Act: not everyone happy with "touchback" (even for just one day) - 03/24/07
The Gutierrez-Flake amnesty scheme contains a "touchback" provision. Current illegal aliens who pass a screening and meet other requirements would be given a legal worker permit immediately. Then:
Illegal immigrants would within the next six years have to leave the United States for either Mexico or Canada, go to a processing center and re-enter the U.S. legally. Lawmakers were vague about exactly how long they would have to stay outside the country under what is being called the touchback provision. But staff members said they could stay as little as one day.
Despite what is clearly a sham...
Trouble in paradise: AFL-CIO, ACLU, NIF, AFSC not fully happy with Flake-Gutierrez; Teamsters, Democrat Lampson - 03/24/07
The American Civil Liberties Union - a group indirectly linked to the Mexican government - has a nit with the Flake-Gutierrez amnesty [1]:
"Drafting comprehensive immigration reform is no easy task... [praise some provisions] ...Sadly, Title III of the bill attacks privacy by creating a national ID card. Creating a national ID card under the guise of a 'secured' Social Security card is not only financially and logistically daunting, it creates the possibility that we will become a society where 'your papers' will need to be presented at every turn. We urge Congress to strike this provision...
March 25 Coalition flyer - 03/18/07
From march25coalition . org/organize
May 1st, 2007 we will be out in the streets, not shopping or selling, if possible not working; but Marching.
On February 3rd & 4th, 2007, a Conference hosted by the March 25th Coalition culminated in a call for a national day of actions for workers and Immigrant's Rights. The day, May 1st, 2007.
Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley's "Save The Sweatshops" movement - 03/16/07
The archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley, offers "A more humane immigration policy" about the New Bedford immigration raids, you know, the ones at the factory just about everyone admits was a sweatshop.
GOP Senators plotting immigration "reform" in private meetings - 03/14/07
As discussed here, several GOP (U.S.) Senators have been holding meetings to discuss how to come up with a "comprehensive immigration reform" bill. Others in the meetings include Michael Chertoff of the DHS and Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez.
Perp walk: churches to shelter illegal aliens facing deportation - 03/14/07
From this:
Churches in major cities across the country are preparing to grant "sanctuary" to illegal immigrants facing deportation in an effort to unite evangelicals behind comprehensive immigration reform, according to a pastor organizing the effort.
Rev. Alexia Salvatierra [an ordained Lutheran minister], executive director of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE), said Monday that Christians will fight to prevent families from being divided when illegal immigrant parents are deported, leaving behind children who are legal residents.
"There are congregations all across...
Bush now Quisling: pledges immigration "reform" to Mexicans, Mexican government - 03/13/07
President Bush has crossed the line from being a borderline-Quisling to a full blown Quisling on his Latin America trip's stop in Mexico. Here are his remarks [1] from earlier today in Mexico:
Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform ready to push amnesty - 03/13/07
The Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform said today that they're going to push even harder for a massive amnesty for illegal aliens:
"This campaign is unprecedented in the pro-immigration community," said Cecilia Munoz, senior vice president of the National Council of La Raza, in a statement. "Never before have we brought together under one banner such a formidable political coalition to fight for passage of comprehensive immigration reform. We now have the money, the people and the political will to punch this vital issue over the goal line in Congress and make America a better...
Sen. Patrick Leahy begins comprehensive immigration "reform" hearings - 02/28/07
From his site (
The Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), held a hearing Wednesday to set the stage for work on comprehensive immigration reform, featuring Department of Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. At the hearing, Leahy pressed the Bush Administration officials for firm and clear commitments from them to work with Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform this year.
Trust me: they're on board, not doing their stated jobs just as hard as...
Harry Reid wins LULAC National Legislative Award - 02/28/07
This site congratulates corrupt Nevada Senator Harry Reid, who's the proud winner of this year's National Legislative Award from the League of United Latin American Citizens.
His comments are basically just hot air, touching on Searchlight (did you know he's from that small Nevada town?), promoting "comprehensive immigration reform", quoting
Larry Kudlow admits he was ignorant about immigration - 02/27/07
Larry Kudlow - former Ronald Reagan economic advisor, current CNBC host and guest on Hugh Hewitt's show - has been a minor-league supporter of the Bush/Fox/Democrats immigration scheme.
"The Kennedy Amnesty Reign of Terror Begins This Next Week" - 02/25/07
Starting next week, Senator Teddy Kennedy will apparently try to start the ball rolling on "comprehensive immigration reform" (aka a massive amnesty for illegal aliens). Please sign up at NumbersUSA to receive their action alerts; one such is here, which goes into who needs to be contacted and whether they're leaning for or against amnesty.
Kennedy-McCain illegal alien amnesty nearing completion; business, racial groups - 02/22/07
From this:
Senators and lobbyists are putting the final touches on a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that includes an easier citizenship path for illegal aliens and weaker enforcement provisions than were in the highly criticized legislation that the Senate approved last year.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who ardently supports citizenship rights for illegals, will introduce the bill as early as next week, according to Senate sources knowledgeable about the negotiations. If the Senate Judiciary Committee can make quick work of the bill, it could be ready for...
