cnn: Page 2
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Rick Sanchez outrageously lies about Arizona immigration bill (CNN, Jonathan Turley) - 04/21/10
Yesterday, Rick Sanchez of CNN hosted a discussion with Jonathan Turley of George Washington University and Jim Wallis of Sojourners about the new, tough anti-illegal immigration bill in Arizona. And, as could be expected, Sanchez lied. On the video at Rick Sanchez refers to:
The part of the bill that says that anyone with darker skin [pats hand] or that police *believe* might be an illegal immigrant has a right to be stopped and searched. Is that constitutional?
The bill (House engrossed version here, might not be a permalink) makes clear that police aren't going to be...
Rick Sanchez of CNN promotes anti-American DREAM Act, uses "gringo" slur - 03/16/10
On March 12, Rick Sanchez of CNN offered a video segment about the anti-American DREAM Act, a bill that would let foreign citizens who are here illegally take college educations away from U.S. citizens (video link).
Janet Napolitano on failed terror attack: "The system worked" (video) - 12/27/09
Speaking to Candy Crowley of CNN earlier today, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was asked about the failed terror attack that occurred on Christmas Day aboard a jet bound from Amsterdam to Detroit.
Per Napolitano, "the system worked" (see the video, also at ).
Obviously, the system didn't work; the only things that averted tragedy were a failed detonator (link) and an alert passenger who subdued the terrorist. The DHS clearly failed, but so too did the State Department and perhaps other agencies.
Rep. Peter King responds to Napolitano, saying (...
CNN, Google global warming propaganda show how untrustworthy they are (COP15 video contest) - 12/14/09
Google is going all out to present a one-sided view of global warming, not even acknowledging that some might disagree. On at post time there's a prominent link called "Explore impact of climate change on Google Earth"; clicking the link brings you to
Explore the potential impacts of climate change on our planet Earth and learn about solutions for adaptation and mitigation, in the context of the United Nation's Climate Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen. With Google Earth you can view climate change scenarios, interact with narrated tours, investigate...
Charles Jaco CNN Saudi Arabia Gulf War footage: real or fake? (Answer: real) - 12/14/09
For a couple of years clips have been circulating on Youtube that tried to show that a CNN segment about the Iraq War - featuring Charles Jaco - was fake. CNN says the segment was live and originated in Saudi Arabia; their opponents try to pretend that the segment was actually shot in a studio in the U.S.
You can see one video making that accusation here.
Ruben Navarrette supports lowering U.S. wages to global levels - 11/27/09
Ruben Navarrette offers a "Special to CNN" called "U.S. workers can't hide from competition" [1] which can be summarized thusly: "suck it up, American workers! You have no right not to have your wages fall to Bangladeshi levels".
He discusses Luis Gutierrez' bogus "hire Americans first" provision, and says:
Obama state dinner guests incl. Couric, Brian Williams, GE chairman, DreamWorks, NYT and WaPo reporters... - 11/24/09
A full list of those invited to tonight's White House state dinner - the one featuring arugula (no, really) - is here. In addition to a large number of Indian names that I don't recognize, here are some that seem more than a bit interesting:
Janet Murguia of NCLR cheers Lou Dobbs departure, warns of more to come - 11/22/09
Janet Murguia of the National Council of La Raza takes to the pages of Alternet to offer "Dobbs' Resignation Was Long Overdue" ('_resignation_was_long_overdue). Somewhat surprisingly, it doesn't seem to contain any outright lies, just smears and misleading statements. For instance, she tries to blame an increase in hate crimes on Dobbs and others:
The rhetoric that Lou and other extreme commentators used surrounding the debate took a harsh turn, so much so that a member of my staff called it a "wave of hate" and said that "this no longer sounds like it's about...
John King of CNN asks David Axelrod puffball immigration reform question - 11/15/09
On today's "State of the Union", John King of CNN - the replacement for Lou Dobbs - asked David Axelrod about plans for comprehensive immigration reform (transcript
Howard Kurtz is still not a reliable source (Lou Dobbs) - 11/12/09
Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post offers "Anchor Lou Dobbs resigns from CNN" (link). Let me show some ways that he's still not a reliable source:
Lou Dobbs, the most opinionated and divisive anchor at a cable network that bills itself as a straight-news oasis, resigned from CNN on Wednesday night...
Some of the other CNN personalities - such as Rick Sanchez, Soledad OBrien, and Anderson Cooper - seem to be quite opinionated, and the first two do so publicly. If Kurtz can't see that, perhaps he's a bit like someone who lives next to the train tracks: after a while they get used to the noise...
Lou Dobbs quits CNN; illegal immigration profiteers shouldn't celebrate just yet - 11/11/09
Lou Dobbs is announcing on CNN right now that he's quitting the network (link), saying:
"Some leaders have been encouraging him to engage in positive problem solving... and to continue to do so in the most direct way possible... At this point I'm considering a number of options..."
