guest workers

guest workers: Page 2

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Senate illegal immigration amnesty: cloture or defeat. And: what you can do. - 06/06/07

[6/7 8pm UPDATE: The bill has ceased to exist... for now. The final try at cloture failed, but the bill might come back later in the year. Please read the original entry below if you'd like to help prevent future tries at amnesty..

White House TWP illegal alien amnesty PowerPoint presentation - 03/29/07

U.S. News has uploaded a PowerPoint presentation the White House has regarding their new illegal alien amnesty scheme in this PDF file. Even by the abysmally low standard of other Bush administration plans, this is idiotic. Most of the provisions in there would not appeal to even the most cravenly corrupt Democrat, so this isn't a good bargaining ploy. And, it allows the far-left illegal immigration supporters (see the Kevin Appleby quote below) and racial power groups to portray the Bush administration as a bunch of meanies, which doesn't seem to square with their supposed play for the "...

Bush's original "guest" worker scheme revealed - 03/28/07

In this video segment from 2004, Margaret Spellings [1] described how Bush's original "guest" worker scheme would be open to *everyone*, specifically mentioning nurses, teachers, and high-tech workers. In brief, president Bush wanted to open (most of) the U.S. labor market to the world, including (previously) middle-class occupations. Oddly enough, the Democrats completely failed to highlight Bush's disastrous, anti- and un-American plans during the 2004 elections. If they had, John Kerry would be president today.

New York Times throws cold water on guest worker schemes - 02/28/07

Steven Greenhouse of the New York Times offers "Low Pay and Broken Promises Greet Guest Workers", which details several Thai and Indonesian workers getting ripped off after being brought to the U.S. as "guest" workers. One group is suing labor contractors and erstwhile employers. I don't know exactly what the NYT is getting at here. Perhaps they favor "guest" worker schemes, but they just want to make sure their future serfs are treated fairly. Or, perhaps they've joined the "legalization for all even if they just snuck over the border five minutes ago" brigade. But, whatever it is, let's...

LULAC, MALDEF, ACLU, business groups fight Texas immigration bills - 02/16/07

A new, apparently unnamed coalition has been formed in Texas to fight state bills designed to reduce illegal immigration. The coalition is using the standard pretext that immigration is a federal responsibility. Of course, they realize that the feds have abrogated their responsibilities; were the feds to enforce the laws, they would push for more local control.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry strongly supports illegal immigration - 01/12/07

Texas governor Rick Perry is closely following the George Bush playbook as he came out against attempts to prevent illegal aliens from taking Texas college tuition discounts from U.S. citizens. Some in Texas want to repeal the law he signed six years ago, and he's pledged to oppose their efforts. And, he's also revealed he's a liar:

Texas gov Rick Perry: no full fence, yes to anchor babies, guest workers - 12/09/06

From this: ...Republican Gov. Rick Perry earned applause from the crowd [at a meeting of the Texas Border Coalition] when he said strategic fencing along the border makes sense but the idea of a complete wall or fence is "preposterous."

Boston Herald wants to "resolve immigration reform" - 11/17/06

The Boston Herald offers a canard-laden editorial called "Time to resolve immigration reform" (link). Like others, they cautiously think this is a good opportunity for the Democrats and Bush to find common ground:

Consul: we both want a "legal, orderly and humane flow of people" - 09/27/06

It was a canard fest at Ohlone College in Fremont (Bay Area, CA) on Tuesday as Mexican Consul General Alfonso de Maria y Campos spoke about illegal immigration. All of his statements have been heard many times before from both Mexicans and Americans. And, Angela Woodall of The Argus (part of the ANG Newspapers group) served only as a transcription service. If - and it doesn't seem likely - she asked him any questions, they aren't included in her report.

Dick Armey, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mike Pence, and Helen Krieble do lunch - 09/26/06

From their press release: FreedomWorks Foundation sponsored a luncheon for Capitol Hill staffers to discuss immigration reform that will balance both security and economic concerns. In particular, the forum will examine options for strengthening our borders while establishing procedures that provide law-abiding workers a legitimate path to the American workplace. FreedomWorks chairman and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey was joined by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN, 6), and Helen Krieble, President of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation. It was her...

"A Compromised Plan" (Mike Pence massive illegal alien amnesty) - 08/06/06

From National Review [1]: Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, both Republicans, are making a last-ditch effort to bridge their party's divide on immigration and pass a bill this year. We agree that the country, and the Republican party, would benefit if a sensible immigration plan were passed soon. The Pence-Hutchison plan isn't one.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez pimps illegal immigration - 07/13/06

Welcome to the Clinton administration, Parts 3 and 4: U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez said the U.S. needs immigrants to meet the employment needs of a growing economy and urged Congress to approve immigration legislation that includes a temporary-worker program. Gutierrez said there were 4.1 million U.S. job openings in May, many in the hospitality industry, that immigrants are needed to fill because Americans can't or won't do that work. "We have jobs today that either American citizens aren't willing to do or aren't able to do," Gutierrez, an immigrant from Cuba, told the...

RFID implants for "guest" workers? - 05/29/06

Recently, Mayor Mike Bloomberg proposed a massive biometric database for every worker in the U.S. In a perhaps unrelated story, VeriChip Corporation has proposed RFID implants for "guest" workers:

Western Governors Association wants "guest" worker program - 02/28/06

From this: The Western Governors Association on Tuesday called on Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform including a temporary guest worker program. The group that represents 18 western states passed the policy resolution unanimously while meeting at the National Governors Association annual conference... UPDATE: As you might expect, it's even worse than the blurb suggests. Utah's "Republican" governor Jon Huntsman is working with Arizona's Janet Napolitano on the "guest" worker scheme and immigration "reform" in general, and they have demands. For instance, they want to...

Bush is lying to you about "guest" workers - 02/18/06

Speaking in Tampa yesterday, president Bush offered a fairly standard recitation of his immigration talking points (link), albeit a bit more incoherent than usual. Let's just look at this one lie-rich paragraph:

Sensenbrenner: no amnesty; perhaps U.S. Chamber of Commerce should register as foreign agent - 01/26/06

From this: Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr., the House point man on immigration, yesterday said that a guest-worker program like the one proposed by President Bush is amnesty and that he cannot accept it in a final immigration bill...

"America's produce industry is facing a crisis" - 12/02/05

Nothing says propaganda like the annual whine from growers demanding more serf labor lest their crops rot in the fields. There have been a few recent newspaper articles about it, and the latest is "A drought of farm labor" (

Bush promotes "temporary" worker scheme, tries to pull wool even further over citizens' eyes - 11/28/05

For the past four years, president Bush has managed to fool millions of Americans into thinking that he's the "homeland security" president. Figuring "once a sucker, always a sucker", he's now reiterated his push for a "temporary" worker scheme and pledging to get tough on border security. Speaking today, he said in part: "Together with Congress we are going to create a temporary worker program that is going to take pressure off the borders, bring workers out of the shadows... People in this debate must recognize that we will not be able to effectively enforce our immigration laws until we...

Dick Morris offers thoughts on Bush and immigration - 11/11/05

Dick Morris to president Bush: "Get serious about immigration reform" (link). Unfortunately, the reform he has in mind is the kind with quotes around it. In the hawk category, he supports the idea of a fence, an idea that does have its downside. Perhaps big fences in some areas and DMZ zones in others would be the better approach.

Big Business Balks at Bush Propaganda Plan - 08/29/05

President Bush has created the Orwellian-named "Americans for Border and Economic Security" to push for his massive guest worker amnesty scheme. Now, Bloomberg reports, Big Business is balking at the plan: ..."There is a reluctance to sign up for something that might turn out not to be the type of immigration reform bill we want to see," said John Gay [1], who runs a coalition in support of guest-worker programs that includes the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, First Data Corp. and Marriott International Inc. Republican lobbyists including Ed Gillespie, the party's former national chairman, and...

"Sens. Cornyn, Kyl Prepare Massive Guestworker Plan" - 05/27/05

Paul Egan of FAIR reports on a Senate immigration hearing attended by John Cornyn (R-TX) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ).

"[Bush] Immigration plan envisions 'incentives' to illegal aliens" - 08/10/04

The Washington Times has all the disturbing, previously undisclosed details on the Bush/Fox Amnesty: Millions of illegal aliens in the United States would be free from arrest and deportation, have access to tax-deferred savings accounts and Social Security credits, and get unrestricted travel to and from their home countries under President Bush's guest-worker program.

Bush has forgotten the Alamo - 03/06/04

The Alamo was stormed 168 years ago today. That's a long long time, and George W Bush has obviously forgotten all about it: A text of President Bush's joint news conference with Mexican President Vicente Fox on Saturday... BUSH: Hola, que tal? Bienvenidos. Mr. President, Laura and I are pleased to welcome you and Marta to Crawford... I will work to ensure a system of safe and orderly migration. Earlier this year, I proposed a temporary worker program, not an amnesty program, that will offer legal status as temporary workers to undocumented men and women who were employed in the United States...

Boxer foes court Bush, but oppose immigration plan - 03/01/04

From the San Diego Union Tribune (link): The four candidates seeking the GOP nomination to run for the U.S. Senate [generally agree with Bush except] on one issue - President Bush's plan to allow millions of illegal immigrants to have temporary legal status - the candidates have been willing to openly criticize the president. ...As a group, they've taken a tougher stance on immigrants than the president, reflecting a split in the Republican Party between hard-liners and those wishing to accommodate illegal immigrants and their employers. ...[Proposition 187] - passed but later...

Bush "guest worker" program to be "open to any type of employee" - 01/27/04

Mark Krikorian writes about a Cato Institute panel on the Bush/Fox Amnesty (nationalreview . com/comment/krikorian200401260938.asp). Of particular note are the remarks made by Margaret Spellings, "assistant to the president for domestic policy, and point person for the president's immigration proposal":

"The Mirage of Mexican Guest Workers" - 01/12/04

The highly recommended article "The Mirage of Mexican Guest Workers" from Foreign Affairs magazine (80 Foreign Affairs No. 6, November/December 2001) is required reading for anyone concerned about the Bush/Fox Amnesty. It was written in response to the amnesty Bush had proposed shortly before 9/11, however it's just as timely as if it was written last week. The authors are Philip L. Martin (UC Davis) and Michael S. Teitelbaum (Alfred P. Sloan Foundation). Unfortunately, the full text is not available online. You can buy a copy here, or do as I did: go to your local library. Here are some...
