George Soros gives $5 million to push Obamacare (HCAN, NCLR, ACORN, SEIU, etc...)

George Soros has contributed $5 million to the group Health Care For America Now ( so that they can push Obamacare. That's dwarfed by the $35 million he's giving to help/"help" children in New York (in partnership with the federal government, [1]). As discussed here, HCAN is considered a bit on the wimpy side by the far-left, such as Jane Hamsher. That's despite HCAN including some true "liberal" stalwarts. Their steering committee includes the following:

* American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
* Campaign for Americas Future
* Center for American Progress Action Fund
* Campaign for Community Change (part of Center for Community Change)
* National Council of La Raza
* National Education Association
* Service Employees International Union
* United Food and Commercial Workers(UFCW)

Other members include: League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), National Abortion Federation (abortion doctors association), National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC), Brave New Films, Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), Gamaliel, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Rock the Vote, USPIRG, MDI Imported Car Service of Maine (?!?), and the YWCA.

[1] By giving the state of New York $35 million, Soros will trigger matching federal funds - from the stimulus - of $140 million (link):

Soros' gift and the matching government funds will provide 850,000 children currently receiving public assistance and food stamps in New York State with $200 each for back-to-school supplies and other necessities... Soros emphasized the need to give the children a grant with "no strings attached," even if it does not guarantee the money is used as intended.

Probably only a small portion will go towards back-to-school supplies.


_...$200 each for back-to-school supplies and other necessities._ Yes, "necessities". Some stimulus that -- it'll last all of one month maybe. People should take a close look at all the nonsensical, non-stimulating things that are being done with spending ("stimulus") being financed via debt. The US is now the biggest Ponzi scheme in history.

this is so like Kenyan political leaders, and we all know this obama is from kenyan and that little pig greece the place of political Reds. by the way soros worked for the Nazi when he was 15 years old to fine old jews.( by the way that may not have been a bad idea how much did he make on each jew? ) that is a fact not a conspiracy theories.