mexican consulate
mexican consulate: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
U. of California, CA Student Aid Commission join Mexican government to give college grants to illegal aliens (Darrell Steinberg) - 01/10/14
From a press release [1], bolding added:
ICIRR, Mexican consulate launch hotline for illegal aliens being deported (Catholic Church, Adler School, NIJC, Raymond Crossman) - 09/19/11
The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights has yet another link to the Mexican government: they and a series of other organizations are sponsoring a hotline that illegal aliens who are being deported can call (link).
Mexican consul: Mexicans have "issues that make us not look very good" - 01/22/10
The new Mexican consul general for Dallas, Juan Carlos Cue-Vega, thinks Mexicans need an image makeover (link). He says:
"Frankly, we have spoken about the issues that make us not look very good, like celebrations using guns, littering, [being] noisy in the neighborhoods, leaving the kids at home while going to work. These are social and cultural things that we need to change." ... The vast majority of Mexican immigrants are hard workers lured here by jobs, he says, but they don't always think about the responsibilities and behavioral changes that U.S. residency involves. "We have to educate...
The Economist in 2004: "More Mexicans, please" (promoted home loans to illegal aliens) - 12/14/09
I haven't looked into how much of the mortgage mess is due to financial institutions giving mortgages to low-wage workers, including illegal aliens from Mexico; for that, see Steve Sailer. Some but not all of it was, making the June 10, 2004 article from The Economist called "More Mexicans, please" (no author given; a cautionary tale about a) giving in to corruption, and b) trusting The Economist:
NATIVISTS in Texas and Arizona may still want to keep Mexicans out of America, but in the mid-west, far from the border, a growing...
Census Bureau collaborating with foreign consuls - 11/10/09
From this:
In an effort to allay any fears between the immigrant community and federal authorities, officials with the 2010 Census met with consuls of several Latin American countries to ask for support in their communities to spread the word about the importance of being counted.
“It is vital that every person living in the United States takes part to assure accurate representation and funding for vital services”, said Marycarmen Moran, promoter of the 2010 Census, adding that the consuls agreed to do all they can to make the census a success.
Those present included, of course,...
ACLU-Mexico partnership calls for nearly open borders; "humanitarian crisis" they helped cause - 09/30/09
In April 2008, the San Diego chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union announced a collaboration with Mexico’s National Commission of Human Rights, a quasi-governmental agency. They've now released a report in which they - surprise - oppose border enforcement and call for what would amount to nearly open borders. The report is entitled "Humanitarian Crisis: Migrant Deaths at the U.S.-Mexico Border", but what they fail to note is the role that they and all others who oppose immigration enforcement have played in those deaths. If the ACLU and other far-left and racial power groups had...
Department of Labor, UFCW collaborating with Mexican government, enabling illegal immigration - 08/31/09
From a UFCW press release:
The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) is proud to partner with the Embassy of Mexico, the U.S. Department of Labor and allied organizations to promote the first "Semana de Derechos Laborales", or Labor Rights Week, UFCW International President Joe Hansen joined the Mexican Consul General of Chicago, Manuel Rodríguez Arriaga, to launch the national outreach and education program that is taking place in thirteen cities across the country.
They refer to "Mexican national workers", but make clear that they're including illegal aliens in that...
Mexico vows to stamp out (minor, non-U.S.-directed) corruption at consulates - 08/19/09
Apparently a since-fired employee at the Mexican consulate in Dallas, Texas had a side business inside the consulate: giving people a five-year passport for $100, but only marking down that he'd given them a $30 1-year passport and pocketing the difference (link). Supporters of the consul (Enrique Hubbard, last mentioned here) claim that he wasn't involved, even if he was a bit too tolerant of his employees. He's since been reassigned to American University in Washington DC. And:
The Mexican Foreign Ministry on Saturday reiterated that any financial irregularities committed at its consulates...
Creeping condominium: L.A. Mexican consulate working with governments, non-profits (Anna Gorman) - 07/23/09
The Mexican government has been able to gain a great deal of political power inside the U.S. over the years; see that link. If things continue as they are, eventually we may reach some form of de facto power-sharing arrangement where we don't have full control of parts of our territory or our populace. Corrupt, illegal activity-supporting libertarians, liberals, and conservatives would have you believe that's just a conspiracy theory ("reconquista"), but there are currently border areas and the like that are under shared control between other countries. And, there doesn't have to be an actual...
