we are america alliance
We Are America Alliance
Summary (posts follow):
Their website is weareamericaalliance.org, which redirects to cccaction.org/cccaction/waaa_home_page.html
A partial list of their members is here.
- Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) (allegedly has collaborated with the Mexican government)
- Center for Community Change
- Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)
- Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA)
- National Association for Latin and Caribbean Communities (NALACC)
- National Capital Immigrant Coalition (NCIC)
- National Day Laborers Organizing Network (NDLON)
- National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC)
- New American Opportunity Campaign (NAOC)/Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CCIR)
- New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC)
- Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (Northwest Treeplanters and Farmworkers United)
- Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
The National Council of La Raza has also joined. [1]
Immigrant Supporters To Counter Bush Speech says that the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) as well as unnamed "Catholic churches" are also members of WAAA. That article also compares WAAA to more militant groups such as the March 25 Coalition.
There is also a group known as Somos America, which may or may not be the same organization (see SEIU Local 2028 document).
Forum to address impound law (tangential link to Mexican government)
Last modified Feb 17, 2011
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Immigration march organizers have foreign links - 08/15/08
1. One of the organizers of the March 24 Georgia boycott was Teodoro Maus, a former Mexican consul general. He was also one of the organizers of the October 7 Atlanta march. That march was led by GA state Senator Sam Zamarripa and GA state representative Pedro Marin, both members of the Democratic Party.
NCIC August 31 press release - 02/14/08
Released August 29, 2006
Latino leader came to forefront from shadows - 09/05/07
Arizona Republic/Daniel Gonzalez/[[September 4, 2006]]/ link
Roberto Reveles seemed to pop out of nowhere when he emerged as leader of the massive immigration reform demonstrations that rocked Phoenix in the spring.
We Are America debates in Chicago - 03/18/07
"We Are America" debates in Chicago/Socialist Worker/Sam Jordan/[[June 9, 2006]]/ link
Describes a [[June 4, 2006]] meeting of that the We Are America Alliance in Chicago.
Reports that those attending included:
Fearing Backlash, Some Immigration Activists Aren't Backing Boycott - 02/20/07
Washington Post/April 20, 2006/Darryl Fears/ link
New York Times' worst immigration editorial ever: "They Are America" - 02/18/07
The New York Times offers the unsigned editorial "They Are America". It takes up two whole screens, and pointing out all the problems in it would extend to novel length. So, let's look at just the first two paragraphs:
Almost a year ago, hundreds of thousands of immigrant workers and their families slipped out from the shadows of American life and walked boldly in daylight through Los Angeles, Washington, Chicago, New York and other cities. We Are America Alliance their banners cried. The crowds, determined but peaceful, swelled into an immense sea. The nation was momentarily stunned.
1. Many...
Immigration Rally's Low Turnout Disappoints Advocates - 10/07/06
subtitle: "Fear of Blacklash, Mixed Messages, Timing Are Cited"
Washington Post/Darryl Fears and [[N.C. Aizenman]]/[[September 8, 2006]]/ link
Immigrant Supporters To Counter Bush Speech - 10/07/06
Washington Post/May 15, 2006/Darryl Fears/ link
SEIU Local 2028 document - 09/28/06
The page from Service Employees International Union local 2028 (San Diego) at seiu2028.org/action/issues/mco.cfm has a link entitled "San Diego We Are America/Somos America Alliance", which leads to the (now 404) page cccaction.org/cccaction/waa_index.html, which is similar to the page hosting the We Are America Alliance. And, it includes this:
Los Angeles Protest for Immigrant Rights - 09/28/06
[[Eastern Group Publications]]/[[Selene Rivera]]/[[September 14, 2006]]/link
Reports on the September 2 Los Angeles march:
..."The truth is that the immigrant community is been attacked and now more than ever we have to be together," said Maria Salinas of Hermandad Mexicana, one of the many coalitions that were part of the Labor Day weekend marches. Other organizations included Somos America (note: that may have been a reference to the We Are America Alliance instead), [[Proyecto Latino USA]] and the March 25 Coalition.
Note there was also a September 4 Los Angeles March which occured in...
Gil Cedillo, "immigrants" to stage "civil disobedience" at LAX - 09/28/06
Later today, "American" politician Gil Cedillo (CA state senate) and CA Assemblywoman Judy Chu are going to risk arrest by leading "immigrants" in a civil disobedience "action" near LAX.
Immigration march organizers have foreign links - 09/01/06
Many of those who attended the recent immigration marches are foreign citizens who are here illegally. But, it doesn't stop there. For instance, one rally organizer is a former Mexican consul general and another is an official with a Mexican political party.
Not surprisingly, the MSM has barely mentioned such links. The reader is strongly encouraged to contact media sources and suggest that instead of simply reporting what goes on at future marches they do some journalism and look into any links between organizers and foreign governments or institutions.