dream act
The Dream Act: Page 7
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
The Great Immigration Debate - 10/26/03
For some reason, a large (for this blog at least) number of comments have recently been posted in this 6-month-old post about the DREAM Act. Go there, and enjoy the fun.
On a related note, I recently deleted six comment spams advertising Viagra. And here I thought only the third, second, and first-tier blogs were afflicted with that.
"A Washington Bouquet: Hire a Lawmaker's Kid" - 06/22/03
The L.A. Times piles on Orrin Hatch et fils.
The internet comments.
The DREAM Act.
It's time for a challenger who's not an ijit.
The L.A. Times, the DREAM Act, and a jolly good Fisking - 04/29/03
A recent L.A. Times' editorial on Orrin Hatch's DREAM Act (which would give lower college tuition to illegal aliens than to U.S. citizens*) gets a good Fisking here:
...I have no problem with the idea of liberalizing citizenship laws, in and of itself, though again that is the province of the federal government, not the states.