Does Glenn Reynolds really oppose the stimulus, or is he just playing a game? Let's ask.
Glenn Reynolds ( currently gets almost 400,000 visits per day, and he's posted several anti-stimulus plan blurbs. But, as with his election coverage in which he supposedly opposed Barack Obama, the fire just doesn't seem to be there (see "Instapundit, or The Strange Case of the GOP Hack Who Didn't Shill During the Election").
The U.S. is about to be screwed out of trillions of dollars, something that will cause problems for years or decades to come. And, all he can do is link to an ultra-low-hanging-fruit let's-make-Obama-fans-look-bad video from Reason Magazine (
I mean, really: if Insty really wanted to prevent a multi-trillion dollar looting, wouldn't he do something a bit more substantial than sending people off to call Charles Schumer (
I'm sure Insty is smart enough to figure out that people from outside New York calling Chuck Schumer isn't going to have much of an impact; Schumer's probably already factored the cost of a few angry, non-constituent phone calls into the equation, and unless people just keep calling day after day it's probably not going to do much.
So, why isn't Insty promoting a plan that would work? Under my plan, people would be encouraged to confront Schumer and his colleagues on video with very tough questions, with the replies uploaded to video sharing sites. A very good question that makes Schumer, Reid, Specter, or their friends look very bad would be sure to get their attention and might have an impact on the choices they make. I'm absolutely positive that Insty knows about that proposal, since I sent something similar to him back on October 1 in an obviously failed attempt to ask Obama real questions.
It would be very easy for Reynolds to make something like that happen; after all, Pajamas Media was able to send Joe the Plumber to Israel, they surely must have the capability to send an experienced questioner armed with some questions from Heritage or Cato and a video camera to go out and hold politicians accountable.
Is Kos right that the rightwing blogosphere is capable of little more than "chatter"?
What happened to the "Army of Davids"? Did they fall asleep on the couch?
Please write him and ask what's going on: pundit *at*
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 02/11/2009 - 14:33
HS 17353 2009-02-11T16:33:08-06:00
no one in our systen really can or will oppose any thing obama in fact most are playing ball or playing with his ball's if you know what i mean? Our government is our enemy. and forget both so called parties both hate our freedoms and both are male butt lovers.
Sen Felix Macaca (not verified)
Wed, 02/11/2009 - 17:43
HS 17354 2009-02-11T19:43:59-06:00
Wow, Fred Dawes is like the perfect prototype model of the lizard brain.... So many references to balls and buts, I wonder which team Mr. Dawes truly wants to play on....