Janet Murguia of NCLR gets Mexican government's highest award for foreigners; Sarukhan promotes Latino voting, participation - 06/08/09
Back on May 5, the Mexican government gave their highest award for foreigners - the "Ohtli Award" - to Janet Murguia of the National Council of La Raza. That award is basically given to putative Americans who help the government of Mexico push their agenda inside the U.S.; a list of past winners is here. Per Google's accurate translation, those awards:
recognize the contribution of the winners to the empowerment of Mexican communities and Mexican-American in United States (que reconocen la contribución de los galardonados al empoderamiento de las comunidades mexicana y mexicano-americana en...
Mexican consul: "We're not demanding amnesty but immigration reform." (travel boycott) - 03/21/09
A group of illegal immigration opponents including the California Coalition for Immigration Reform are passing out fliers encouraging tourists to visit the U.S. southwest instead of Mexico (link). More on the boycott below, but first:
[Orange County, CA] Mexican Consul Carlos Rodríguez y Quezada disputes the fliers' claims that Mexico urges amnesty, is violent and is a bad neighbor.
"We've always been good friends and good neighbors," he said. "We're not demanding amnesty but immigration reform."
1. Mexico isn't in the position to start "demanding" things, especially something that the vast...
1-800-CORRUPT-GOVERNMENT: Mexico launches help line for illegal aliens in Arizona - 12/16/08
David Schwartz of Reuters offers "Mexico opens help line for migrants to Arizona" (link), informing us that the Mexican government has created a new "help line" in Arizona for use by illegal aliens. For those new to this issue, a foreign government is enabling illegal activity inside the U.S., and they're doing it because all of their citizens that they've sent us send home money (remittances). The article was edited by Tim Gaynor and another Reuters hack, and shows the to-be-expected bias in favor of illegal activity.
Felipe Calderon bringing Mexican consulate to New Brunswick, New Jersey (Jim Cahill, Richard Kaplan) - 09/27/08
On his way to a U.N. meeting, Mexican president Felipe Calderon recently visited their colonies (link) and met with the mayor of New Brunswick, New Jersey, Jim Cahill. That's him pictured right along with Calderon and his wife.
Among other things, Calderon promoted what's called "regional integration" and promised to build a new consulate in Cahill's city. You can contact him through officeofthemayor *at*
Not only that, but Calderon said that at a public school (Lord Stirling Elementary School). Contact the NBPS superintendent Richard Kaplan at richard_kaplan *at* nbps....
Another Mexico link for Peter Schey: hired by Mexican consulate - 05/16/08
The New York Times story "Arizona County Uses New Law to Look for Illegal Immigrants" (link) about Sheriff Joe Arpaio's attempts to enforce immigration laws in Maricopa County, Arizona contains the following:
Peter Schey, a lawyer from Los Angeles hired by the Mexican consulate here to represent some of the detainees, said, "This sheriff is not the director of homeland security, but that is how he is acting."
This is at least the fourth link that Schey has to the Mexican government; MSM hacks frequently fail to point out his series of links when offering quotes from him.
Mexican consulate to work with LULAC on Pilgrim's Pride raids? - 05/01/08
This report is less than coherent, but indicates that the Mexican consulate might want to work with the League of United Latin American Citizens, a previously patriotic group that's since been radicalized:
The Mexican Consulate from Dallas will be visiting Mt. Pleasant this Sunday, hoping to address issues and concerns after the recent raids at Pilgrim's Pride Corp.
...The objectives of the meeting, as listed by the Mexican consulate, are:
1. Have a formal organization created, either LULAC council or other;
...3. Document incidents of harassment, racial profiling, intimidation, etc...
Chase, Citibank, Laredo National Bank get desk inside Mexican consulate in San Antonio - 11/21/07
From this:
The Consulate General of Mexico signed an agreement Monday with three U.S. banks that could make Mexican nationals more comfortable with the banking industry.
Chase, Citibank and Laredo National Bank will take turns each day manning a desk in the Mexican Consulate on Navarro Street [in San Antonio]. They will answer questions for Mexican nationals about financial services and products with the hope of eventually turning them into customers at area branches.
"In other areas of the U.S. — New York, Los Angeles, Chicago — we have had a presence in consulates for years," said...
San Francisco approves ID card; corruption in plain sight; Tom Ammiano? - 11/14/07
The San Francisco Supervisors have approved a city ID card for everyone, including illegal aliens (link). While this will be sold as either a wacky plan from the far-left or a common-sense solution, the more likely reason this was pushed through is hiding in plain sight:
[Bill author, supervisor Tom Ammiano] said banking institutions in San Francisco have signaled their willingness to accept the municipal ID card for the purpose of setting up accounts. He noted that people without bank accounts are frequently more vulnerable to theft and robbery.
Officials with the city's Bank on San...
