hotair: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Jazz Shaw of HotAir cheers Donald Trump's pro-amnesty pick for OMB - 12/17/16
Donald Trump has picked the pro-amnesty Mick Mulvaney to be his director of the OMB.
At HotAir, Jazz Shaw positively gushes over the choice [1]:
Daniel Hannan says "free movement of labour" will continue, despite Brexit. See who hyped him. - 06/26/16
From the Daily Mail [1]:
A leading Tory Brexiteer has insisted quitting the EU does not mean the numbers of people coming to Britain will be slashed - and claimed Vote Leave never said it would.
After a bitter referendum battle dominated by immigration, senior MEP Daniel Hannan insisted the Vote Leave campaign had only ever demanded control and not a specific number.
A challenge for Larry O'Connor of Hot Air - 06/06/16
Dear Larry OConnor of HotAir:
I'm writing about your post "8 minutes of shame: Reporters covering Hillary embarrass profession with softball questions". In it you say:
Noah Rothman and Glenn Beck: false compassion for border kids - 07/09/14
Noah Rothman is the latest contributor and the latest amnesty shill at HotAir. He's promoting a plan by Glenn Beck to give teddy bears, food, and soccer balls to Unaccompanied Alien Children; see UAC for the backstory on that issue.
Yet another reason not to trust Erika Johnsen of HotAir (Illinois, taxes, Gallup) - 05/03/14
Erika Johnsen of HotAir and other fiscal conservatives have a habit of showing their low level of patriotism by turning their backs on their fellow citizens in California.
An Obamacare benefit to the GOP: more Job Creators - 02/27/14
Could Obamacare end up being an electoral boon for the GOP? Let me explain in the context of the video below. The video - from Time Warner Cable News - shows a Job Creator complaining that he can't expand his business to two more locations: if he does he'll hit the 50 employer limit imposed by Obamacare and have to either pay a fine or provide healthcare to his employees.
"The Kronies": slick libertarian propaganda linked to Koch, and who doesn't reveal that - 01/24/14
"The Kronies" is a series of slick, live action videos that promote a libertarian message. The effort comes complete with not only its own site, but a fake site for the "company" behind the figures, a "Chimera Global Holdings Inc.".
Kirsten Gillibrand could be better on immigration, but HotAir and others didn't help (Jazz Shaw) - 10/26/13
One of the things you can count on rightwing bloggers doing is to breathlessly describe how things are bad. They aren't actually going to do anything to make things better, but they will give a play-by-play of what's happening.
No, AllahPundit, worries about the Koch brothers aren't just for liberals - 09/19/13
The Koch brothers continue their crusade against Obamacare with a new pair of ads funded by one of their front groups (watch the ads here: ).
At HotAir, AllahPundit discusses the ads and says ( ):
Bruce McQuain of HotAir "calms the herd" for amnesty (immigration, McQ, QandO) - 07/27/13
Bruce McQuain of the site QAndO hasn't (as far as I know) contributed to the HotAir front page before. But, he's kicked off his premiere appearance [1] in a big way: by supporting comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty.
Yet another way Hot Air will enable amnesty (Jazz Shaw, immigration, ACLU) - 06/16/13
Ed Morrissey and Erika Johnsen of HotAir both support comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. AllahPundit somewhat opposes it, he's just not doing all he could.
Ludicrous: Sen. Ron Johnson launches "Victims of Government" (regulations, Koch) - 03/26/13
Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin has launched a ludicrous anti-regulations effort called "Victims of Government". The first video in the series is below, with many more promised.
The HotAir / Townhall "no amnesty" petition scam - 03/25/13
The site HotAir is running a banner ad encouraging their visitors to click to sign a petition against amnesty. It leads to a page (pictured below) at their sister site Townhall.
Calling it a scam is being overly generous:
How the Reason Rupe poll misleads on immigration amnesty (Emily Elkins, Ed Morrissey) - 03/02/13
Ed Morrissey of HotAir will grasp at any straw to support amnesty, and the latest is "Reason-Rupe poll shows majority approves path to citizenship, oppose targeted drone killings of Americans" [1] referring to a poll by Reason Magazine [2].
Conservative bloggers who support amnesty (Rubio; Hot Air, Morrissey, Johnsen, Loesch, Moran, Mataconis...) - 01/21/13
This post will maintain a list of those supposed conservative bloggers who support some form of comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty), specifically the amnesty proposed by Marco Rubio. This post doesn't list GOP politicians or pundits, just bloggers and other low-level members of the GOP establishment.
