Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials GALEO Is Launched by Leading Georgia Hispanic Representatives

[[// press release]]/[[October 29, 2003]] (presumed)

The Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) announced it's formation today in Atlanta, Georgia. Its primary purpose is to increase representation of Latino/Hispanic elected and appointed officials and to proactively address the issues and needs of Georgia's burgeoning Hispanic community. Additionally, GALEO plans to engage the Latino community in the democratic and policy process throughout the State of Georgia, promoting and encouraging involvement in the political process.

Senator Sam Zamarripa (SD-36), Representative Pedro Marin (HD-66) and Judge [[Tony del Campo]] (DeKalb County State Court) form the nucleus of GALEO. All statewide elected officials have been invited to join the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials...

GALEO's Executive Director will be Jerry Gonzalez, a veteran Hispanic community advocate...

GALEO's funding is comprised of both individual and corporate contributions. GALEO has been and will continue to accept $1,000 contributions to its "100 Founding Friends of GALEO" through December 31st of this year. An additional contributing level is the $500 "Friends of GALEO."

...GALEO is a statewide nonprofit and non-partisan organization initiated to provide another voice for the growing Latino political force in Georgia, and to provide a framework for collaborative and proactive legislative initiatives for Georgia's Hispanic community...