guest workers

guest workers: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

GOP "Standards for Immigration Reform": how it's wrong, how it won't work, what you can do - 01/30/14

The GOP "Standards for Immigration Reform" have been released. It's a short summary of the guidelines the Republican Party leadership will use for their own amnesty push. First I'll quote the full document, followed by a discussion of some of the ways it won't work and it misleads. That's followed by some very effective things you can do to stop the GOP effort.

Darrell Issa to introduce mass immigration legalization plan for illegal aliens ("halfway" means full amnesty) - 10/23/13

GOP Rep. Darrell Issa plans to introduce ( ) a plan that would legalize most illegal aliens in the U.S. for a period of six years.

Ben Powell promotes Red Card plan, H1Bs using shaky economics (immigration, Forbes) - 10/19/13

In Forbes, Ben Powell of Texas Tech University offers "A U.S. Worker Shortage Calls For 'Red Card' Immigration Reform" ( ). A discussion of how the article is wrong follows this excerpt:

Jason Stverak misleads about immigration and the free market (Franklin Center, Koch, Krieble) - 10/04/13

In Forbes, Jason Stverak of the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity offers "To Achieve Real Immigration Reform, Put The Free Market Front And Center" ( ).

AFL-CIO reaches agreement with Chamber of Commerce on guest workers - 02/21/13

Richard Trumka and Tom Donohue - respective heads of the AFL CIO and US Chamber of Commerce - have released a "Joint Statement of Shared Principles" on a guest workers program.

Marco Rubio is delusional or tries to deceive on legalization (immigration, amnesty) - 01/12/13

Marco Rubio continues selling out both the GOP and the U.S. with his plans for comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty). See his name's link for his past efforts that have harmed the U.S. and for a discussion of why his immigration ideas won't work.

Very likely Rep. Trey Gowdy will help push immigration amnesty - 01/08/13

Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina is the new head of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. Despite what you might hear from Gowdy and others, it looks like he's weak on comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty, aka some sort of large illegal alien legalization program).

Don't be fooled by Lincoln Club of Orange County's immigration plan (Robert Loewen) - 12/03/12

Last month, the Lincoln Club of Orange County released a "Policy Statement on Immigration Reform" [1]. Their plan is - in a word - delusional. I'll quote the most delusional part of their plan, and explain why it wouldn't work as they want you to think it would.

Howard Buffett shouts "Viva Mexico!"; supports amnesty and guest workers; enables illegal immigration; wins Mex. govt award - 12/02/12

That very long title is more than justified since Howard Buffett - son of Warren Buffett - has been very busy supporting very bad immigration policies.

Mitt Romney wimps out on immigration, again (Univision, "our system isn't to deport people") - 09/20/12

Yesterday, Mitt Romney was interviewed on Univision by Jorge Ramos and Maria Elena Salinas; a transcript of his answers about immigration is below.

GOP platform supports Arizona-style laws, but includes guest worker program - 08/21/12

First the good news about the newly-passed GOP platform. From [1]: The official party position now reads that "State efforts to reduce illegal immigration must be encouraged, not attacked," and says the Department of Justice should immediately drop its lawsuits against controversial state immigration laws in Arizona, Alabama, South Carolina and Utah.

Mitt Romney NALEO speech: ever weaker on immigration (chain green cards, comprehensive reform, guest workers) - 06/21/12

Mitt Romney spoke to NALEO - the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials - earlier today and went even weaker on immigration. Excerpts of his remarks, a discussion, and video are below.

USDA: millions fewer illegal aliens wouldn't devastate agriculture (farm labor supply economic models, guest workers) - 06/12/12

The table at [1] is from a Department of Agriculture study (link) showing the impacts of two different immigration scenarios:

Texas 2012 GOP platform goes "liberal" on immigration (IRCOT, Koch) - 06/09/12

The Texas GOP has passed their 2012 platform, and it includes an immigration plank that some will present as somewhat "liberal" or "lenient".

Mitt Romney already weakening immigration position? - 04/02/12

Laura Meckler of the Wall Street Journal offers some more evidence that Mitt Romney might be weakening his somewhat favorable immigration position in preparation for the general election (link).

Newt Gingrich didn't know what 287(g) is; uses loose borders shibboleth (plus the usual immigration speech) - 03/02/12

In an interview with WXIA of Atlanta, Georgia (link), Newt Gingrich admitted not knowing what the 287g program is; see the link if you aren't fam

Rick Perry's unworkable immigration idea: work visas for illegal aliens (John King, CNN, secure the border) - 11/04/11

Rick Perry appeared on CNN's John King show yesterday and supported an unworkable plan: giving work visas to the millions of illegal aliens in the U.S.

2006: George Will supports amnesty, guest workers; misleads with false choice; "unlimited" skilled immigration - 07/03/11

On March 30, 2006, George Will offered "Guard the Borders--And Face Facts" ( ), which was designed to support George W Bush's push for comprehensive immigration reform.

