"Health Equity for All": racial power groups push healthcare reform ("new majority")
A group of far-left organizations have created "Health Equity for All" (healthequityforall.org) to push for "universal health care reform". And, they're doing it from an explicitly race-based standpoint and being quite explicit about their attempts to gain race-based power.
The groups involved are: the NAACP National Voter Fund, the National Council of La Raza, Campaign for Community Change (run by the Center for Community Change), the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, PowerPAC.org, and the United States Student Association.
The country's largest African-American and Latino organizations are joining forces with other major national civil rights and grassroots organizations to mobilize the nation's 100 million people of color for a final push in support of universal health care reform. Leaders of the organizations are coming together to make certain that the voices of people of color are heard -- and heeded -- as the health care reform debate enters its final, critical days. The groups will release television and print ads in English and Spanish that will run in four states with sizable African-American and Latino populations, part of a grassroots effort to ensure that members of Congress appreciate the importance of reform to the people of color they represent.
The latest U.S. Census results confirm that there are more than 100 million people of color in the country, 33 percent of the population. In several key states, the percentage of people of color is even greater, approaching 40 percent in states such as Florida and Louisiana. These constituencies comprise the building blocks for a new majority that can reshape the policies and priorities of the country.
Can I join their group? I don't think so: I'm only an Ethnic-American. If their group is acceptable, would a similar group just to represent white people be OK as well? If we're going to have groups that seek race-based power for one or two races, how about groups that seek to maintain or obtain power for other races? Republican leaders won't give white power groups the time of day, why should they do the same for any of the groups involved in this organization? Those would be good questions for them as well as people like Newt Gingrich.
Note also that what they're "fighting for" includes "Complete access and coverage for all legal residents". That would seem to imply they would agree to exclude illegal aliens, but since they also say that "Health care is a basic human right, as essential as food and shelter", they probably want illegal aliens to be covered as well (the NCLR does).
UPDATE: Krissah Thompson of the Washington Post discusses the group and related efforts here. Needless to say, her coverage is completely sympathetic, and she quotes two of the group's leaders playing the race card:
"There are some people who would like to defeat this bill by tagging it to the issue of race," said Wade Henderson, president of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights... Janet Murguia, president of the National Council of La Raza, agreed. "I tend to think that we could win this on the merits and the facts. I don't think we have to resort to race issues to get a common-sense and sound health-care reform," she said. "I think there are people who want to take it in that direction."
Then, Williams lied about the number of uninsured:
The black narrator of the television ad says: "I'm not going to let special-interest politicians throw 46 million of us under the bus," using a common estimate of the number of uninsured Americans. "I'm not going to leave my grandkids' health in the hands of insurance companies that care more about profit than they do about everyday families. And as for the politicians, tell Senator Lincoln there needs to be room for all of us on this bus." As the narrator speaks, a Latina woman and her child attempt to board a bus, but it closes its doors on them.
According to the Census Bureau, there are about 46 million people in the U.S. who are uninsured. However, millions of that number are visitors, legal immigrants, or illegal aliens. Only about 36 million are Americans, the others are citizens of other countries.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Fri, 10/09/2009 - 02:17
HS 19556 dawes57@cox.net 2009-10-09T04:17:03-05:00
Once more healtcare is all about control over what will be, it is about evil acts against you it is evil. and race will play into all ideals of healtcare, it will become the main tool for mass murder of people and the end game is murder of all people, it is evil.