AVWatch: Antonio Villaraigosa panders at gala supporting fashion designer charged with rape (Anand Jon, McAuliffe)
Posted Thu, Oct 4, 2007 at 1:54 pm
Anand Jon is a fashion designer who's been charged with 59 counts of sexual assault or rape involving women between 14 and 27 [1]. The number of charges was recently raised from 46 in June, and he's now in jail. His lawyer says it's all fabricated.
Meanwhile, on September 15th, former MEChA leader, Hillary Clinton campaign co-chair, and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa attended a gala organized by Jon's sister for the "Friends of the South Asian American Communities". It featured a large number of people wearing t-shirts saying, "We Support Anand Jon" [2].

In addition to Tony Villar, former DNC chairman and current Chairman of the Hillary Clinton for President campaign Terry McAuliffe was there (note the "We Support Anand Jon" t-shirt):
What a party indeed.
UPDATE 2: Whether Sanjaya Jon "hijacked" the event or not, it should have been abundantly clear to anyone watching the fashion show that support for Anand Jon was a major part of it. Both Villaraigosa and McAuliffe have been around the block multiple times, so surely they must have wondered who this "Anand Jon" was. Despite that, McAuliffe still had his picture taken with someone wearing one of the shirts. Here are four photos from http://www.newsasia.us/fosaac-pics.asp, click for a larger version:
UPDATE 3: Kevin Kaul (fosaac.com/kevinkaul/bio.html) - founder and chairman of the "Friends of the South Asian American Communities" (fosaac.com), the group that organized the event, is a Hillraiser (hillaryclinton.com/feature/HillRaisers).
And, from fosaac.com/images/fosaac%20ad%20sep%2015th%20jpeg_1.jpg here's the flyer for the event:

The "Cultural Program Highlights" section says "Fashion extravaganza by international fashion designer Sanjana Jon. This special event will also mark the runway debut of Donald Trump's beautiful daughter Tiffany Trump." There's no mention of her brother that I can see. It also features what appears to be a letter from George Bush, and it lists another "chief guest": Lee Baca. It also says that Barbara Boxer was invited; apparently she had other things to do. ----------- [1] That link was celebritymound . com/?cat=1223, but that's now a different, questionable site so don't visit it. [2] That link was newsasia . us/community-fosaac.asp but the site is gone.
Meanwhile, on September 15th, former MEChA leader, Hillary Clinton campaign co-chair, and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa attended a gala organized by Jon's sister for the "Friends of the South Asian American Communities". It featured a large number of people wearing t-shirts saying, "We Support Anand Jon" [2].

In addition to Tony Villar, former DNC chairman and current Chairman of the Hillary Clinton for President campaign Terry McAuliffe was there (note the "We Support Anand Jon" t-shirt):

