It it The Onion, or Reason Magazine?
Posted Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 10:46 am
Notice anything interesting about this libertarian-themed "American Voices" feature from The Onion?
Yes, that's right: by an odd coincidence, those last names are the same as the last names of several cherished staffers from Reason Magazine:
As pointed out here many times, it's often difficult to tell the difference between satire and libertarian ideology, but at least they're entertaining.
A challenge for Drew Carey/Reason Magazine (and other open borders hacks)
Is Bryan Caplan the world's looniest libertarian? (give every Haitian a green card)
Free the Jefferson 1! (loony libertarians)
An Ayn Rand Institute flashback: "U.S. Should Not Help Tsunami Victims"
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Mon, 06/16/2008 - 01:29
HS 14753 2008-06-16T03:29:08-05:00
I knew he would it was a joke but many people wanted a leader and he understands that the USA Is all but dead he did his thing to get a little power after the fall. Obama will be the next monkey in the white house after that some little mexican monkey will use you for a time and after that some other little monkey will rule over your butts, until the monkeys have it all and you are nothing but a cadaver in the ice-box. Have fun in the last days.