dream act

The Dream Act: Page 2

See the summary for this topic on the main The Dream Act page.

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Mitt Romney wimps out on immigration, again (Univision, "our system isn't to deport people") - 09/20/12

Yesterday, Mitt Romney was interviewed on Univision by Jorge Ramos and Maria Elena Salinas; a transcript of his answers about immigration is below.

Ask The Atlantic evades a tough immigration question (Garance Franke-Ruta, amnesty) - 09/14/12

Earlier today, Garance Franke Ruta of The Atlantic conducted a live chat and continually evaded my attempts to ask about the negative impact that Obama's amnesty will have on struggling American workers.

Democratic Party 2012 platform quotes illegal alien praising Obama on immigration (Gaby Pacheco) - 09/04/12

The immigration policies of Obama and the Democratic Party harm struggling American workers and struggling American college students. So, it's no surprise that a quote praising Obama on immigration in the 2012 Democratic Party platform would come from an illegal alien.

Democratic Party 2012 platform on immigration: why it's wrong - 09/04/12

The section about immigration in the Democratic Party 2012 platform is below. It only has broad outlines and countless Democratic leaders have repeated these same things many times before. They were wrong then, and the platform is wrong now (see each link for the details):

Paul Ryan supports Rubio's DREAM Act Lite amnesty - 08/20/12

From this: (Paul Ryan), who voted against the Obama-backed DREAM Act and has opposed amnesty for most illegal immigrants, said he supported - but hadn't endorsed - the immigration reform efforts of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).

Want to replace Alex Wagner on MSNBC? (Now, immigration, deferred action, DACA) - 08/16/12

I'm seeking a replacement for MSNBC host Alex Wagner of the "NOW with Alex Wagner" show. Could it be you? If you've got what it takes to discuss politics on the national stage, leave a link to your audition tape in comments or as a reply to the video below!

DRM Capitol Group wants Americans to "shut up" about anti-American DREAM Act (Cesar Vargas, Ryan Campbell) - 08/13/12

Cesar Vargas and Ryan Campbell of the DRM Capitol Group want Americans who oppose illegal immigration and the anti-American DREAM Act to "shut up" (see those links).

Up to 1.8 million illegal aliens will be eligible for Obama's DREAM Act policy - 08/07/12

From this: Nearly 1.8 million undocumented immigrants could have their deportations suspended for two years, and legally obtain jobs here, under President Obama’s recent policy to give them leniency.

ICE rep: DHS is just letting illegal aliens go (Obama's DREAM Act) - 07/26/12

The video below shows Chris Crane of the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council - a union representing 7200 ICE officers and employees - claiming that the orders from the Department of Homeland Security are to just release those who claim to be covered by Obama's DREAM Ac

64% support Obama's anti-American DREAM Act amnesty? (Bloomberg, immigration, poll) - 06/19/12

A new Bloomberg immigration poll contends that 64% of likely voters approve of Obama enacting a version of the anti-American DREAM Act (link):

What if the elites were the ones harmed by Obama's amnesty? (immigration, DREAM Act) - 06/18/12

The very great majority of those given work permits under the DREAM Act amnesty Obama enacted won't be competition [1] for the elites [2]. The elites are going to be helped by Obama's amnesty; it won't have a neutral or negative impact on them. Imagine for a minute that the opposite were the case. Imagine for a moment that almost all of the 800,000 to 1.4 million or so who'll get work permits were going to use those to directly compete against the elites.

Obama's amnesty will mostly harm working Democrats (DREAM Act, immigration, construction, office workers) - 06/17/12

Are you a construction worker, an office worker, a plumber, a factory worker, or a cashier? Work at McDonald's or another restaurant? If so, there's a good chance you're a Democrat. And there's an even better chance that the DREAM Act that Obama enacted on Friday will have a negative impact on you. If you're an unemployed lower-skilled worker, Obama just made your situation all that much worse.

