
georgia: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Kim Severson of NYT, John Ross of Reason, Matt Yglesias scaremonger Georgia professional licensing to enable illegal immigration - 10/09/12

For decades, the media has printed "crops rotting in the fields" articles which scaremonger non-existent food shortages in order to help growers get as much cheap, illegal labor as they want.

Newt Gingrich didn't know what 287(g) is; uses loose borders shibboleth (plus the usual immigration speech) - 03/02/12

In an interview with WXIA of Atlanta, Georgia (link), Newt Gingrich admitted not knowing what the 287g program is; see the link if you aren't fam

Immigrants' List are immigration lawyers; Daniel Strauss and Huffington Post don't reveal that (Immigration Heroes List) - 01/17/12

Immigrants List is a pro-massive immigration PAC that recently named their list of top 10 immigration heroes [1], i.e., those who support massive and/or illegal immigration. One man's hero is another man's villain, and in the case of their Heroes all are villains to most Americans who oppose massive and/or illegal immigration.

Matt Webster of Alabama: used by far-left to support illegal immigration (ACLU, SPLC lawsuit) - 07/09/11

A series of far-left groups recently sued Georgia over that state's new anti-illegal immigration law, and they engaged in a cute trick: they found a Republican shill to support their suit. The shill in that case is Uvalda, Georgia mayor Paul Bridges (CNN guest editorial from him: link).

Kate Brumback doesn't reveal Georgia immigration boycott organizer is former Mexican consul general (Associated Press, HB87) - 07/01/11

The Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights ("GLAHR") is organizing a boycott in Georgia tomorrow to protest that state's new immigration law.

With millions of Americans unemployed, Keith Olbermann promotes cheap, exploitable foreign labor (Georgia immigration law, Matt Ramsey) - 06/25/11

On his June 23 show, Keith Olbermann supported cheap, illegal foreign labor working in sometimes dangerous conditions rather than legal workers working for acceptable wages under safe conditions. And, he either fell for or tried to promote pro-illegal immigration propaganda.

Mexico, other countries file briefs in ACLU /SPLC suit over Georgia immigration law - 06/16/11

The Mexican government and 10 other countries [1] have filed amicus briefs in a lawsuit that seeks to block Georgia's new immigration law. As previously discussed, three of the far-left groups involved in the suit are directly linked to the Mexican government, making that country's direct involvement just the icing on the cake.

Ask SPLC to denounce racism involving ACLU's Georgia immigration suit (Workers United, SEIU) - 06/04/11

The Southern Poverty Law Center is one of the groups suing Georgia over that state's new immigration law; see the link for the details. A leader of one of the SPLC's compatriots in the suit has made a racist (and ageist) statement about the suit. Let's try to get the SPLC to denounce his comments, despite the fact that he's on their side.

Mexico-linked groups, ACLU, NILC, SPLC, SEIU sue Georgia over Arizona-style immigration law (+ADL, Mexico join) - 06/03/11

A group of far-left, pro-illegal immigration groups are suing Georgia over that state's new Arizona-style immigration law. And, at least three of the groups have direct links to the Mexican government.

Nathan Deal says will sign Georgia's Arizona-style immigration bill - 04/15/11

Georgia governor Nathan Deal says he'll sign an Arizona-style immigration bill that was approved by their General Assembly yesterday (link): "To try and craft legislation that is within the parameters of what a state can do without overstepping its bounds is difficult," Deal said. "And I commend the General Assembly for trying to put a product together that they felt like met that, and from what I have seen, I believe it does meet that." Deal did not say exactly when he would sign HB 87 but said he is confident that he will be able to affix his signature after reviewing it. "I have no reason...

Georgia farmers, landscapers plead for cheap, illegal labor (HB 87, SB 40, Farm Bureau, Agribusiness Council) - 04/05/11

Republicans in Georgia have introduced two Arizona-style immigration bills: House Bill 87 and Senate Bill 40. They'd require businesses to use the eVerify system with new hires and would also allow police to question suspects about their immigration status. Needless to say, that would cut into the profits of companies that employ large numbers of illegal aliens, and they've responded with an open letter (link): A group of 270 farmers and other businessmen mostly representing Georgia’s agricultural and landscaping industries is warning lawmakers about the impact their immigration enforcement...

ACLU of Georgia's highly flawed racial profiling report based only on anecdotes; dedicated to promoters of anti-American bill - 03/25/10

The Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union has released a report on alleged racial profiling in Gwinnett county in that state [1]: 1. Despite admitting that they have no data that would back up any claims of profiling [2], they convict the sheriff's office anyway. 2. Lacking any hard data on possible profiling in that county, all they do is print ten anecdotes. All but one are from those who didn't want their names used; the only one with a name attached is based on something she witnessed. As far as I can determine, there's nothing in their report providing any independent...

