Tweets to Omnivore Books

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Omnivore Books
San Francisco
The one and only culinary bookshop in the Bay Area, with thousands of new and vintage titles
Tweets to this user:
Andrew Marantz's avatar
From @andrewmarantz
riddle me this, internet Nazis: if the media is controlled by Jews, why does Mueller always ruin Shabbat dinner?
Stephanie Ann's avatar
From @Wine_Chick062
@andrewmarantz @omnivorebooks Brilliant!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Wine_Chick062: more recently, @andrewmarantz blogs about Kobach. Did he call out Kobach on never winning an #immigration battle (SB1070 & similar, etc.)? Because that's what'd undercut Kobach & thus Trump. If Marantz didn't do that, then what use is he against Trump?