Dr. Richard Land supports Obama's anti-American DREAM Act (Southern Baptist Convention) - 06/16/12

Dr. Richard Land - a top leader of the Southern Baptist Convention - announced his support for Obama's anti-American DREAM Act, telling ThinkProgress [1]:

Aren't those covered by Obama's DREAM Act already working? Will hundreds of thousands of work permits matter? - 06/16/12

The version of the anti-American DREAM Act that Obama declared by executive fiat yesterday would give work permits to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens; a range that's been mentioned is 800,000 to 1,400,000. One of the talking points for Obama's action is that the hundreds of thousands of work permits won't matter because those who'd get work permits will already be working.

Mitt Romney "agrees" with Marco Rubio in some way on anti-American DREAM Act; just how dumb or corrupt is Romney? - 06/15/12

Is Mitt Romney dumb, corrupt, or some combination of the two? Whatever it is, Romney is dumb and/or corrupt enough to come close to caving on the anti-American DREAM Act. If Romney were smart and not corrupt, he'd oppose anti-American bills like the DREAM Act; see the link for how that bill would harm Americans, something you won't hear from the establishment media.

Obama passes DREAM Act by executive fiat; who's to blame; what to do - 06/15/12

The Barack Obama administration has bypassed Congress and passed what amounts to the DREAM Act by executive fiat (link).

*Any* form of DREAM Act would not serve the national interest - 06/11/12

Speaking about Marco Rubio's supposedly limited DREAM Act proposal, Roy Beck of Numbers USA says (link):

Susana Martinez is bad on immigration, supports amnesty and a DREAM Act plan (Mitt Romney, New Mexico) - 05/15/12

New Mexico governor Susana Martinez appeared to be somewhat OK on immigration in the past: she opposed drivers licenses for illegal aliens and the DREAM Act.

Mitt Romney reveals his weak, Democrat-friendly immigration campaign - 04/16/12

Garrett Haake of MSNBC overheard a Mitt Romney speech at a closed-door fundraiser to wealthy donors last night and - among much more - says this (link):

GOP Sens. Marco Rubio, Jon Kyl, Kay Bailey Hutchison crafting own DREAM Act bills - 03/27/12

From this: Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), the only Senate Republican of Hispanic heritage and a possible vice presidential pick, is working on an alternative version of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants who came to the country at a young age and serve in the military or attend college...

Sens. Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio help deprive Third World of an honor student (also: Frederica Wilson, David Rivera, Ros Lehtinen, Napolitano, Reid) - 03/08/12

On the surface, the story of an illegal alien Florida honor student who was going to be deported but who now has a two year reprieve (link) sounds like a heartwarming tale; good luck finding anyone in the media not presenting it as such.

Ask Elise Foley to explain why an anti-American bill might be popular (DREAM Act, Huffington Post) - 02/08/12

In the Huffington Post article about Antonio Villaraigosa attacking Mitt Romney, Elise Foley says this: Romney said in December that he would veto the Dream Act, a bill that would aid some undocumented young people and that receives high support from the public.

10 things Obama's "Blueprint for an America Built to Last" doesn't tell you (immigration) - 02/01/12

After the State of the Union speech, the Barack Obama administration released a "Blueprint for an America Built to Last" [1]. I'll briefly describe what the section about immigration doesn't tell you. Here's the section of the Blueprint that deals with immigration:

Immigrants Occupy December 18, 2011: OWS are useful idiots for big banks, big business, Federal Reserve, Koch, Bloomberg... - 12/16/11

On Sunday, December 18, 2011, Occupy Wall Street will be conducting "ImmigrantsOccupy Global Day of Action". This "Action" will put them on the same side of immigration as the Koch brothers, the US Chamber of Commerce, big banks, big businesses, the Federal Reserve, and virtually the entire establishment.

Rightwing's muted response to Brown signing unpopular, anti-American immigration law - 10/09/11

If California governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that dared raise taxes on multi-billionaires by even a few pennies, you can bet that rightwing internet activists would be up in arms about it.