An example of rightwing blogger incompetence (Tim Scott as a token) - 12/19/12
Needless to say, there are far too many examples of the incompetence of rightwing bloggers than I could ever cover. However, to pick one out of the hat, take a look at the reaction to "The Puzzle of Black Republicans" by University of Pennsylvania professor Adolph L. Reed Jr (link).
To Ed Morrissey, patriotism has a price tag (Gerard Depardieu, Hot Air, going Galt) - 12/17/12
Those in the libertarians/fiscal conservative sphere tend to put loyalty to money ahead of loyalty to country. An example from earlier this year is at the link, and another example is offered by the case of Gérard Depardieu. That French actor has "gone Galt" by giving up his French citizenship and moving to Belgium in part to avoid high taxes ( ).
Even AllahPundit realizes how amnesty would harm the GOP - 11/16/12
While GOP leaders and pundits struggle with an even basic understanding of the politics of immigration and the "Hispanic vote", even AllahPundit of HotAir realizes how amnesty (comprehe
HotAir readers: Ed Morrissey isn't capable of blocking amnesty, but we are - 11/13/12
Dear readers of HotAir:
We disagree on many topics, but many of you agree with me on reducing illegal immigration and blocking amnesty.
Hot Air readers still turning their backs on millions of Americans in California - 11/11/12
Alternate title: "Yet Another Example of How the "Patriots" in the Tea Parties as Represented by the HotAir Readership Aren't Really Patriots at All". See this for a previous example.
Ed Morrissey ready to capitulate on amnesty (Hot Air, immigration) - 11/07/12
Ed Morrissey of HotAir is ready to help the GOP deal itself a losing hand, and is trying to round up others.
Morrissey quotes ( ) this from Jeff Poor of the Daily Caller:
Do red states give more to charity than blue states? - 08/20/12
Reuters says, "[r]ed states give more money to charity than blue states, according to a new study" (link, [1]). Just one problem: that's not true. In fact, blue states gave over twice as much in dollar terms than red (depending on the blue/red definition).
Hot Air readers, Erika Johnsen turn their backs on millions of Americans in California ("anti-Arizona" immigration bill) - 07/06/12
The California state senate recently passed a bill called the TRUST Act which seeks to prevent localities from contacting the Department of Homeland Security about all but the most dangerous illegal aliens.
Why is Fast and Furious an approved topic for establishment conservatives and libertarians? - 06/24/12
I was more than a bit surprised to see Nick Gillespie of Reason Magazine squaring off with Rachel Maddow over Fast and Furious - and taking the American side of that issue [1].
Fiscal conservatives side with America-denouncing billionaire (Cato, Dan Mitchell, Heritage, Brownfield, Sean Medlock, Daily Caller, HotAir) - 05/11/12
Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin recently denounced his U.S. citizenship to avoid paying U.S. taxes he'd owe when that company goes public. Hopefully to most people the idea of turning your back on your country [1] to save money would be abhorrent.
Of course, many in the fiscal conservative and libertarians spheres think different: patriotism only goes so far.
"Mitt Romney, anti-gay bully" or "How Obama will be reelected" - 05/10/12
Earlier today, the Washington Post published allegations that Mitt Romney was a bully back in prep school (link). I didn't read the story, but that's not what this post is about.
Erika Johnsen of Townhall/Hotair ignores immigration impact on California - 05/03/12
Just three days ago I wrote about J.E. Dyer of ignoring immigration's impact on California.
HotAir ignores mass immigration's impact on California (J.E. Dyer) - 04/30/12
In a HotAir "Greenroom" post ("California by the numbers", link) that was promoted to their front page, J.E. Dyer engages in the Fiscal Con. As described at that link, that consists of fiscal conservatives ignoring their role in the problems they whine about and using those problems to push another part of their agenda.
Two examples of conservative failure (CPAC, rap, Crowder, Reynolds, V. Jackson) - 02/11/12
The first example is from an Ed Morrissey post [1] about a Friday event at CPAC ("Conservative Political Action Conference"):
Will California declare state-level immigration amnesty? (Opportunity and Prosperity Act, illegal aliens) - 12/03/11
No, California won't be declaring its own, state-level amnesty for illegal aliens. While Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes and others are trying to put an initiative on the ballot ("California Opportunity and Prosperity Act") that would attempt to declare such an amnesty (link), such an initiative has nearly zero chance of passing.