What a party indeed.
...members of the fashion community participated in [Jon's sister's] Fashion extravaganza in support of global independence, civil rights and her brother the crown prince of couture designer ANAND JON... A line up of stunning models wearing "WE SUPPORT ANAND JON" opened a spectacular fashion presentation on the 15 of September for the annual gala event for FOSAAC celebrating 60 years of Indian independence... [...a video "humaniz[ing]" Anand Jon was shown...]UPDATE: In comments, "Intimately Involved" says:
After the LA Mayor introduced Terry McAuliffe, Sanjana Jon, Marla Maples, Camille McDonald, and Amrita Thapar took the stage and made a plea to the community and politicians to take a strong stance and consideration regarding the violation of individual's civil rights. GUILTY BY COLOR should be eradicated and justice served was the main message promoted through the show.
The Honorable Mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa had greeted the audience with "Namaste". The Mayor expressed his warm gratitude towards the South Asian community, he had said, "you have always supported me whether it was for State Assembly or the Speaker of Assembly and now as Mayor." The Mayor had said, "It is not only India’s Independence but it is Mexican Independence as well, our flags are similar and so are the people. It is my honor to be the Mayor of Los Angeles, where my grandfather had come a hundred years ago with a dream. ...[American dream, Mahatma Gandhi, etc.]... So the connection between Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian people, Mexicans, Americans of every nationality is deep and profound. ...["peaceful co-existence among the nations", etc... ...[Los Angeles is a] diverse city in America and a diverse city in the world...
[McAuliffe said:] "...The South Asian Commuinty has been with us in our good and bad times. I will never forget what you have done for the Clinton family. You have been our friends and you have made us stronger."
This accusation is completely false. I was intimately involved with the event and the fact is that sanjana jon, anands sister, was hired explicitly as a professional to create a 15 minute fashion show to commence the evenings schedule of awards and dinner. The event never was advertised in anyway to be connected with Anand John. The true summary of the events, rather than a blog post that ambiguously states names, is locate here: http://indiapost.com/article/communitypost/1053/1/print/ The event was to celebrate Indian Independence Day with an award show and dinner. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was invited to introduce Terry McAulife, the guest of honor, and to present him his award. Please get your facts straight next time. This kind of slanderous garbage deserves to be in tabloids, as there is no 1st person verification, and John and Ken drew their sources from a blog post.The "best" defense from the Villar/McAuliffe perspective would be that the "blog post" is a pro-Anand inflation of the events. Does "Intimately Involved" deny that there was a pro-Anand video and that pro-Anand statements were made? Even if only a small part of the event was pro-Anand, shouldn't Villaraigosa and McAuliffe have distanced themselves from that part of the event, and shouldn't McAuliffe have avoided having his picture taken with someone wearing a "We Support Anand Jon" t-shirt? Wouldn't, for instance, Hillary run from a photo op with someone wearing a Che t-shirt? The indiapost link says Sahara One Television was there; perhaps someone has a tape. I note also that "my facts" are the ones not in italics; the only contradiction between "Intimately Involved"'s description and mine is the extent of his sister's involvement in organizing the event. And, assuming the italicized quotes from Villaraigosa are accurate, he's still a pandering fool.
UPDATE 2: Whether Sanjaya Jon "hijacked" the event or not, it should have been abundantly clear to anyone watching the fashion show that support for Anand Jon was a major part of it. Both Villaraigosa and McAuliffe have been around the block multiple times, so surely they must have wondered who this "Anand Jon" was. Despite that, McAuliffe still had his picture taken with someone wearing one of the shirts. Here are four photos from http://www.newsasia.us/fosaac-pics.asp, click for a larger version:

UPDATE 3: Kevin Kaul (fosaac.com/kevinkaul/bio.html) - founder and chairman of the "Friends of the South Asian American Communities" (fosaac.com), the group that organized the event, is a Hillraiser (hillaryclinton.com/feature/HillRaisers).
And, from fosaac.com/images/fosaac%20ad%20sep%2015th%20jpeg_1.jpg here's the flyer for the event:

The "Cultural Program Highlights" section says "Fashion extravaganza by international fashion designer Sanjana Jon. This special event will also mark the runway debut of Donald Trump's beautiful daughter Tiffany Trump." There's no mention of her brother that I can see. It also features what appears to be a letter from George Bush, and it lists another "chief guest": Lee Baca. It also says that Barbara Boxer was invited; apparently she had other things to do. ----------- [1] That link was celebritymound . com/?cat=1223, but that's now a different, questionable site so don't visit it. [2] That link was newsasia . us/community-fosaac.asp but the site is gone.
llamajockey (not verified)
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 00:46
HS 12636 cvlamantia@comcast.net 2007-10-05T02:46:19-05:00
You think the Norman Hsu scandal was bad?? Wait until they uncover the pot of money that Hillary of the Punjab is collecting from the Indian IT Labor Arbitrage rackets. Hillary Loves Bill?? Sure, Gates that is, as in if you want unlimited H1-Bs you got them. Only the most blindly partisan Democrat is unable to admit that once the slimely rock that is the Clintonista Indian connect is overturned the stench will gag a maggot. Even Wolcott over at Vanity Fair has to admit the sense of doom that hangs around the Hillary 2008 trainwreck is palpable. http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/blogs/wolcott/2007/10/just-as-the-met.html
eh (not verified)
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 04:06
HS 12637 e10k@hotmail.com 2007-10-05T06:06:44-05:00
More ethnic bullshit, heavy on the 'South Asian' and light on the American, the latter merely a matter of geography it seems. Rape is a pretty serious crime, and to be attending something like this, ostensibly to benefit SOMEONE THEY\'D PROBABLY NEVER MET, and before all the facts have been aired, e.g. in court, once again shows the power of racially sensitive political correctness, as well as the importance non-whites attach to showing ethnic solidarity in the face of what is implicitly viewed as an unjust white establishment -- that's the message here, right?
Intimately Involved (not verified)
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 05:28
HS 12638 2007-10-05T07:28:12-05:00
This accusation is completely false. I was intimately involved with the event and the fact is that sanjana jon, anands sister, was hired explicitly as a professional to create a 15 minute fashion show to commence the evenings schedule of awards and dinner. The event never was advertised in anyway to be connected with Anand John. The true summary of the events, rather than a blog post that ambiguously states names, is locate here: http://indiapost.com/article/communitypost/1053/1/print/ The event was to celebrate Indian Independence Day with an award show and dinner. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was invited to introduce Terry McAulife, the guest of honor, and to present him his award. Please get your facts straight next time. This kind of slanderous garbage deserves to be in tabloids, as there is no 1st person verification, and John and Ken drew their sources from a blog post.
eh (not verified)
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 06:57
HS 12639 e10k@hotmail.com 2007-10-05T08:57:42-05:00
_The event never was advertised in anyway (sic) to be connected with Anand John (sic)._ Were people wearing the t-shirts? Were the t-shirts being given out at the event? In any case it's still ethnic bullshit.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 07:12
HS 12640 dawes57@cox.net 2007-10-05T09:12:23-05:00
amanda (not verified)
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 07:46
HS 12641 asdfjklsc@yahoo.com 2007-10-05T09:46:01-05:00
T-shirt? Hillary Loves Bill--Gate$! along with his quote wanting unlimited visas
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 16:26
HS 12642 admin@upolitix.com 2007-10-05T18:26:42-05:00
What do you expect from people whose illogical slogans include such gems as "no person is illegal", "bring them out of the shadows", "free Mumia", and "no justice, no peace"? It's all about the pose. You have truly mastered the art of holier-than-thou when you praise and support the scum of the earth.
dave (not verified)
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 16:40
HS 12643 daveg@dave.com 2007-10-05T18:40:29-05:00
Some fashion show! All I see are models and children in raggy ass jeans wearing We Support Anand Jon shirts.
cold666pack (not verified)
Fri, 10/05/2007 - 21:06
HS 12644 sunanabatra@gmail.com 2007-10-05T23:06:21-05:00
Well, I too know someone who was intimately involved with the event who tells me the only way Tony Villar or Terry McAweful did not know a major portion of the event was all about Anand Jon. Kevin Kaul, the Indian version of Norman Hsu, specifically invited the Jon's to participate in the event because he knew he'd get some hot babes at the event if he told folks it was connected to Anand Jon, the fashion designer to the stars. He also tells me of several individuals out there that can verify he has raised a quarter of a million dollars for Hillary Clinton from "Indian Entrepreneuers" that have Indian-based businesses. I'd be curious to know if any of these entrepreneurs are not US citizens. Wouldn't that be illegal? It's gonna get very interesting, and I'm quite glad this is seeing the light of day. Kevin Kaul and his band of (many unknowingly) frauds need to be held accountable, as does Tony Villar and Terry McAweful. I'd like to know why they stuck around once they knew a rapist was being held up as a pillar of the community.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 10/07/2007 - 13:46
HS 12645 dawes57@cox.net 2007-10-07T15:46:37-05:00
All great targets for political leaders of Mexico/NAU if you know what i mean?
LindaV (not verified)
Tue, 02/19/2008 - 03:09
HS 12649 lindavega08@yahoo.com 2008-02-19T05:09:26-06:00
I was there in Beverly Hills for the event for Global Independence. I think Sanjana is fighting for civil rights and for her brother's and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I support Anand Jon and will help to keep fighting for his innocence.
whooza (not verified)
Fri, 10/09/2009 - 10:17
HS 12650 whoozakooza@gmail.com 2009-10-09T12:17:16-05:00
Antonio Villaraigosa is a familiar politician from United States of Roman Catholic religion.An amazing celebrity Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa with Lauren Slater (KOOZA ICON) promoting the upcoming Cirque du Soleil show "Kooza" in Santa Monica. For more pictures