Another immigration legalization rally held in Atlanta - 01/06/10

Associated Press/Harry Weber/[[October 7, 2006]]/ link ...Six months after 50,000 immigrants and their supporters marched in downtown Atlanta to protest legislation that cracks down on illegal immigrants, the same organizers rallied with a much smaller but similarly vocal crowd...."We want to open the door," said one of the pro immigration rally organizers, Teodoro Maus, 'former Mexican consul in Atlanta. "How they do it is a matter of negotiation." Maus had harsh words for the small group of protesters with their bullhorns telling them to get out of the U.S.' "I think they are xenophobic,"...

Ohio, Illinois, NY, NJ, Penn to lose political power due to massive immigration (House seats; also: IA, LA, MA, MI, MN, MO) - 11/19/09

According to a new study (, due to massive immigration particularly by Latinos, the results of the 2010 Census - used to apportion congressional districts - will result in the following changes (chart from the HuffPost article discussed here): States gaining House seats: Texas (+4), Arizona (+2), Florida (+1), Georgia (+1), Nevada (+1), Oregon (+1), South Carolina (+1), and Utah (+1). States losing House seats: Ohio (-2), Illinois (-1), Iowa (-1), Louisiana (-1), Massachusetts (-1), Michigan (-1), Minnesota (-1), Missouri (-1), New Jersey (-1...

DOJ blocks Georgia from checking citizenship of voters; GA has evidence of non-citizen voting - 06/02/09

From this press release from Karen Handel, Secretary of State of Georgia: "The decision by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to deny preclearance of Georgia’s already implemented citizenship verification process shows a shocking disregard for the integrity of our elections. With this decision, DOJ has now barred Georgia from continuing the citizenship verification program that DOJ lawyers helped to craft. DOJ’s decision also nullifies the orders of two federal courts directing Georgia to implement the procedure for the 2008 general election. The decision comes seven months after Georgia...

Georgia anti-illegal immigration law isn't being enforced - 01/25/09

Cameron McWhirter and Mary Lou Pickel of the Atlanta Journal Constitution offer this: A key goal of Georgia’s 2006 law cracking down on illegal immigration was simple and controversial: stop undocumented immigrants from earning wages paid by taxpayers. Supporters heralded the provision as one of the nation’s toughest because it orders local governments, their contractors and subcontractors to confirm the legal status of new hires. But the provision has amounted to less than proponents hoped and critics feared. No one in state government is enforcing the law. No one at the state level has...

Immigration march organizers have foreign links - 08/15/08

1. One of the organizers of the March 24 Georgia boycott was Teodoro Maus, a former Mexican consul general. He was also one of the organizers of the October 7 Atlanta march. That march was led by GA state Senator Sam Zamarripa and GA state representative Pedro Marin, both members of the Democratic Party.

Illegal immigration marches: May 1, 2008 - 05/01/08

This year's marches for "immigrant rights" - i.e., to give rights to illegal aliens to which they aren't entitled - were much less attended and made much less of an impact than those in 2006.

Jerry Gonzalez - 10/13/07

From this: Jerry Gonzalez is Executive Director of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials and former Legislative Policy Analyst for MALDEF.

Curt Thompson: Urges Calm and Practicality - 10/03/07

link: galeo . org/story.php?story_id=0000003303 State Sen. Curt Thompson: Urges Calm and Practicality, "stay calm, stay put and get involved" Found in Mundo HispanicoWritten by Senator Curt ThompsonPosted on 2007-07-11 Originally published in Spanish in Mundo Hispanico on July 5, 2007. Posted on GALEO on 7/10/07 in English, courtesy of Sen. Curt Thompson. This version is unedited and is slightly different than the print version. The Spanish print version was edited for space.

Latin and political activists of Georgia request to renew migratory debate - 07/11/07

Automatic translation link with an unknown date: State senators exhorted yesterday to hundreds of people who congregated themselves to pronounce themselves in favor of a migratory reform to call to their representatives in Washington and to request their support to them.

Photo Feature: Immigration Reform, many pray, a few protest - 07/11/07

Atlanta Latino/Mario Guevara and Edwin Mesa/[[June 21, 2007]]link: Holding lit candles in their hands more than 10,000 people of different races and nationalities -wearing white T-shirts and united under one cause- stood on Monday afternoon praying in the "Vigil for Comprehensive Immigration Reform."

Curt Thompson Teodoro Maus press conference article - 07/11/07

From lavisionnewspaper . com ID 5234 Li­deres afro americanos y latinos repudian comentarios de Perdue (Monday, 18 September 2006) - ATLANTA. Latinos, blackleaders assail Perdue's immigration remark

Atlanta Latina person of the year 2006 nominees - 07/11/07

link: Five years ago Atlanta Latino started looking for the "Person of the Year" each year. This member is characterized for having tirelessly worked- without seeking acknowledgement- to better the lives of Hispanics in Georgia. The nominees are: ...-Frank Figueroa, the former director of Latin American issues of the DeKalb Police Department, for defenting the community against the law SB 529.

Governor criticized for immigration remarks - 07/11/07

Gwinnett Daily Post Dave Williams September 19, 2006 gwinnettdailypost . com/index.php?s=&url_channel_id=1&url_article_id=19482&url_subchannel_id=&change_well_id=2

Curt Thompson: Immigration Sham - 07/11/07

Article by Georgia state senator Curt Thompson entitled "Immigration Sham" link:

Latinos speak out against Cherokee County ordinance - 12/01/06

Atlanta Latino/Eugenia Miranda/[[November 30, 2006]]/ link Hispanic and non-Hispanic Cherokee County residents, Latino community leaders, lawyers, religious groups and corporate representatives showed up to voice their opinions about an ordinance that would keep undocumented residents from renting apartments or homes in Cherokee County.

October 7 Atlanta march - 10/12/06

Was originally to be the September 30 Atlanta march but was rescheduled. One of the organizers is Teodoro Maus, a former Mexican consul general.

Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials GALEO Is Launched by Leading Georgia Hispanic Representatives - 10/12/06

[[// press release]]/[[October 29, 2003]] (presumed)

Lowery: Latinos, blacks need to unite - 10/12/06

[[Atlanta Journal-Constitution]]/[[Shelia Poole]]/[[October 12, 2006]]/ link The Rev. Joseph E. Lowery on Wednesday urged Latinos and African Americans to form alliances to build a political and civil rights powerhouse. Lowery, president emeritus of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, compared the immigrant rights movement today to yesterday's civil rights movement.

Groups demand Perdue retract immigration statements - 10/12/06

Associated PressDorie Turner September 18, 2006 ajc . com/metro/content/metro/stories/2006/09/18/2006/09/18/0918immigration.html

Latinos call for legalization - 10/08/06

Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Mary Lou Pickel/[[October 8, 2006]]/ link About 2,000 people marched near the state Capitol on Saturday, pushing strollers, carrying American flags and calling for legalization of all illegal immigrants (and an end to deportations).

5,000 expected at immigration walk - 10/07/06

Atlanta Journal-Constitution//Mary Lou Pickel/September 29, 2006/[1] The previous September 30 march has been rescheduled for October 7. They're demanding legalization for all illegal aliens, an end to deportations, and they're protesting against GA's SB 529. Organizers expect 5,000 people to attend a walk for dignity and self-respect for immigrants Oct. 7 from the state Capitol to Turner Field and back.

Latino leaders plan immigration rally Sept 30 - 10/07/06

[[September 19, 2006]]/Mary Lou Pickel/AJC/ link Reports on the September 30 Atlanta march. Reports that "Latino community leaders and immigration advocates" are planning a march for Saturday, [[September 30, 2006]]. They'll be marching from CNN to the Georgia State Capitol.

Dorie Turner/AP ignores Teodoro Maus affiliation (Georgia, Perdue) - 09/19/06

Last week, Georgia governor Sonny Perdue said the following: "It is simply unacceptable for people to sneak into this country illegally on Thursday, obtain a government-issued ID on Friday, head for the welfare office on Monday and cast a vote on Tuesday."

Russ Bynum/AP promotes illegal immigration (Stillmore, Georgia) - 09/15/06

Russ Bynum of the Associated Press offers "Immigration raid cripples Ga. town" (link).

March 24 Georgia boycott - 09/03/06

One of the organizers was Teodoro Maus, a former Mexican consul general. From Immigration rallies draw thousands nationwide 3/14/06, Associated Press:

Links between the Democratic Party and the Mexican government - 04/22/06

Many Democratic politicians and pundits supported the recent illegal immigration marches, and some Democratic politicians appeared at some of the rallies or even helped organize some of them. And, some other organizers of the rallies have various kinds of links to the government of Mexico. While that's not enough to claim that the Democratic Party has direct links to the Mexican government, they are clearly part of the same network. And, that should be disturbing to the millions of more moderate members of that party. Here are the current known links:

Should Georgia Sen. Sam Zamarripa recuse himself on illegal immigration votes? - 02/12/06

Georgia state Senator Sam Zamarripa is a tireless supporter of illegal immigration into that state. A letter [1]from activist DA King to the Secretary of the GA Senate wonders whether he should recuse himself on certain votes: