los angeles

los angeles: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

John Szabo lies about book "bannings", then supports "bannings" (librarian, LAPL) - 10/03/23

John Szabo of the Los Angeles Public Library is lying about books being banned, and then ironically supports what he calls banning. Confused? Let me explain. Szabo tweeted this from the LAPL account [1]: October 1 - 7 is #BannedBooksWeek. Celebrate the freedom to read and learn about the current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools. Click to learn more about the annual event that has brought together the entire book community

Letter to Eric Garcetti aide 1/24/21 - 01/26/21

The following is a Covid19-related letter sent to an aide for Los Angeles City mayor Eric Garcetti on 1/24/21. See the Covid19 page for the background details. It's hard to find a Garcetti supporter on social media. Even the LAT has admitted how bad the rollout has been.

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Public Records Act request 1/12/21 - 01/26/21

The following is a Covid19-related Public Records Act request sent to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health on 1/12/21. They've requested an extension and their reply will be posted when it's available. See the Covid19 page for the background details.

John and Ken, Eric Garcetti harm Los Angeles at KFI mayoral debate - 03/02/17

Earlier today, John and Ken of KFI in Los Angeles held a debate featuring all the candidates for the upcoming mayoral election, except for Eric Garcetti. Garcetti and his handlers are afraid of him being asked tough questions or being made to look foolish.

California DMV inconveniences citizens to help illegal aliens (walk-ins, appointments) - 01/27/15

The California Department of Motor Vehicles is now handing out drivers licenses to illegal aliens. They expect over a million illegal aliens to apply and have hired hundreds of new workers and opened four new temporary offices to handle the demand. The DMV is also inconveniencing citizens and legal residents in the process.

Los Angeles ID cards for illegal aliens: follow the money and power (Alarcon) - 09/11/12

The Los Angeles City Council has voted to consider turning the L.A. Public Library card into an ID card that illegal aliens can use. No matter how the plan is spun, it all boils down to one of two things (or a combination): money and power.

Walter Russell Mead blames the victims of globalization, mass immigration (California, The American Interest, Kotkin) - 07/15/12

For a while I've been tracking the "Fiscal Con": examples of fiscal conservatives deflecting blame from the impacts of the policies they support or ignore. Now, Walter Russell Meade ("WRM") offers what might be called the "Global Con". From '"Green" Energy Bias Killing California' [1]:

Poll: 61% oppose California driver's licenses for illegal aliens (51% of Hispanics & Democrats oppose) - 02/28/12

California state assemblyman Gil Cedillo has yet again introduced a bill to give drivers licenses to give illegal aliens.

Antonio Villaraigosa to attack Mitt Romney on immigration (racist dog whistle?) - 02/08/12

From [1]: Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a Democrat, plans to dig into Mitt Romney in a speech on immigration reform Wednesday, when he will call the candidate's rhetoric and anti-immigrant endorsers "beyond the pale."

Bell, California: see who isn't telling you the whole truth (hint: libertarians) - 08/25/10

The city of Bell, California has been in the news lately due to exorbitant salaries that city officials voted to give themselves. Most of those using Bell as an example of failed policies have failed to note that they themselves support failed policies, and those failed policies have played a role in Bell's situation. Two examples will be provided below, and the reader is encouraged to add more in comments.

Fiscal Policy Institute, NY Daily News mislead about benefits of massive immigration - 11/30/09

The Fiscal Policy Institute has released a new report called "Contribution of Immigrant Workers to the Country's 25 Largest Metropolitan Areas"; it was sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation and a Service Employees International Union local and you can get the PDF at fiscalpolicy.org/immigration.html.

Daniel Flaming/Economic Roundtable's intellectually dishonest, anti-American report: CA underemployment rate might reach 17% - 06/20/09

The Los Angeles-based Economic Roundtable has written a report called "Ebbing Tides in the Golden State" which can be downloaded from economicrt.org.

2009 immigration marches get tea party-level turnout (actually even less) - 05/01/09

The 2009 marches in support of illegal immigration are getting a turn-out roughly equivalent to that of the tea parties or less. For the high side of figures, turn to the Fair Immigration Reform Movement at fairimmigration.wordpress.com

Census worker sign: "Yes we can! 2010 census." (highly politicized Los Angeles office) - 04/06/09

Ari Bloomekatz of the Los Angeles Times offers this blurb: "The census is here!" shouted Esther Cepeda, manager of the local census office downtown. Music played and employees carried signs that read: "The census, coming to your neighborhood" and "Yes we can! 2010 census." "Yes we can" was, of course, one of Barack Obama's campaign slogans, and he took it from the slogan "si se puede"; if there are Spanish-language versions of those signs it would almost certainly be translated into that phrase. While it's had other uses, that slogan was more recently used in support of illegal immigration at...

Most literate cities of 2008: NYC at #24, L.A. at #56 - 12/26/08

The "America's Most Literate Cities 2008" list has been released by Central Connecticut State University: link. Things like this generally fall into the FWIW/"for entertainment purposes only" category due to the varying definitions of "literate" and so forth. And, some sections of a given city are more "literate" than others, and some cities may be more cohesively "literate" vs certain others which only have a few islands of "literate-ness" scattered about.

Felipe Calderon Feb. 2008 U.S. visit: Eliot Spitzer, Blagojevich, Schwarzenegger, Villaraigosa, Fabian Nunez - 02/09/08

Mexico's president Felipe Calderon will be visiting parts of their former territory next week, stopping in New York, Boston, Chicago, Sacramento, and Los Angeles but apparently avoiding Washington DC. In addition to U.S. officials, and some who are supposedly U.S. officials, he'll probably also be meeting with community leaders, such as those from non-profits, "hometown associations", the leaders of his PAN party who operate inside the U.S., and the like. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find a listing, but if anyone could leave information in comments that would be quite helpful. In...

AVWatch: Antonio Villaraigosa panders at gala supporting fashion designer charged with rape (Anand Jon, McAuliffe) - 10/04/07

Anand Jon is a fashion designer who's been charged with 59 counts of sexual assault or rape involving women between 14 and 27 [1]. The number of charges was recently raised from 46 in June, and he's now in jail. His lawyer says it's all fabricated.

Media alert: Elvira Arellano has left the sanctuary (L.A., DC on tour) - 08/17/07

Elvira Arellano - the illegal alien who was ordered to be deported after being convicted of using a false Social Security number and who's been holed up in a Chicago church for a year and who's only a sympathetic figure to those on the far-left - has left her "sanctuary" and is currently on a road trip.

Bank of "America": credit cards for illegal aliens - 02/12/07

Bank of America is currently offering credit cards to residents of Los Angeles County who only have ITIN numbers and who don't have either a social security number or a credit history. That strongly implies that those credit recipients are illegal aliens. Later this year the bank hopes to expand the program nationwide. For those who don't understand why this is horrifically bad, this bank is indirectly profiting from unlawful activity. And, they're explicitly going after that market. If you're one of those people who don't agree this is bad, imagine some form of illegal activity that you...

Links between the Democratic Party and the Mexican government - 04/22/06

Many Democratic politicians and pundits supported the recent illegal immigration marches, and some Democratic politicians appeared at some of the rallies or even helped organize some of them. And, some other organizers of the rallies have various kinds of links to the government of Mexico. While that's not enough to claim that the Democratic Party has direct links to the Mexican government, they are clearly part of the same network. And, that should be disturbing to the millions of more moderate members of that party. Here are the current known links:

California's educational system in even worse shape than previously thought - 03/11/06

California's schools used to be at the top of the nation, now, according to one ranking, we're between Alabama and Mississippi. This is largely, if not exclusively, due to "liberalism" (think Jackie Goldberg) as well as ethnically-compromised politicians who support illegal immigration (think Antonio Villaraigosa). Via a comment from 'eh', Dan Walters offers "Dry statistical report portends immense tragedy in the making": ...Extrapolating from the two sets of data, the exit exam could push graduation rates for African American and Latino youngsters down to a third of those who begin the...

"Banks aim to help immigrants send money home" - 01/27/06

What a heart-warming title to this CSM report (link). Of course, they don't go into the downsides: billions of dollars is flowing out of the country and being used to prop up corrupt foreign governments and depriving those countries of the citizens and industries they need to improve. And, that encourages those corrupt governments to send us even more of their people. And, many of those "immigrants" are in fact illegal aliens.

Michael R. Blood / AP biased report on "National Day of Protest" - 01/08/06

The AP reports on the "National Day of Protest" against illegal immigration in the Drudge-linked "Few Drawn to Illegal Immigration Protests" [1] by Michael R. Blood. The very first paragraph contains a highly misleading statement: Illegal immigration protests organized across the country Saturday drew small numbers, and some were outnumbered and out-shouted by those who support immigrant rights.

"L.A.'s schools bleed red ink" - 09/13/05

Gosh, what could be causing the Los Angeles Unified School District to be in such a financial bind? This current story appears to have many culprits, including the beloved teachers' union. But, there's only so much money to go around, and any money spent on educating a citizen of another country is money that could be spent on our own citizens and on health benefits for teachers and such. Meanwhile: Acknowledging that their effort will probably lead nowhere, Los Angeles Unified school board members will try again today to figure out how to pay for billions of dollars in retirement health...

Massive Los Angeles power outage; your blogger OK; morbid sight seen - 09/12/05

[Note that this post is from September 2005. For the more minor July 8, 2009 outage, see this. This site normally concentrates on more important matters such as immigration, and for all the things the MSM won't tell you about that topic see our homepage or subscribe to our feed.] Earlier today a massive power outage knocked out power to about half of the city of Los Angeles, as well as parts of the County, the Dog Trainer informs us. I know, I was there! Since I couldn't either blog or surf for midget pr0n, I decided to go for a slow jog in Griffith Park. Yesterday I did top-of-Lake to Echo...

Sources say: Larry Ellison out of L.A. - 07/11/05

The Los Angeles Times' Hot Properties column has done some investigative journalism and wants to know why Oracle CEO and billionaire Larry "Lawrence" Ellison is buying up a bunch of properties in Malibu (latimes . com/classified/realestate/hotprop/la-re-hotprop10jul10,0,6103310.story). In the past two years, Lawrence has spent $180 million for real estate in the beachside enclave, most of it for houses rather than commercial property. Note that Oracle is based in the Bay Area and that's where Ellison lives. The LAT also notes that Larry wants to bring an NFL franchise to our fair town.

AVWatch: Annotating Villaraigosa's speech - 06/02/05

L.A.'s mayor-elect Antonio Villaraigosa appeared at the "Take Back America" event (for "progressives", not necessarily reconquistas). Here are his remarks, annotated with few randomly chosen links:

California's future not fully 100% doom and gloom - 06/02/05

No, there is the fairly good possibility that things will not end in the complete meltdown of the state and it eventually physically separating itself from the mainland and being crushed by the Pacific, a new report reveals. According to the Public Policy Institute of California's new report "California 2025: It's Your Choice" (ppic.org/main/publication.asp?i=600), by that year we'll have 8 to 10 million more people living here, with a severly strained infrastructure to match:

"Hertzberg vs. Villaraigosa" - 02/21/05

In a Sunday editorial, the L.A. Times [1] says, "...the people of Los Angeles would be well served by a runoff election between Bob Hertzberg and Antonio Villaraigosa...", Yes, indeed.

Mexico joins hands with LAUSD, inserts tentacles - 03/18/04

From the L.A. Daily News article 'Mexico joins hands with LAUSD' (dailynews . com/Stories/0,1413,200%257E20954%257E2024346,00.html): Hoping to boost academic performance and lower dropout rates among Latino students, the Mexican government and Los Angeles Unified School District officials announced a joint outreach program Wednesday targeting Spanish-speaking families.