center for community change

Center for Community Change

Executive director: Deepak Bhargava


Member of and helps fund the We Are America Alliance (Immigration Rally's Low Turnout Disappoints Advocates)

The Fair Immigration Reform Movement is one of their projects. That group includes among others ACORN, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA; has allegedly collaborated with the Mexican government), the American Friends Service Committee (has an indirect link to the Mexican government), and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (their president has a link to the Mexican government).

Member of the Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, whose members include CHIRLA, the Service Employees International Union, the ICIRR, and the National Council of La Raza (funds extremists and has refused to denounce Elvira Arellano).

Last modified Feb 21, 2011
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

What "Young Invincibles" dare not tell you (youth joblessness, Campaign for Young America, Rory O’Sullivan, Alistair Johnston) - 07/10/12

It's an indisputable fact that hundreds of thousands or millions of illegal aliens are doing jobs that unemployed young people could be doing. So, it's a bit curious that a new report on youth joblessness by the "Young Invincibles" (part of the left-leaning Campaign for Young Americans, "CYA") doesn't mention that. We're talking about hundreds of thousands or millions of potential jobs, yet there's only one brief mention of immigration in their report.

Disingenuous Adam Serwer spins Obama's mini-amnesty (immigration, DREAM Act) - 09/14/11

Last month, Adam Serwer (now of Mother Jones) mightily spun Obama's mini-amnesty for up to 300,000 illegal aliens in a guest post on Greg Sargent's blog in the Washington Post

Dozens of pro-illegal immigration groups were invited to Obama's mini-amnesty rollout and you weren't - 08/25/11

On August 18, Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security announced an administrative amnesty that could cover 300,000 or more illegal aliens.

FIRM wants civil disobedience to get amnesty? (CCC, Casa de Maryland, NYIC, OneAmerica) - 05/20/10

Per this unconfirmed report, a conference call was held on the 18th in which various pro-illegal immigration groups called for civil disobedience in an attempt to get comprehensive immigration reform (aka amnesty). The groups named are: Fair Immigration Reform Movement, Center for Community Change, New York Immigration Coalition, Casa de Maryland, Churches United to Save and Heal, and OneAmerica: On the call they said: "We've marched, called and faxed. We've shown time and again that there's no bigger movement than ours. Still, our elected officials haven't delivered satisfactory progress on...

NCLR, LULAC, SEIU, UFCW, etc. launch boycott of Arizona over immigration law (+Al Sharpton) - 05/06/10

A whole host of far-left illegal immigration profiteers today launched an organized boycott of Arizona over that state's new immigration law ( See the last link for our extensive coverage of that law, and see each of the following links for our coverage of the groups. Those participating include:

If Andrea Nill of CAP can't get Steve King's joke, what else is she unclear on? - 04/16/10

From this (bolding added): Immigrant-rights groups sought to tap some of the "tea party" thunder Thursday by using the anti-tax-and-spending movement's nationwide protests to argue illegal immigrants must be legalized because they are eager to pay their full taxes... "Here there are people who don't want to pay taxes, and we're saying there are all these people who want to carry the load and we don't allow them to," said Mary Moreno, a spokeswoman for the Center for Community Change. She led a delegation that delivered five boxes of blank tax forms to a Capitol Hill office as a symbol of all...

RNC's Michael Steele supports amnesty at meeting with far-left, Mexico-linked groups - 04/01/10

Two days ago I posted a notice that Michael Steele of the RNC was going to meet with extremist and Mexico-linked illegal immigration supporters and urged others to contact him suggesting that he handle the meeting in the correct way [1]. Not surprisingly, Steele handled the meeting in the completely incorrect way (link): According to a news release put out by the activists [2], he said he would try and recruit Republican support for comprehensive immigration legislation. The RNC says he made no such commitment. The immigration activist who led the meeting said he did, but then [Steele]...

Far-left wants John Morton fired over immigration quotas memo (also want little or no enforcement) - 03/31/10

Yesterday, Frank Sharry of America's Voice offered "ICE Out of Control: Time to Rein in Rogue Agency and Pass Immigration Reform" [1], showing once again how little use those who support comprehensive immigration reform have for immigration enforcement. One of the selling features of "reform" is increased enforcement, yet "reform" would give even more power to those like Sharry who advocate against enforcement: Today, a group of grassroots leaders are demanding that the Obama Administration fire John Morton, the head of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) within the Department...

March for America: illegal immigration rally, March 21, 2010 Washington DC - 02/12/10

On March 21, 2010, yet another pro-illegal immigration march will be held in Washington DC, this sponsored ultimately by the far-left National Council of Churches [1]. The next day they'll apparently be conducting a lobbying effort, sending attendees to speak to their representatives (presumably illegal aliens will take a pass on that event). The march is associated with Ecumenical Advocacy Days, a mini-convention focusing this year on the topic of "Migration". One of the speakers will be Frank Sharry. More on EAD at, and more on the march as it develops. Other groups...

"Health Equity for All": racial power groups push healthcare reform ("new majority") - 10/05/09

A group of far-left organizations have created "Health Equity for All" ( to push for "universal health care reform". And, they're doing it from an explicitly race-based standpoint and being quite explicit about their attempts to gain race-based power.

