reason magazine
Reason Magazine
Pseudo-libertarian magazine directly or indirectly funded by the Koch family, a key part of the "Kochtopus". Run by Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie; former employer of Dave Weigel. Theirs is the Frat Boy, very Beltway- and Big Biz-friendly, "Cosmo" variety of libertarianism.
I've repeatedly challenged their contributors over several years to defend their very strong support for illegal/massive immigration and in some cases literal open borders, and they've repeatedly refused. Instead, almost all of the hundreds of comments I left there were simply met with vile ad hominems, and I may take legal action against at least one commenter at that site. Neither their contributors nor those who comment there are capable of making a valid, logical argument for what they support; in fact, I appended the following to many of my comments there:
P.S. In case anyone replies to this, their responses will almost assuredly be ad homs, thereby conceding my points and showing the childish, anti-intellectual nature of libertarians. Dozens of comments here have shown that the phrase "fascist libertarian" isn't an oxymoron.
In almost all cases, that was followed by exactly what I predicted and nothing more.
Other staff members include:
* Jesse Walker
* Radley Balko
* Brian Doherty
* Jacob Sullum
* Katherine Mangu Ward
* Michael Moynihan
* Damon Root
* Peter Suderman
* Ronald Bailey
* Peter Bagge
Contributors include:
* Shikha Dalmia
* Ed Krayewski
* Mike Riggs
* Adrian Moore (see this)
* Dave Kopel
* Alex Tabarrok
* Steven Greenhut
* Tim Cavanaugh
* Kerry Howley
* Steve Chapman
* David Harsanyi
* Cathy Young
* Michael Young
* Gene Callahan
* Jonathan Rauch
* Jeremy Lott
* Wendy Kaminer
* Greg Beato
* Sara Rimensnyder
* Virginia Postrel