john and ken
John and Ken: KFI 640 AM
John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou are radio hosts on KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles. In the distant past, they frequently opposed illegal immigration and showed a willingness to tangle with national and local politicians over the issue. Even the White House tried to silence them.
However, the "Whitney Houston incident" appeared to be a turning point for them. Shortly after her death, they called her a "crack ho", earning a suspension from KFI management.
J&K came back to the radio chastened and haven't tried to push the boundaries much since. Now they almost always punch down; they only punch up to natural punching bags like Lost Angeles City councilmen. When they punch down, it's to those who can't defend themselves like the homeless and fast food workers. They truly hate - not "H8" but actual "put them in camps" hate - those who they should have at least past solidarity with. J&K simply aren't smart enough to figure out that fast food workers are natural allies against illegal immigration. J&K are too corrupt to promote realistic plans to reduce homelessness, even though that would help everyone. They're pure ids, like an un-bandaged, bleeding cut.
While they've been skeptical of Donald Trump on past occasions, nowadays they're fully on the Trump Train. Like Big Jim McBob and Billy Sol Hurok, they cheer Trump's childish trolling attempts, even as he raises taxes on California, colludes with Pelosi on amnesty, and pushes policies that will harm the USA.
Another factor in their transformation appears to be un- and anti-American libertarians like Reason Magazine, Kennedy of Fox News, and fiscal con hacks like Joel Kotkin. They've praised all - and had Kennedy as a guest host - despite them having as much trouble telling the truth as Trump. Perhaps feeling pressured by having to pay college tuition, Kobylt - already a misanthrope - became a full on sociopath and was easy pickings for libertarians selling a fantasy world where Kobylt could have the smooth roads he craves without paying for them.
By elevating venal crooks and turning on natural allies, Kobylt & Chiampou are actually harming themselves, but they lack the smarts and the sanity to realize that.