Napolitano immigration meeting: you weren't represented (vast # of loose borders groups, Obama/Janet anti-287g) - 08/20/09

Earlier today, Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security held a closed-door meeting with a group of what she calls "stakeholders" ( but was actually a vast pantheon (see below) of far-left, racial power, corrupt business, and in general loose borders groups all of which want some form of comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. There were at least 98 participants in the meeting, and none of them represent your interests or the interests of the great majority of American citizens. Why exactly they'd hold the meeting isn't clear;...

George Soros gives $5 million to push Obamacare (HCAN, NCLR, ACORN, SEIU, etc...) - 08/11/09

George Soros has contributed $5 million to the group Health Care For America Now ( so that they can push Obamacare. That's dwarfed by the $35 million he's giving to help/"help" children in New York (in partnership with the federal government, [1]). As discussed here, HCAN is considered a bit on the wimpy side by the far-left, such as Jane Hamsher. That's despite HCAN including some true "liberal" stalwarts. Their steering committee includes the following: * ACORN * AFL CIO * American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) * Campaign for...

Cecilia Munoz rallies troops at Reform Immigration for America confab (+Deepak Bhargava) - 06/05/09

Obama administration official and former National Council of La Raza VP Cecilia Munoz appeared at today's meeting of the new Reform Immigration for America group.

New Jersey governor's panel: in-state tuition, driver's licenses for illegal aliens (Corzine for 1st, against 2nd; wants halt to raids) - 04/02/09

From this: A state panel on immigrant policy released recommendations Monday that include in-state tuition eligibility and driving privileges for illegal immigrants, as well as the creation of a commission on New Americans. Gov. Jon S. Corzine, who convened the Blue Ribbon Advisory Panel on Immigrant Policy last August, said Monday he agrees that illegal immigrants, especially those brought to the U.S. as children and attending local schools, should be able to pay in-state tuition at the state's public colleges... On the slightly better side of things, Corzine opposes the driver's licenses...

Obama meets with Congressional Hispanic Caucus over immigration "reform"; trip to Mexico; public forum - 03/18/09

Earlier today, Barack Obama met with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to discuss comprehensive immigration reform. The White House statement is at [1]; an AFP report is here; content-free statements from Luis Gutierrez and Deepak Bhargava of the Center for Community Change are at [2]. So far nothing that shocking or newsworthy has emerged; both Obama and the CHC are strong supporters of giving an amnesty and other benefits to illegal aliens. The only question is how much Obama is willing to push it and when. The two points below indicate that a push might begin in April although whether he...

Rights Working Group wants immigration enforcement moratorium and much more (ACLU, NCLR, 248 others) - 01/09/09

The Asian American Justice Center runs the Rights Working Group, a coalition of over 250 leftwing groups, and they have a petition calling on Barack Obama to in effect not do immigration enforcement. They want a "moratorium" while the subject of raids and the like is "studied", but everyone knows what that means.

CCC offers DREAM Act PIIPP in press release form - 09/19/07

Via this we get this press release from Xiomara Corpeno and Cheryl Aguilar of the Center for Community Change: As the United States Senate is expected to take up consideration of the DREAM Act as an amendment on the Senate floor, several immigrant youth will join national organizations and coalitions in Washington, DC tomorrow, Wednesday, September 19, 2007 to urge their Members of Congress to support the DREAM Act under the chorus, "Our Dreams Can't Wait." They brought along two students; compare their descriptions in the release from the first paragraphs offered by "reporters" in "news"...

Immigration Rally's Low Turnout Disappoints Advocates - 10/07/06

subtitle: "Fear of Blacklash, Mixed Messages, Timing Are Cited" Washington Post/Darryl Fears and [[N.C. Aizenman]]/[[September 8, 2006]]/ link

Economic boycott planned next in push for immigration reform - 10/07/06

Arizona Republic/Daniel Gonzalez and Yvonne Wingett/[[April 12, 2006]]// link

Immigrant Supporters To Counter Bush Speech - 10/07/06

Washington Post/May 15, 2006/Darryl Fears/ link

Floridians: ask John McCain questions he can't answer! - 02/20/06

From this: [Arizona Sen. John McCain] will be in Miami on Thursday and will promote a business-backed guest worker program and other immigration reforms. The Arizona senator will speak at "town hall" meeting in South Florida sponsored by the New American Opportunity Campaign. That group includes labor unions, business interests, Hispanic groups and other supporters of guest worker program. If you're in Miami, could you please try to attend this event and publicly embarass John McCain by trying to ask him a tough question he can't answer? Unfortunately, the event isn't listed at his site (...

Wisconsin: Sen. Cathy Stepp's home surrounded by illegal immigration supporters - 12/20/05

That state Senator offers the following letter: Leaders of a Hispanic activist group known as Voces de la Frontera believe that in America, it is better to storm the home of an elected official and yell in their windows after dark to intimidate someone rather than to run for office to change policy. On the evening of Friday, December 16th, a group of people advocating the issuing of driversaThat state Senator offers the following letter: Leaders of a Hispanic activist group known as Voces de la Frontera believe that in America, it is better to storm the home of an elected official and...