Far-left wants John Morton fired over immigration quotas memo (also want little or no enforcement)
Yesterday, Frank Sharry of America's Voice offered "ICE Out of Control: Time to Rein in Rogue Agency and Pass Immigration Reform" [1], showing once again how little use those who support comprehensive immigration reform have for immigration enforcement. One of the selling features of "reform" is increased enforcement, yet "reform" would give even more power to those like Sharry who advocate against enforcement:
Today, a group of grassroots leaders are demanding that the Obama Administration fire John Morton, the head of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) within the Department of Homeland Security.
Deepak Bhargava of the (Center for Community Change), a lead organizer of the immigration rally in Washington, D.C. on March 21st and a leader of FIRM (Fair Immigration Reform Movement), had this to say at today’s press conference:
"This agency has gone rogue and is operating in clear opposition to the direction President Obama has set."
What gives? It seems the stated priorities of President Obama may not be in sync with the cowboy tactics of ICE agents in the field.
Bear in mind that he said that based on a memo that ICE frantically walked back.
Sharry also states, "Look, we’re not against enforcing immigration laws" when his record and that of other "reform" supporters say otherwise.
[1] huffingtonpost.com/frank-sharry/ice-out-of-control-time-t_b_519201.html