With millions unemployed, Ag Secy Tom Vilsack demeans American workers, promotes amnesty, opposes enforcement, uses bogus talking points, opposes eVerify - 05/27/11

Secretary of the Department of Agriculture Tom Vilsack held a press conference on Wednesday in which he demeaned American workers, promoted immigration "reform", opposed immigration enforcement, and used a series of bogus immigration talking points. An account of his remarks is here, with more excerpts at [1]. 1. Vilsack ran down American workers, saying: "While some American citizens step up and take (farm) jobs, the truth is even when farmers make their best effort to recruit a domestic workforce, few citizens express interest. In large part that's because this is hard, tough work." The...

Shurtleff says Feds won't sue Utah over guest worker scheme (from Utah Compact to America's Compact?) - 04/08/11

Utah recently passed a "guest workers" bill that would have them in effect using a Mexican state as an employment agency. One problem from the perspective of the supporters of the bill: the bill appears to be illegal under federal law, meaning that at the least Utah would need some sort of waiver in order to proceed with the scheme. Needless to say, that's not an issue (link with video). Bearing in mind that things could change (for instance if enough people complain to the U.S. Congress), Utah AG Mark Shurtleff gives the not-too-surprising news that the Obama administration is in his corner...

Utah gov. Gary Herbert signs "guest" worker, other immigration bills - 03/15/11

Utah governor Gary Herbert has signed (link) a bill that would create a state-level guest worker program with a Mexican state (see that link for the details). The bill would also reward illegal immigration, encourage more illegal immigration, lower wages for American workers, and even their legislature admits it's unconstitutional. Regarding the last: Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff said he has been in discussions with the Obama administration regarding the state's desire to work cooperatively with the federal government to obtain the necessary waivers, exemptions or authorizations to...

Utah to start own "guest" worker program, collaborating with Mexican government; Shurtleff; HB466 - 03/02/11

Utah is pushing to start their own state-level guest workers program, and they hope to work with the Mexican government (specifically the state of Nuevo Leon) to do it. This program will almost assuredly reduce wages for Americans in that state, it will probably lead to more illegal immigration (due to the network effect), and it will probably also lead to more mixed status families (i.e., Mexican citizen parents and U.S. citizen children). Their first step is a bipartisan bill (HB466) sponsored by state senator Curt Bramble and state representative [Stephen Sandstrom and promoted by Utah...

Haley Barbour lobbied for Mexican government, now misleads about amnesty - 02/15/11

Mississippi governor Haley Barbour is so bad on immigration that in 2001 he lobbied for the Mexican government on a "mini-amnesty". If you aren't familiar with that government's activities inside the U.S., see that link. Now that his lobbying activities [1] have come to light, he's responded by misleading about amnesty and promoting very bad policies. From a statement he released in response [2]: "Before there can be immigration reform, we must secure our borders. Only after that can any reforms be achieved, and those can’t include amnesty... Everybody knows we are not going to put ten or...

Newt Gingrich supports some parts of DREAM Act; supports guest workers; uses false choice; sounds like Hoffenblum - 12/06/10

The audio below (also at ) has Newt Gingrich clarifying his immigration stance to Laura Ingraham. A round-up is here. In the interview, Gingrich supports at least one part of the anti-American DREAM Act: "I think that it’s legitimate to say, if you’re willing to risk your life for two or three years, serving to protect the United States, we will be willing to consider you for citizenship." However, he claims to oppose broad programs that would give a "pathway to citizenship", preferring instead the more George W Bush-like approach of a massive guest workers plan. Such a...

McCain (of course) is soft on DREAM Act; laughs about anti-American plan (trade Americans for illegal aliens) - 09/15/10

The video at shows a John McCain appearance where a group of illegal aliens ask him to support the anti-American DREAM Act:

Meg Whitman highlights how much she agrees with Jerry Brown, still misleads about immigration - 07/16/10

Meg Whitman offers "Americans must come together to address the problem of illegal immigration" (, [1]), which is basically a rewrite of the previous misleading Whitman editorial about immigration. Since the new editorial and the old one repeat the same lines, see that link for part of why she's misleading, and the below for additional reasons. But, first, here's this admission that should be more than a bit shocking to many of the Republicans who chose her over Steve Poizner (bolding added): In this race, my Democratic opponent, Jerry Brown, has said very little about most issues...

Before donating to Human Rights Watch, ask them about child labor on U.S. farms - 06/02/10

When it comes to immigration matters, far-left organizations love to complain about various downsides of a situation and at the same time support policies that make the situation worse. An example is offered by "Fields of Peril: Child Labor in US Agriculture", a recent report from Human Rights Watch [1]. If you're considering sending them money, please read the following first.