Mexico to push even harder for a massive illegal alien amnesty - 02/21/07
Looks like Mexico is going to help us determine who's on their side, and who's on ours:
Mexico plans to begin an aggressive lobbying effort in the United States to secure an immigration reform agreement, the country's new ambassador in Washington said Tuesday.
Mexican consulates in the United States will talk with state and federal lawmakers, business chambers, civic organizations and "all actors of U.S.
NoCal far-lefties show why immigration "reform" would fail miserably - 02/19/07
In March 2006, the dean of massive immigration, Senator Teddy Kennedy, said that his "comprehensive immigration reform" proposal offered "[d]oubled Interior Enforcement" and "authorizes state and local law enforcement officers to investigate, apprehend, arrest, detain or transfer to aliens to federal custody" and had "[a]dditional Worksite Enforcement" (
Unless someone lives in a magical place full of elves and faerie sprites, all that enforcement is going to mean raids, and it's going to mean that illegal aliens caught in those raids are going to get deported.
Michael Chertoff promotes illegal immigration in Mexico - 02/16/07
Speaking in Mexico before the American Chamber of Commerce, DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff promoted illegal immigration:
Comprehensive immigration reform, he said, would allow U.S. law enforcement to "focus more on the people that we don't want in the country under any circumstances, namely the criminals and the dangerous folks."
"Every time a Border Patrol officer is transporting a load of future housekeepers and landscapers to someplace to be returned, he's not looking for drug dealers or drug loads," Chertoff said.
He's saying that there are two types of illegal immigration: the bad...
Alfonso Aguilar/U.S. Office of Citizenship promotes "guest" workers (LULAC, NALEO connection) - 02/12/07
The "U.S. Office of Citizenship" was created a few years ago and is part of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The first and current head of the Office, Alfonso Aguilar, was appointed by president Bush in 2003. His biography reveals that he's a member of two highly questionable groups. (Go to and search, or enter this:
The first group is LULAC, the League of United Latin American Citizens. If that group has ever opposed illegal immigration, I'm not aware of it.
The other group is NALEO, the National Association of Latino Elected and...
Amber Tafoya, Catholic Charities, and Colorado Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages - 02/12/07
Amber Tafoya is an immigration lawyer who works for the "Center for Immigrant and Community Integration Legal Services Office" of the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pueblo (Colorado), and on Saturday she conducted an "Immigration Law & Immigrant Rights" conference for the Colorado Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (link), which is a non-profit organization apparently associated with the University of Colorado. The report by R.
Standing FIRM Summit Pushes for Immigration Reform - 02/08/07
New America Media/Naomi Briley[[February 8, 2007]]/ link
WASHINGTON--Last week over 200 immigrant rights leaders from across the country joined together, building strategies for immigration reform. The three-day conference, hosted by the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), was held at the Galludet University in Washington, D.C.
Mexican congressman discuss immigration with Pelosi Baca Gutierrez Solis - 02/05/07
El Universal/Andrea Merlos/[[February 5, 2007]]/ link/ translation
Original title: Diputados abordaran migracion con congresistas en Washington
Pomona mayor, activists, Monica Rodriguez, worried about ICE doing their job - 02/04/07
From Monica Rodriguez of the SB Sun:
The recent roundup of 338 illegal immigrants across Southern California targeted those who had ignored deportation orders, criminals, fugitives and others.
But out of those arrests, about half - 159 - involved random people who officials came across and found to be in the country illegally but without any other criminal record, said Virginia Kice, spokeswoman for U.S.
Enrique Morones, Nativo Lopez on "Migrant March II" - 02/02/07
From this:
Dozens of immigrant-rights advocates will depart today from San Diego to drum up support for immigration reform.
Called Migrant March II [aka "Second National March for Immigrant Rights"], the caravan of mostly Latino leaders will drive to Brownsville, Texas, and back, meeting along the way with community leaders and residents in cities along the border, organizers said.
Exactly one year ago, advocates led a similar caravan to push their agenda for comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to legalization for the nation's estimated 12 million illegal immigrants....
Lobbying for immigration "reform" - 01/29/07
Mike Madden of Gannett News has a brief round-up of the money that was spent lobbying for and against immigration "reform" in 2005 and the first part of 2006 here.
According to a Gannett study, $3.3 million was spent in that period, and most of that was the pro side. They also mention the Center for Responsive Politics. Their raw data is here, but it looks like some of the dollar figures might include all lobbying an organization does, not just that related to immigration.
A sidebar shows some of those lobbying for and against the Senate amnesty. On the against side were NumbersUSA,...
Dirty Harry Reid: desert land deal lubricates legislation? - 01/28/07
Surprisingly, the Los Angeles Times continues its multi-year effort to uncover "Dirty" Harry Reid scandals. The latest comes in "A deal in the desert for Sen. Reid?" by Chuck Neubauer and Tom Hamburger:
...In 2002, Reid (D-Nev.) paid $10,000 to a pension fund controlled by Clair Haycock, a Las Vegas lubricants distributor and his friend for 50 years.
American Nursery and Landscape Association: green thumbs up for Bush immigration plan - 01/28/07
The American Nursery and Landscape Association joins the other groups issuing press communiques relating to Bush's SOTU speech, in which he (for the umpteenth time) promoted a "guest" worker plan and amnesty for illegal aliens.