Mexican consulate given free reign of Border Patrol station?
From this (no permalink):
Local 2544 has credible reports that the Naco Station PAIC allowed Mexican Consulate personnel full, unsupervised access to illegal aliens being held at the Naco Border Patrol station. Mexican Consulate personnel were personally escorted into the Naco Border Patrol detention area by the PAIC, and were allowed to interview the witnesses of an officer-involved shooting BEFORE any law enforcement personnel interviewed them. The Mexican Consulate personnel were allowed to independently remove illegal aliens from their detention cells, move them around in the detention area, and otherwise act as though they owned the place. We must note that the last time we checked, the detention area at the Naco Border Patrol station was the property of the United States, it was a "secure" area intended for law enforcement operations, and was paid for by American taxpayers. Allowing the Mexican Consulate personnel full and unsupervised physical access to the Border Patrol detention building is not only a grave security risk, but it's disgraceful. There have been numerous reports of the Naco station PAIC kowtowing to Mexican government officials, as well as calling illegal aliens "my people" and telling area ranchers that they "stole" their land from Mexico...
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 01/30/2007 - 02:29
come on the property of the so called U.S. Government is the property of mexico, so get in line with the new ideals, after-all don't you want to be Assimilated into Mexico? or is it ASS-LATED-Into mexico? by the way Naco Border patrol is and has been in the hands of the mexican government for over 15 years, this is normal for the little drug dealer Mexican Consulated guy to show up and move his drug runner around and some times buy's some out of jail.