Esmeralda Bermudez spins Mexican textbooks in Oregon public schools - 09/21/07
Esmeralda Bermudez of the Oregonian offers (oregonlive . com/education/oregonian/index.ssf?/base/news/1190174129275910.xml) "Mexican lesson plans crossing the border". The Mexican government - with the assistance of useful idiots and others - has managed to get their curriculum [1] used in three Oregon high schools. This is only the latest similar incident [2].
AVWatch: Tony Villar on Elvira Arellano; Mexico complains about consular protocol - 08/21/07
Elliot Spagat of the Associated Press offers a two-fer. First [1], former MEChA leader and current Hillary Clinton campaign co-chair and Los Angeles mayor Tony Villar (aka Antonio Villaragosa, Mayor Reconquista) has thoughts on the Elvira Arellano matter:
Bank of "America" signs up customers at Dallas Mexican consulate - 07/16/07
The article "Mexican consul's biggest challenge is immigration" by Dianne Solis of the Dallas Morning News isn't as bad as other articles about a paper's local Mexican consul, but, as with the others, it avoids asking the tough questions, and it gives the consul an opportunity to make questionable statements unopposed. And, there's this:
The fastest-moving product [at the consulate] is the $37 matricula consular, a Mexican identification card, given at a clip of about 1,300 per week. But there are also birth and death certificates to issue. There are kiosks to spread the word on medical plans...
Michael Chertoff: Mexicans aren't encouraging illegal "migration"; Senate bill is "straight with the American public" - 05/25/07
This CSPAN WMV file has DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff saying the following:
"If we're going to change the dynamic here we've gotta be completely honest with the American people about what's practical and what's impractical, about how long it's going to take, about how much it's going to cost and about what the collateral consequences are going to be and this bill was an effort to really be straight with the American public...
New York Times alludes to Mexican meddling via consulates (Little Rock) - 05/23/07
Randal Archibold of the New York Times offers "Debate Raging, Mexico Adds to Consulates in U.S." about Mexico's latest outpost, this one in Little Rock, Arkansas. Somewhat to my surprise, they actually include some of the downsides and question some of Mexico's motives although, of course, they don't go far enough. This is just a fly-in report, not investigative journalism:
Increasingly, [Mexico's consulates] are also acting as influential free agents in a broken immigration system that Congress is trying to overhaul. As the consulate that opened last month in Little Rock illustrates, the...
"Mexican Officials Coached Witnesses In Border Patrol Murder Case" - 04/26/07
From this:
...When prosecutors in Arizona's Cochise County proudly announced the first-degree murder charges against Border Patrol agent Nicholas Corbett this week, the failed to mention some important details that could prove damaging to their case.
First is the fact that their key witnesses are the two brothers and a sister-in-law of the shot man, who incidentally joined him on his illegal border crossing journey. Secondly, is the fact that Mexican Consul officials were allowed to interview and coach the already biased witnesses before they gave statements to U.S. authorities.
Mexican consulate opening in Little Rock (Huckabee, Beebe) - 04/24/07
A new Mexican Consulate is opening in Little Rock, Arkansas tomorrow. The consul is Andres Chao and the "event coordinator" for the opening is Liliana Olea.
Gov. Mike Beebe will be out of town and is sending Lt. Gov. Bill Halter, but he's nonetheless ecstatic:
"Any time you have a foreign government that chooses your city for a location, it's potentially an economic boost, it's certainly a cultural boost and it certainly allows interaction between people that have a kinship to whatever country that might be."
As you might expect, there's a "Huck" connection:
The idea of establishing a...
Irked Mexicans open alternate consulate - 02/23/07
Chicago Tribune/Oscar Avila/[[November 29, 2006]]/ link
Chicago: Mexican Consul General steps down - 02/17/07
WLS/[[February 14, 2007]]/ link
After seven years at his post, Chicago's longest-serving Mexican consul general is moving on. "Chicago as an important global city," said Carlos Sada, Consul General of Mexico in Chicago. "most open and flexible. Therefore, embracing immigrants."
"Open and flexible" is apparently a synonym for "endemically corrupt".
Mexican consulate given free reign of Border Patrol station? - 01/29/07
From this (no permalink):
Jared Polis, Colorado Springs awarded by Mexican government (Ohtli award) - 12/02/06
Jared Polis is a dotcom multimillionaire who serves as Vice-Chairman of the Colorado State Board of Education. He's also donated large sums of cash to "liberal" causes and candidates. Last year, that Board produced Colorado's guide for illegal aliens, and Polis is also involved with ProgressNow.
On November 20, Polis' hard work paid off, as he was given Mexico's "Ohtli" award by their local consul general, Juan Marcos Gutierrez. As shall become clear, receiving that award might be considered a strong indication that the recipient is a Fifth Columnist:
...The award is the highest Mexican...
