nick gillespie
nick gillespie: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Why is Fast and Furious an approved topic for establishment conservatives and libertarians? - 06/24/12
I was more than a bit surprised to see Nick Gillespie of Reason Magazine squaring off with Rachel Maddow over Fast and Furious - and taking the American side of that issue [1].
David Koch gave far-left, Mex. gov't collaborators ACLU $10 million - 02/25/11
Billionaire David Koch (see Koch family) joined with George Soros, the Ford Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation to each give the American Civil Liberties Union $10 million to fight the PATRIOT Act [1]. Reasonable people can disagree on the PATRIOT Act, but fighting it or trying to reform it was probably the correct thing to do.
Whatever the merits of opposing the PATRIOT Act, giving money to the ACLU is never the correct thing to do.
The ACLU is a far-left group that strongly supports and enables illegal immigration and that's even collaborating with the Mexican government in...
Example of Tea Party helping their opponents (immigration, "Restoring Honor") - 08/29/10
The video at provides yet another in the long line of examples of how the tea parties are helping their opponents. The video features Nick Gillespie of Reason Magazine interviewing the crowd at yesterday's Glenn Beck event.
Clueless: Nick Gillespie can't see problems with massive illegal immigration (Mickey Kaus, Reason Magazine) - 06/04/10
The video at [1] has an interview Nick Gillespie of Reason Magazine did with Mickey Kaus. At the beginning they discuss immigration, and Gillespie, rather unbelievably, asks "what was the negative outcome of the 1986 immigration reform [bill]".
Reason Magazine to "save" Cleveland, just not from libertarians (Drew Carey) - 03/15/10
The libertarian (or "libertarian" to some) Reason Magazine has launched a six-part video series called "Reason Saves Cleveland With Drew Carey", featuring that washed-up TV comic. On the series they'll outline some of the ways they think that city could be saved. The problem, of course, is that libertarian ideology has either played a major role in or offers no guidance on various aspects of the decline of the Rust Belt.
Notes from the Nick Gillespie/Matt Welch/Reason Magazine alternative universe (everyone's a libertarian!) - 03/21/08
The brain trust of Reason Magazine, Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch, offer "Where the votes are". The laugh-a-minute article tries to pretend that the libertarian vote means something:
When Libertarians attack! - 12/13/04
In response to the WashTimes article mentioned in the last post ("Hillary goes conservative on immigration", link), Nick Gillespie of Reason Magazine offers the following (reason . com/hitandrun/2004/12/hillarys_nation.shtml).