OMG! Sheila Jackson-Lee uses cell phone during a constituent's worthless rant and before useless question from another

If this were a worthless cable TV-style site, we'd be all over the video of Sheila Jackson Lee using her cellphone at a townhall while a constituent engages in a rant (video link). So, I'll leave the expected reaction to HotAir [1].

Instead, I'll point out that the video is little more than entertainment; it's not going to have an effect on much of anything. SJL's supporters are going to continue to support her, and her detractors are going to keep doing the opposite. Her making a phone call isn't as emblematic as Obama's "bitter" comment.

And, the lady who's ranting while SJL is on the phone isn't going to change SJL's mind: SJL is going to keep on doing what she was planning on doing all along. The next questioner's question about whether the government can be trusted because of the Tuskeegee experiment is also worthless: does anyone expect someone who's employed at the top levels of the government and who's pushing a new government program to say that the government can't be trusted?

What those people should have done is found the smartest among them and had that person "cross-examine" SJL over the details of what she's promoting. Just one person "interrogating" her over these issues would get many more views and have a far greater impact than worthless cable TV fodder. Politicians are only going to take a certain number of questions per appearance; engaging in worthless rants or worthless questions like, "did you read the bill?" takes time away from the questions that need to be asked.

Help promote the question authority plan if you want a real debate about these issues instead of vanity questions and rants.



Hey LW, Have you even watched any of these town halls in totality? There are many,many good questions. The media is highlighting a very few "rants". Do your homework or run for office. I'm tired of your constant criticism of frustrated,exasperated citizens that barely have time to even show up!!! Frankly I am proud of these Americans who are dong their homework on this.It IS making a difference.

Rudeness is rudeness, and there was probably more than enough of that on both sides here (and tbh some people deserve it), but anyone with a little practical life experience knows that there's nothing like a rude black person.

SJL can best be described as the Anti-Barbara Jordan. SJL is a hardcore Open Borders Gramscian Racial Marxist. So much so that SJL does not even ask whether or not her

SJL can best be described as the Anti-Barbara Jordan. SJL is a hardcore Open Borders Gramscian Racial Marxist. So much so that SJL does not even ask whether or not the Open borders policies she supports are truly in the interests of her AA constituents. Sticking it to "Whitie" is first and formost in SJL's mind. The fact that her district is becoming majority Latino and illegal alien while AA's in particular are being displaced in the labor market does not bother her. Mary, NumbersUSA has a dozen tough as nails, bipartisan, concise and thought provoking talking points for these townhalls listed on their website. I have yet to see any video of somebody asking a congress member one of those questions in the MSM. I know folks are doings so. But it is convenient for the MSM to show only the nit-wit hyper-partisans of both sides, the inane ranters and delusional paranoids.

Hi LJ, I know the media is focusing on those videos they think make us all seem like mobs. NumbersuSA does have great points, (I have belonged for a few years and even donated to their organization-Roy does great work!),but as far as health care , I've seen several people read right from the lousy stinking bill and ask these crooks about it. On Laura Ingrahams show today one woman said one town hall confiscated copies of the bill people were carrying into the meeting, and even American flags! If they want to see a mob, just wait til Sept 12th.....I have a feeling they are going to see one helluva mob in Washington on that date. I am planning to go myself and read and hear of many others going. The American people have had ENOUGH! I am not naive ,and I do think they might try to dispel this crowd, as they otherwise encourage illegal marchers in the millions. Disgusting Pigs are running our government!