Shurtleff says Feds won't sue Utah over guest worker scheme (from Utah Compact to America's Compact?)
Utah recently passed a "guest workers" bill that would have them in effect using a Mexican state as an employment agency. One problem from the perspective of the supporters of the bill: the bill appears to be illegal under federal law, meaning that at the least Utah would need some sort of waiver in order to proceed with the scheme.
Needless to say, that's not an issue (link with video). Bearing in mind that things could change (for instance if enough people complain to the U.S. Congress), Utah AG Mark Shurtleff gives the not-too-surprising news that the Obama administration is in his corner:
In an interview with FOX 13, Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff revealed that the Justice Department has agreed not to sue Utah over its controversial guest worker bill. At the same time, federal officials are looking at a plan he and other immigration advocates are pushing called the "Utah Compact."
...Shurtleff says federal officials are responding favorably to the plan and are talking about creating "America's Compact."
“Nationally law enforcement, business and faith based communities in addition with all of the others can be a voice for comprehensive immigration reform,” said Shurtleff.
See the last link above for more on the Compact; it would encourage more illegal immigration in addition to other negative impacts.