Jared Polis, Colorado Springs awarded by Mexican government (Ohtli award)

Jared Polis is a dotcom multimillionaire who serves as Vice-Chairman of the Colorado State Board of Education. He's also donated large sums of cash to "liberal" causes and candidates. Last year, that Board produced Colorado's guide for illegal aliens, and Polis is also involved with ProgressNow.

On November 20, Polis' hard work paid off, as he was given Mexico's "Ohtli" award by their local consul general, Juan Marcos Gutierrez. As shall become clear, receiving that award might be considered a strong indication that the recipient is a Fifth Columnist:
...The award is the highest Mexican government award outside of Mexico. The Ohtli - Nahuatl for "path" - award is given to someone who has contributed to the betterment of the Mexican community and has helped Mexicans abroad.

"This was a tough year for us because of the race issues and immigration issues, so we look for a person who advocates for the Mexican community and who had done it for a long time," Gutierrez said. Polis "is smart, successful, and he has been one of the most effective advocates on education and the Dream Act."

...The "Amistad" award was given to the city of Steamboat Springs for its work in reaching out to its growing Latino community. Sister Alicia Cuaron was given the "Merito Communitario" award for her lifelong dedication to the Latino community...
The anti-American DREAM Act would take college discounts from U.S. citizens and give them to Mexican citizens and others who are here illegally.

Apparently recipients are nominated by a putatively U.S. organization, the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO). The awards are given by the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior), which is led by Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez. The IME is part of the Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, their state department. Earlier this CGG said:
"The basic concept is that the Mexican nation goes beyond the borders that contain Mexico. You can feel part of our nation without being on our territory... For the first time, we are exporting our politics. Many Mexicans now live 'transnational' lives, with one foot in our country and one foot in the other. This contributes to everyone's well-being."
Other recipients of the award include (source: preview.tinyurl.com/y47yrg):

* Harry Pachon, president of the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute (1), former executive director of NALEO (2)

* Douglas, Arizona Mayor Ray Borane (frequent anti-Minuteman and/or pro-illegal immigration quote source)

* former Congressmen Edward Roybal and Eligio "Kika" de la Garza

* current Congressman Luis Gutierrez

* former Congressman and current Senator Bob Menendez (reasons for his award here: preview.tinyurl.com/y22rtr).

* Ruben Barrales, Deputy Assistant to the President of the United States; White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs

In 2003, a recipient was the assistant police Chief of Austin, Texas, Rudy Landeros. Vicente Fox was present when he was given the award, and it's related to a program started in 2000 by that city's police chief, Stan Knee:
[Knee] directed the launch of an outreach program to alert the community about the increase in robberies of Hispanics. The program consisted of a series of news conferences and an appeal to Hispanics to report crimes against them. Posters, bumper stickers, and radio public service announcements were distributed in both English and Spanish. The goal of this outreach program was to ensure the safety of the Hispanic immigrant community in the City of Austin.

The Austin Police Department is partnered with the Texas Secretary of State, Mexican Consulate, Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Wells Fargo... the project was called Banca Facil - Easy Banking.

In February 2001, APD Assistant Chief Rudy Landeros and Eliza May, Executive Director of the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce addressed the issue with Rick Burciaga, Chairman and CEO for Wells Fargo in Austin, encouraging Wells Fargo to participate in the outreach program. May indicated that one solution that would help protect the immigrant population would be to make banking products more easily accessible. It was the beginning of Banca Facil.
From 2005:
...Tommy Espinoza and Alfredo Gutierrez were honored at the Ohtli Award presentation, co-hosted by ASU and the Secretary of Foreign Relations of Mexico at the ASU Kerr Cultural Center.

...Espinoza is the chief executive officer of Raza Development Fund, the largest and most successful financial institution for the development for Hispanic communities. [...former president of Chicanos Por La Causa...]

Recently, he, along with the Consulate of Mexico, collected almost $2 million to fight the Proposition 200 that was approved by the electorate of Arizona. The approval of this initiative was lowered from 76 percent to 56 percent.

...Gutierrez won a seat in the Arizona Senate in 1972. He was then 27 years old and the youngest person who had ever been elected to the state Senate. For 14 years he served Arizona in that capacity. He now leads Tequida & Gutierrez, a consulting company that produces strategic campaigns in English and Spanish...


pro 200 will not be placed in law, the consulate of mexico ( read drug dealers and reds ) will win, "its not just about pro 200", "its about our taxs dollars going to mexico", the system of evil is in place and words and our laws mean nothing to the evil system of mexico and its pig people, the only thing that means anything to the little rats is opened war here and on the system of total evil, "talk all you want", see North American Union and your government that wants this union of total corruption of laws and our ideals of right and wrong.

The end game is your totally enslavement by the rats and pigs of mexico and china and the third world leaders who hate you as much as Bin Laden and Bush and name it in washingtion D.C. AND MAY God Help you all when that control is totally in place. buy guns.