Forum to address impound law - 10/07/06
[[September 28, 2006]]/Sarah Lynch//East Valley Tribune/ link
Consul: we both want a "legal, orderly and humane flow of people" - 09/27/06
It was a canard fest at Ohlone College in Fremont (Bay Area, CA) on Tuesday as Mexican Consul General Alfonso de Maria y Campos spoke about illegal immigration. All of his statements have been heard many times before from both Mexicans and Americans. And, Angela Woodall of The Argus (part of the ANG Newspapers group) served only as a transcription service. If - and it doesn't seem likely - she asked him any questions, they aren't included in her report.
"Mexican ambassador endorses comprehensive immigration reform" [safe, legal and orderly] - 08/14/06
Speaking at the third annual Border Security Conference at UTEP (University of Texas at El Paso), Mexico's ambassador to the United States, Carlos de Icaza, gave his stamp of approval to "comprehensive" immigration "reform." He not only joins Bush, Fox, Kennedy, McCain, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jack Kemp, and a host of others in supporting the scam, but U.S. ambassador to Mexico Tony Garza spoke at the same gala and also supported the scam:
[De Icaza] praised growing cooperation that has allowed increased trade and security efforts between Mexico and the United States while encouraging U.S....
Banks worried about being called felons just because they may have aided and abetted illegal aliens - 05/09/06
The Chicago Tribune's "Immigrant bill worries banks" from Becky Yerak informs us that officers of banks that give home loans to illegal aliens are worried about being named as felons if HR4437 passes.
As discussed below [1], if a bank knows that someone is here illegally, and then gives them a home loan that allows them to stay here illegally, hasn't that bank committed a felony under current law?
Former Mexican consul organized the Georgia boycott - 04/03/06
Welcome readers of the Washington Post's "Town's-Eye View of Immigration Debate" (link). There are a few things missing from that report, the most important being that the boycott the WaPo mentions was organized by a former Mexican Consul General. The WaPo's Peter Slevin says:
Proponents of more generous accommodations for illegal immigrants staged a one-day economic boycott on March 24 that shuttered businesses and boosted morale.
Did Slevin know who was involved in that boycott? Shouldn't he had mentioned it if he knows?
Is the New York Times a Mexican newspaper? - 09/30/05
I'm left with the distinct impression that the New York Times is a Mexican newspaper after reading "Way North of the Border" by Eduardo Porter and Elisabeth Malkin.
Here's the paragraph on which they construct the rest of their story:
"New ID Cards Help Immigrants Keep Their Money Safe" - 09/30/04
The following is an alleged news report from Austin TX's KXAN:
The Mexican consulate has announced a program which puts a face, literally, on thousands of Mexican immigrants.
Authorities say something as simple as an identification card will save money and lives.
It's an important day for immigrants. Many of them live and work in the shadows, with no formal identification card and no place to put their money.
Who is the FDIC? And, why are they working with a foreign government to subvert our laws? - 09/20/04
The FDIC - "an independent agency of the federal government" - is working with the Mexican consulate in Chicago, banks, and community groups to give home loans to "immigrants." If they're legal immigrants, and thus American citizens (or on their way), why is a foreign government involved?
The article "NWI banks offer home loans to undocumented immigrants" (link) explains why:
"Border Patrol checks 'interior'" - 06/11/04
The Washington Times reports on the recent arrests of illegal aliens in the interior. (Previous coverage of this here).
It contains this interesting bit (link):
Beware of the Mexican government bearing gifts - 05/31/04
An L.A. Daily News editorial discusses the Mexican government's latest scheme:
Although it's poor form to criticize a gift, it's hard not to second-guess the Mexican government's choice of presents for the people of Los Angeles County.
Mexico joins hands with LAUSD, inserts tentacles - 03/18/04
From the L.A. Daily News article 'Mexico joins hands with LAUSD' (dailynews . com/Stories/0,1413,200%257E20954%257E2024346,00.html):
Hoping to boost academic performance and lower dropout rates among Latino students, the Mexican government and Los Angeles Unified School District officials announced a joint outreach program Wednesday targeting Spanish-speaking families.
"Mexican ID opens doors for undocumented workers in U.S." - 02/21/03
I created a thread here about the Dallas Morning News article "Mexican ID opens doors for undocumented workers in U.S." (link). The subtitle of the article is 'Critics say 'matricula' is a tool to facilitate illegal immigration', which in a way summarizes the whole article: it's mostly pro-Matricula Consular, with a few anti-MC comments thrown in for a semblance of balance.
Of particular note: