Talk radio hosts, listeners head to DC to oppose amnesty
Posted Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 12:09 pm
From this:
More than 30 talk radio hosts and hundreds of their listeners are scheduled to converge on the nation's capital next week to lobby against comprehensive immigration reform measures that would offer what critics views as "amnesty" to illegal immigrants.The hosts include L.A.'s John and Ken (KFI 640 AM).
The conservative Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and San Diego radio talk show host Roger Hedgecock are sponsoring a marathon of talk radio and Capitol Hill lobbying, dubbed "Hold Their Feet to the Fire 2007."
The four-day event will kick off on Sunday, April 22, with a rally near the White House. From Monday through Wednesday, 36 radio hosts will broadcast from the Phoenix Park Hotel near the U.S. Capitol while an estimated 700 volunteers will visit elected officials and urge them to oppose what they consider to be "amnesty."
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 04/17/2007 - 06:56
HS 10701 2007-04-17T08:56:13-05:00
all the best but the deal has been made the troops of the third world drug dealers are in place to take control if you get out of line.
Rightmom (not verified)
Tue, 04/17/2007 - 15:55
HS 10702 2007-04-17T17:55:41-05:00
There appears to be more then just radio guys that week going on I support the mission:-)