Jerry Brown signs anti-American California DREAM Act - 10/08/11

California governor Jerry Brown has signed the second, even worse part of what's called the state DREAM Act (AB 131).

Rick Perry had a better option on in-state tuition for illegal aliens - 10/02/11

In 2001, Rick Perry signed a law letting some illegal aliens get in-state tuition. That law undermines the concept of citizenship: it lets illegal aliens deprive some U.S. citizens of college (see the DREAM Act page for an illustration of how that works).

Media misleads: Rick Perry's in-state tuition for "children of illegal immigrants" was for illegal aliens *themselves* - 10/02/11

It's an extremely rare occurrence when the mainstream media doesn't mislead about immigration. An example in the news lately is the misleading claim that Rick Perry signed a bill that gives in-state tuition to the "children of illegal immigrants" [1]. In fact, the bill was for those who are themselves illegal aliens, irrespective of their parents' status(es). Parents and children can have different immigration statuses.

Full text: Texas in-state tuition for illegal aliens law (Rick Perry, Texas Education Code 54.052 j) - 10/02/11

As most people know by now, Rick Perry signed into law a Texas bill that lets illegal aliens get college educations in Texas at the in-state rate. What many might not know is that the bill he signed lets illegal aliens deprive some citizens of college. For an explanation, see the DREAM Act page; that's mostly about the national bill but the same process applies.

Disingenuous Adam Serwer spins Obama's mini-amnesty (immigration, DREAM Act) - 09/14/11

Last month, Adam Serwer (now of Mother Jones) mightily spun Obama's mini-amnesty for up to 300,000 illegal aliens in a guest post on Greg Sargent's blog in the Washington Post

CNN Teaparty GOP debate: September 12, 2011 (Rick Perry, Romney, Bachmann, Ron Paul) - 09/12/11

Tonight CNN will be conducting a GOP debate in conjunction with the Teaparty Express organization. Feel free to leave comments below before, during or after the debate. This post will be updated after a transcript becomes available.

Public Religion Research Institute's misleading poll (immigration, DREAM Act, Brookings Institution) - 09/06/11

The Public Religion Research Institute ("PRRI") has released a poll called "What it Means to be American: Attitudes in an Increasingly Diverse America Ten Years after 9/11" (publicreligion.org/research/?id=680) which includes a few questions about immigration. I'll explain how two of the poll questions are misleading (see immigration poll for other misleading polls about this issue).

Immigration and Texas governor Rick Perry: a summary - 08/11/11

Tom Tancredo has a summary of Texas governor Rick Perry and immigration (link). All sixteen paragraphs point out ways in which Perry supports or enables illegal immigration, here are just the first five:

Obama at NCLR: "yes, but..." on immigration enforcement; promotes jobs for possible illegal alien construction workers; DREAM Act; comprehensive reform... - 07/25/11

Barack Obama appeared at the National Council of La Raza convention earlier today; see the last link for our extensive coverage of that group. His unremarkable remarks are at [1]: he didn't really say anything that he hasn't said before. As he's done before, he misled, such as by using the system is broken canard.

George Will, Michelle Rhee, Mel Martinez, Jose Vargas all hype anti-American DREAM Act and mass immigration (Christiane Amanpour) - 07/03/11

George Will, Michelle Rhee, Mel Martinez, and Jose Vargas appeared on ABC News' This Week earlier today, and all of them together with host

Durbin, Napolitano welcome illegal aliens to U.S. Senate to promote anti-American DREAM Act (Arne Duncan, Clifford Stanley, Leahy, Schumer, Feinstein, Franken, Cornyn, Grassley, Margaret Stock) - 06/30/11

On June 28, Dick Durbin invited a large group of illegal aliens to attend a U.S. Senate hearing about the anti-American DREAM Act and used them in what amounted to the Senate version of a PIIPP. Video below, first person account here, writeups at [1] [2] [3].
