
hotair: Page 2

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Carol Shea-Porter "p0wns" her Teaparty constituents, including a doctor - 04/02/10

The video at shows New Hampshire Rep. Carol Shea Porter basically lecturing her constituents at a townhall yesterday. Those on the video (and the one at ) just aren't in her league. And, that's saying something since Porter appears to be quite a piece of work.

John McCain misleads about JD Hayworth over "birthers"; HotAir helps - 02/25/10

The video at is a new John McCain attack ad against JD Hayworth that misleads potential voters, trying to portray Hayworth as a dreaded "Birther".

Ron Paul was right: Federal Reserve had involvement in Watergate, money sent to Saddam Hussein (Ben Bernanke) - 02/25/10

Yesterday, Rep. Ron Paul quizzed Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve about that group's involvement in relation to Watergate and to the funding of Saddam Hussein of Iraq (video: ). Bernanke called that questioning "absolutely bizarre", and several sources (some listed below) joined in. As it turns out, the Fed in fact did have some sort of involvement with both Watergate and with money that was sent to Saddam, as documented in the book "Deception and Abuse at the Fed: Henry B. Gonzalez Battles Alan Greenspan's Bank" (link). From the blurb: ...Robert Auerbach, a former [U.S...

Andrew Breitbart unintentionally exposes the right (Max Blumenthal confrontation) - 02/21/10

The video at shows Andrew Breitbart confronting Max Blumenthal at the recent CPAC event, and Breitbart's performance has received rave reviews [1].

Martha Coakley immigration position: ignored status as DA; supports massive immigration - 01/16/10

The audio at has a radio interview with Martha Coakley about immigration. She doesn't appear to be a raving loose/open borders loon, but her position is bad, she admits that she wasn't fully doing her job, and part of her position is quite "business-friendly". See [1] for a discussion of the not-fully-correct video and the headline at the page, but the more important thing is her position:

Why is Ed Morrissey promoting a skilled immigration edge case, and will HotAir take a fall on amnesty? - 12/16/09

Over at HotAir, there's nothing I can find about yesterday's re-introduction of an amnesty bill.

Sarah Palin now "Birther"? Certificate is "fair game"; what her supporters must do - 12/03/09

Speaking on the Rusty Humphries show earlier today, Sarah Palin said the following: "I think the public rightfully is still making it an issue... I don't have a problem with that. I don't know if I would have to bother to make it an issue, because I think that members of the electorate still want answers... I think it's a fair question just like I think past associations and past voting records. All of that is fair game... ...the McCain-Palin campaign didn't do a good enough job in that area. We didn't call out Obama and some of his associates on their records and what their beliefs were, and...

Canadian comedian tries to embarrass Sarah Palin; fails; shows abysmal level of debate in U.S. - 11/27/09

Mediaite offers "Canadian Comedian Fails Miserably In Trying To Embarrass Sarah Palin" (link): During a book signing event in Columbus, Ohio, Canadian Comedian Mary Walsh ambushed (Sarah Palin) with camera crew and microphone to seek her thoughts on the Canadian health care system (and ostensibly embarrass her as well.) While the event security detail prevented a meaningful interview, Palin did provide some basic comments consistent with her conservative position. While many websites are now presenting this video clip as evidence of her naivete, the video actually acquits Palin quite well,...

Peter Wallsten misleads about Lou Dobbs (now an amnesty supporter?) - 11/25/09

Peter Wallsten (formerly of the Los Angeles Times, now with the Wall Street Journal) offers "Dobbs Reaches Out to Latinos, With Politics in Mind" (link), which contains this misleading statement (bolding added): (Lou Dobbs) is working to repair what a spokesman conceded is a glaring flaw: His reputation for antipathy toward Latino immigrants. In a little-noticed interview Friday, Mr. Dobbs told Spanish-language network Telemundo he now supports a plan to legalize millions of undocumented workers, a stance he long lambasted as an unfair "amnesty." Now, to help illustrate why Wallsten is being...

Carly Fiorina supports massive skilled immigration ("There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore") - 11/06/09

Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina recently announced her candidacy as a Republican for senator from California; she's trying to unseat Barbara Boxer. While the latter is a highly worthy goal, she appears to be a globalist, profits-at-any-cost supporter of massive immigration at least of the skilled variety.

Lindsey Graham: GOP isn't going to be "party of angry white guys" (+more ineffective townhall ranting) - 10/13/09

From this: An often clamorous crowd blasted, grilled and occasionally cheered Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., in a town hall meeting Monday that centered on health care reform but returned repeatedly to his positions on climate change, judicial appointees and immigration. Graham returned the fire with a grin, at times shouting over his most boisterous critics and telling some who questioned his Christianity and party loyalty that their minority conservative views wouldn't succeed without the political coalitions he said are necessary to serve the majority of Americans and attract...

Ed Morrissey of HotAir notes GOP problem, but not smart enough to figure out a solution - 09/07/09

Ed Morrissey of HotAir offers "An end to fringe mainstreaming?" (link) in which he worries about the backlash from the Democrats and the MSM over the Van Jones resignation. He also shows that solving problems isn't exactly his forte: ...we can expect the media to hold Republicans to the standards the conservative punditry imposed on Van Jones, and to be a lot more aggressive about it than they were with Jones himself... it means that no one who ever expressed public support for Birthers to get the benefit of the doubt. The two conspiracy theories are different, but they both are entirely...

OMG! Sheila Jackson-Lee uses cell phone during a constituent's worthless rant and before useless question from another - 08/12/09

If this were a worthless cable TV-style site, we'd be all over the video of Sheila Jackson Lee using her cellphone at a townhall while a constituent engages in a rant (video link). So, I'll leave the expected reaction to HotAir [1].

When even Glenn Beck turns on the "Birthers", should they get a clue? (+ HotAir <3 MMFA) - 08/04/09

Even Glenn Beck has turned on the "Birthers", saying that he doesn't believe Obama was born in Kenya, that if it came out that he was born there it would result in "civil war", and that "there are other things that you should concentrate on... Who cares about the birth certificate thing? ...What do you say we pay attention to he's appointing Communists..." (The audio is at

@AllahPundit: what part of discrediting the MSM don't you understand? - 07/24/09

AllahPundit of HotAir posts about CNN's Jon Klein supposedly forbidding Lou Dobbs from covering the Obama citizenship issue (something that Klein has since walked back). In comments he says about this issue: It’s a useful way for the left to make the right look paranoid. Obama’s shedding no tears seeing it get lots of coverage this week. He's right about that, but only because I'm one of the few people who's discussing this issue in a completely defensible and fact-based fashion. One of my main goals with my coverage - why I'm spending so much time on it - is in order to discredit the many...

Ed Morrissey must think that Hawaiian state law is a "Birther theory" - 07/23/09

Low-level conservative commentator Ed Morrissey of HotAir recently got a special treat: a shout-out from Media Matters for America in their article 'Unlike Dobbs, some conservative media think birthers are "nutburgers"' (by Julie Millican, Rather than criticizing him, they were giving him a cookie for helping "[to] debunk[] the birth certificate rumors" about Barack Obama, linking to Morrissey's "The sadly obligatory SCOTUS birth-certificate post" [1] as proof of just how reasonable he was. Just one problem: the HotAir post they linked to contained a...

Sarah Palin resigning as Alaskan governor; what supporters can do - 07/03/09

Earlier today, Sarah Palin made the shocking announcement that she will be resigning as governor of Alaska (link). Unlike probably everyone else, I'm not going to bother speculating on her reasons, but instead on what her supporters can do.

How to get a link from HotAir (note: must be completely shameless) - 06/01/09

The following cartoon from Chris Muir is, as are many others of his cartoons, unintentionally hilarious (link).

HotAir unwittingly shows futility, stupidity, perniciousness of tea parties (Susan Roesgen) - 04/17/09

Allahpundit of HotAir has posted two videos that - completely unwittingly - show just how futile, stupid, and pernicious the tea parties are: link.

Ed Morrissey makes reasonable albeit unrealistic case for tea parties - 04/15/09

Ed Morrissey of HotAir links to a new Gallup poll called "Views of Income Taxes Among Most Positive Since 1956" (link) and opines [1]: If 48% believe that their taxes are just right, it might be because that’s the exact same percentage that will pay zero in the near future, according to Barack Obama’s tax policies. With Obama’s emphasis on refundables, 48.7% of Americans will wind up paying no income tax at all. For them, zero is the right amount, and they have no reason to be unhappy... yet ...Unfortunately, in a short period of time, even those people will have to start paying taxes, and...

Honk three times if you're on the road to Idiocracy: bombastic Bob Basso gives final tea party talk - 04/11/09

Bob Basso - the motivational speaker and actor who's also a Youtube sensation [1] due to dressing up as Tom Paine and pulling a "mad as hell" act - is back with a new video which was shown as part of the Glenn Beck program.

Dennis Roddy /Pittsburgh PG, SPLC, LGF, HotAir, Kos use tragedy to smear opponents - 04/05/09

Dennis Roddy of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette offers "Suspect in officers' shooting was into conspiracy theories" (link) about the recent shooting of three police officers in Pittsburgh by an obviously deranged 22-year-old. He takes advantage of that tragedy to smear his or his paper's opponents: Mr. Poplawski's view of guns and personal freedom took a turn toward the fringes of American politics. With Mr. Perkovic, he appeared to share a belief that the government was controlled from unseen forces, that troops were being shipped home from the Mideast to police the citizenry here, and that Jews...

Jason Mattera asks Charlie Rangel stupid question - 03/09/09

Standing athwart our descent into Idiocracy, HotAir correspondent Jason Mattera decided to help us descend even further by asking Charlie Rangel about his tax problems on the attached video.

"Fullerton Tea Party" was not a "tea party", don't be fooled - 03/08/09

Yesterday, radio hosts John and Ken from KFI in Los Angeles held a "tea party" in Fullerton (Orange County) that was attended by somewhere between 8,000 and 15,000 people. Despite what you'll hear from the usual suspects, this wasn't one of the classic tea parties in the Ayn Rand/"taxation is theft"/"greed is good" sense. Instead, it was based on something that John and Ken had been pushing before the "tea parties" started and it was mostly a protest of local California issues relating to Arnold Schwarzenegger. They glommed on to the "tea party" idea and did feature some discussion about the...

Ed Morrissey /HotAir misleads about Obama birth certificate - 12/04/08

Ed Morrissey of HotAir offers "The sadly obligatory SCOTUS birth-certificate post" (link) in which he joins the long line of people misleading about the Obama citizenship issue. As with others, he links to the Sara Olkon/James Janega article and, among many other misleading statements, says: The State of Hawaii only keeps birth certificates from births in Hawaii. The State of California only keeps birth certificates from births in California, Minnesota only keeps those from births in Minnesota, and so on. They don’t store information on births outside of their state. Why would they bother...

Conservatives: here's why not to vote for Obama or at least why to vote against him - 10/21/08

Mary Katharine Ham and some other guy offer "The comprehensive argument against Barack Obama" [1]. It lays out a non-smear case against BHO over several categories: abortion, taxes, his radical associations, foreign policy judgment, his disdain for the heartland, his habit of playing the race card, and his lack of accomplishments. And, it will serve a valuable purpose for those millions and millions of conservatives who were planning on voting for BHO.

Is "Barack Obama" a complete scam? (Philip Berg lawsuit; Indonesia) - 10/11/08

Could "Barack Obama" be a complete fake? Hillary Clinton supporter and decades-long Democrat Philip Berg is suing Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), claiming he's not eligible to be president. From this: the Plaintiff, Philip J. Berg, a Philadelphia attorney, alleged that Defendant Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible for the Office of the President because Obama lost his U.S. citizenship when his mother married an Indonesian citizen and naturalized in Indonesia. Plaintiff further alleged that Obama followed her naturalization and failed to take an oath of allegiance...

David Brooks pines for Rudy Giuliani's illegal immigration supporting days - 11/23/07

David Brooks offers "The Real Rudy" (link), most of which consists of a series of now-infamous Rudy Giuliani pro-illegal immigration quotes. I half-expected him to try to explain them away, but I wasn't too surprised that he explicitly supports that side of Rudy, calling someone who supported illegal activity "moderate".

NAU apologists - 11/24/06

[List below updated 12/11/07] Recently, Rep. Tom Tancredo was quoted as saying this: "People have to understand what we're talking about here. The president of the United States is an internationalist... He is going to do what he can to create a place where the idea of America is just that – it's an idea. It's not an actual place defined by borders. I mean this is where this guy is really going... I know this is dramatic – or maybe somebody would say overly dramatic – but I'm telling you, that everything I see leads me to believe that this whole idea of the North American Union, it's not...
