Example of Tea Party helping their opponents (immigration, "Restoring Honor")
The video at peekurl.com/virmhi2 provides yet another in the long line of examples of how the tea parties are helping their opponents. The video features Nick Gillespie of Reason Magazine interviewing the crowd at yesterday's Glenn Beck event.
At 5:00 on the video Gillespie asks an attendee for the one political change he'd like to see. The attendee responds: "The biggest thing... is illegal immigration. I'm a construction worker... I got laid off, laid off for a year and a half."
Clearly, he's at the wrong rally: the top leaders of the tea parties don't represent his interests. Beck isn't exactly a Lou Dobbs (version 1) or Tom Tancredo type. Beck did try to improve Doug Hoffman's immigration position, but it's not like Beck spends a lot of time on immigration matters and whether he'd even approach the wall on the issue is highly doubtful. Weeping, exposing the links between Nancy Pelosi and the Revolutionary Communist Party, and Founder veneration? For that, Beck's got you covered.
And, Beck is working with Dick Armey of FreedomWorks, a supporter of illegal immigration and massive immigration via a guest workers program. The Koch family-linked Americans for Prosperity bused people in to Beck's event, and groups and people funded by the Koch brothers agitate for massive immigration and work to smear those who want reasonable controls. Other leaders of the various tea parties are libertarians or close to it, and the vast majority of libertarians support loose or even open borders. (One of those supporting actual open borders is Gillespie).
Those tea party leaders don't represent the construction worker's interests, but they do however represent the interests of the owners of large construction companies who want to import low-wage foreign workers whether legally or not. And, those leaders do represent the interests of those who'd like to restrict unemployment insurance as much as possible to reduce their taxes, oblivious to the facts and without providing better policies.
That doesn't mean that the construction worker should have gone to a Service Employees International Union rally, because they don't represent his interests either: both the SEIU and top tea party leaders support massive immigration.