Rightwing's muted response to Brown signing unpopular, anti-American immigration law - 10/09/11
If California governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that dared raise taxes on multi-billionaires by even a few pennies, you can bet that rightwing internet activists would be up in arms about it.
Wall Street Journal, Ed Morrissey ignore immigration impact on teen unemployment - 07/01/11
The Wall Street Journal posts [1] and Ed Morrissey of HotAir hypes [2] an editorial blaming the minimum wage for very high teen unemployment (see this).
Government spending & the deficit are a distraction from much more important issues - 04/09/11
Last night, Congress finally did something about massive government spending (link), the single most important issue ever to face the U.S. and the only thing keeping us from continued hope, growth, opportunity and prosperity.
Er, maybe not. And, in fact, others used to agree. For instance, consider this table showing the average number of monthly mentions of the listed terms at HotAir [1]. In 2007 there were an average of just 8 mentions per month of the word "deficit" at HotAir. By 2011, there were an average of 222 mentions per month:
2011 (4 months)
What Ed Morrissey forgot to tell you about the Japanese tsunami and capitalism - 03/13/11
Ed Morrissey of HotAir uses the recent tragic earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Japan as a launching point to promote his idea of free market capitalism. Except, he forgot to mention free market capitalism's possible role in the current nuclear issues associated with the tragedy (link):
Well, the question here is whether wealth allows for adaptation - or whether an economic system’s openness to adaptation leads to the wealth necessary to recover from disasters. The wealth of Western democracies based on capitalism owes its existence to economic and political environments where capital could...
Reason Magazine misleads about Jared Loughner (+AllahPundit, Glenn Reynolds) - 01/18/11
Reason Magazine offers the deceptive video "The Week in Stupid: Cable Pundits on the Gifford Shooting" (below). If you trust anything Reason tells you, keep reading.
Did Pima County Sheriff Dupnik ignore Jared Loughner's warning signs before Gabrielle Giffords shooting? - 01/13/11
Almost immediately after the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and several others by Jared Lee Loughner, Pima County, Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik began politicizing the tragedy [1]. Part of that politicization was justified, part was not. Specifically, considering the role that an overly hostile political environment might have played in the tragedy and urging calm is acceptable, but naming specific persons (Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh) as possible contributing factors is not.
In any case, supporters and enablers of Palin, Limbaugh, and the tea parties movement responded by going on a...
Ed Morrissey, Glenn Reynolds, Newsbusters don't tell whole truth about Bell, California - 09/22/10
Eight public officials in the city of Bell, California were recently arrested regarding the pay scandal in that city (link).
Confronted, Harry Reid claims illegal aliens aren't working construction jobs (note: in Nevada, maybe on stimulus projects) - 07/13/10
The video at shows Harry Reid being confronted about not allowing a vote last year that would have required construction companies hiring in regards to the stimulus plan to use the eVerify system. Reid then seems to make the outrageous claim that no illegal aliens are working construction jobs in Nevada [1], and that's the way it's being presented by HotAir [2] and by the low-wattage "StandWithAZ" group (the video was uploaded by them).
Unfortunately, it's not clear whether Reid was referring to all construction jobs or just those funded by the stimulus. In the first case...
Ed Morrissey: the Birther's Joe McCarthy (Sharron Angle) - 07/02/10
Ed Morrissey of HotAir recently conducted an interview of Sharron Angle, and even his commenters call him out for engaging in McCarthyism on the Obama citizenship issue. Morrissey says [1]:
In the past few days, rumors have swirled that Angle is a crypto-Birther. I asked her “flat out” whether she believed Barack Obama was born somewhere other than Hawaii, and she replied, “No. Is that flat-out enough for you?” Angle says she “wasn’t dodging” the caller on the radio show now being parsed by the media, in which she replied that the Supreme Court had already ruled on that issue, but instead...
Democrats skip townhalls to avoid tea party "patriots" - 06/07/10
Jeff Zeleny of the New York Times offers "Democrats Skip Town Halls to Avoid Voter Rage" ( the tantrums that those in the tea parties threw at last summer's public meetings have caused many Democrats to avoid open meetings this time around: Of the 255 Democrats who make up the majority