Why Michael Gerson can't be trusted on Arizona's immigration law - 04/28/10

Former George W Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson continues to be an attack toy poodle for the Bush family, this time offering "A test of Arizona's political character" in the Washington Post (link). I'm going to outsource most of this to Byron York (link) and fill in some of the gaps. Gerson starts with no less than two hoary talking points in one paragraph: [Chaos on the border] is an argument for effective border enforcement. It is also an argument for a guest-worker program that permits an orderly, regulated flow of temporary, migrant laborers, allowing border authorities to focus on more...

Sarah Palin goes bogus: "It all comes down to securing the border" - 03/26/10

Sarah Palin has some good qualities, but also bad qualities. And, some of the many latter involves her knowing nothing about immigration, Palin supporting McCain's position on immigration during the campaign, and her just today supporting McCain's worthless posturing on immigration.

Chuck Schumer, Lindsey Graham mislead about their amnesty scheme (3/18/10 edition) - 03/18/10

Senators Charles Schumer and Lindsey Graham - the "dastardly duo" - take to the pages of the Washington Post to offer "The right way to mend immigration", outlining a comprehensive immigration reform scheme they're going to try to push throug

Indiana gov. Mitch Daniels on immigration: not good, but not enough information for full picture - 02/26/10

Indiana governor Mitch Daniels is being mentioned as a fiscal conservative, policy wonk Republican candidate for president in 2012. Like most "fiscal conservatives", he appears to support massive/illegal immigration despite the costs involved and despite how it gives even more power to those on the other side from him.

Martha Coakley immigration position: ignored status as DA; supports massive immigration - 01/16/10

The audio at has a radio interview with Martha Coakley about immigration. She doesn't appear to be a raving loose/open borders loon, but her position is bad, she admits that she wasn't fully doing her job, and part of her position is quite "business-friendly". See [1] for a discussion of the not-fully-correct video and the headline at the page, but the more important thing is her position:

Dan Griswold of Cato peddles more guest workers snake oil (2009 version) - 11/17/09

Dan Griswold of the Cato Institute was one of the inspirations for George W Bush's incredibly anti- and un-American guest workers program, one that would have reduced previously middle-class wages by floodin

Helen Krieble's absurd Red Card "Temporary" Workers "Solution" - 06/23/09

Helen Krieble - president of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation, an heir to the Loctite fortune, and an associate of Dick Armey - has been pushing her own guest workers plan for a few years.

McCain won't support union-driven immigration "reform" push; other uncertainties - 04/19/09

Change to Win and the AFL CIO recently joined forces to promote comprehensive immigration reform. Now. per this, John McCain says: "The current plan being developed by the administration and organized labor calls for immigration reform that does not adequately address either securing the border or a legal temporary worker program and is a plan I cannot support... We need to act on the pressing issue of border security now, and then seek comprehensive immigration legislation that includes a temporary worker program... Any legislation that does not address these two key components is not real...

Change to Win, AFL-CIO join to push immigration "reform"; ditching big business; labor commission - 04/14/09

Julia Preston and Steven Greenhouse of the New York Times offer 'Immigration Accord by Labor Boosts Obama Effort" (link).

Josh Marshall /TPMTV misleads about Michelle Bachmann - 03/24/09

It's apparently open season on Michelle Bachmann [1], so TPM TV - run by Josh Marshall [2] - offers the attached misleading video entitled "The Bachmann Effect". Leaving the other two segments aside, the middle segment takes her comments out of context and shows how little Marshall/TPM understand about immigration issues.

Mitt Romney's giant, amorphous guest worker scheme? - 02/01/08

As pointed out a few times, it's difficult to find out exactly what Mitt Romney's immigration policy is. In the past, he's hinted at attrition, but as far as I know he's never come out explicitly for it and defined it in the depth that Fred Thompson did.

Vicente Fox: FTAA common currency (Amero), Hillary for president, Bill Richardson, driver's licenses, lies about heathcare... - 10/11/07

On Monday's Larry King show, former Mexican president Vicente Fox: * Said that the Free Trade Agreement of the Americans (FTAA; called in Spanish ACLA) on which he worked with president Bush was to, long-term, include a common "Latin American" currency. Since that agreement would apply to the U.S., the currency would apply here as well... * Promoted immigration from Mexico, "guest" workers, and NAFTA... * Lied about U.S. citizens not paying the healthcare costs for illegal aliens... * Agreed with Felipe Calderon's claim that "Mexico does not stop at its border"... * Promoted driver'...

Curt Thompson: Urges Calm and Practicality - 10/03/07

link: galeo . org/story.php?story_id=0000003303 State Sen. Curt Thompson: Urges Calm and Practicality, "stay calm, stay put and get involved" Found in Mundo HispanicoWritten by Senator Curt ThompsonPosted on 2007-07-11 Originally published in Spanish in Mundo Hispanico on July 5, 2007. Posted on GALEO on 7/10/07 in English, courtesy of Sen. Curt Thompson. This version is unedited and is slightly different than the print version. The Spanish print version was edited for space.