Expect illegal immigration profiteers to cheer the news, but they shouldn't do so just yet. CNN's center-left slant and confusion over what is and isn't journalism were a thorn in his side as much as he was a thorn in their side. Those like Rick Sanchez and Soledad OBrien masquerade as journalists, but they rarely...
Soledad O'Brien "Latinos in America" not biased enough for NILP (+ she lies) - 11/09/09
The National Institute for Latino Policy ( raised issues with the recent "Latino in America" documentary by Soledad OBrien of CNN, and O'Brien responds to their concerns here. While I didn't watch it, I didn't have to: it was almost assuredly a complete puff piece. However, it wasn't enough of a puff piece for some:
...So many in our community told us we could not do a story about Latinos without showing how our controversial immigration debate is tearing apart families and encouraging some folks to target the most vulnerable among us (note: see immigration vulnerable)....
Shot fired at Lou Dobbs' house; what you can do about it - 10/29/09
On his Monday radio show, Lou Dobbs announced that a few weeks ago someone shot at his house while his wife was just 15 feet away. And, that followed a series of threatening phone calls; the state police are currently investigating. Audio of his broadcast is attached, and a partial transcript (via this) is at [1].
CNN poll: 73% want illegal immigration decreased; - 10/22/09
From this:
Seventy-three percent of those questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Thursday morning called for a drop in the number of illegal immigrants, with 22 percent saying the number should remain the same and just 3 percent stating that there should be an increase in the number of illegal immigrants. That 73 percent figure is the highest number since CNN started asking this question four years ago.
According to the poll, 37 percent want to see all illegal immigrants deported, also the highest number since the questions was first asked in 2006, and another 23...
"Enough is Enough!" anti-Lou Dobbs campaign from Democracia Ahora (DNC link, Obama too?; Bendixen) - 09/18/09
In addition to the Drop Dobbs campaign, another group is starting their own push in an attempt to silence Lou Dobbs. This group has links to the Obama administration and the Democrats that are slightly closer than the other, and given that Obama lied about Lou Dobbs during the election, it would be interesting to know the degree to which there's any coordination.
The campaign is from Democracia Ahora - run by Jorge Mursuli - and is called "Enough is Enough!" ( They commisioned Sergio Bendixen's firm to conduct what amounts to an extraordinarily biased push-poll of...
Wolf Blitzer p0wned on Celebrity Jeopardy, *negative* $4000 going into final round (video) - 09/17/09
On tonight's Celebrity Jeopardy, Wolf Blitzer squared off with Andy Richter and Dana Delaney. And, Blitzer got completely, absolutely p0wned, ending up with negative $4000 at the end of Double Jeopardy. Richter trounced his two competitors and at the end of the game ended up with $68,000. Unfortunately, rather than forcing him to suffer the ignominious defeat he so richly deserves, they gave Blitzer $1000 for Final Jeopardy.
Drop Dobbs: illegal activity-supporting racial power groups and far-left want Lou Dobbs off CNN - 09/17/09
A coalition of illegal immigration-supporting far-left and/or racial power groups has launched a campaign called "Drop Dobbs" to get advertisers to pull their ads from CNN's Lou Dobbs show (, "...The effort aims to let companies know that their continued financial support of CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight makes them complicit in the hate speech and wild conspiracy theories that he promotes..."
Campaigns like this - following on the heels of the somewhat successful similar campaign against Glenn Beck - stand a greater chance of success given the fact...
Illegal aliens can get healthcare benefits under House bill: Congressional Research Service (HR 3200) - 08/26/09
The Congressional Research Service - part of the Library of Congress - now confirms that illegal aliens will be able to access healthcare benefits under the House healthcare reform bill (HR 3200).
Jon Klein, CNN "political researchers" were wrong: Hawaii didn't discard paper records (Dobbs, Farah) - 08/08/09
On July 23, CNN president Jon Klein sent an email to staffers of the Lou Dobbs show saying that he'd asked CNN's "political researchers" to look into the "Birthers" issue and that those "researchers" had determined that Hawaii had discarded their paper birth certificates. He was attempting to show thatBarack Obama can't release his original certificate. The email is reprinted at [1].
However, the claim from CNN's "political researchers" was false: as Janice Okubo later confirmed [2], Hawaii had not discarded any paper copies, they were simply archived when that state put their birth records...
John McCain still confused over Hispanic vote - 08/03/09
This isn't in any way "news", but yesterday John McCain said the following on "State of the Union" with John King of CNN (video might be here but it won't play for me):
"On the issue of the Hispanic voter, we have to do a lot more. We Republicans have to recruit and elect Hispanics to office... And I don't mean just because they're Hispanics, but they represent a big part of the growing population in America. And we have a lot of work to do there. And I am of the belief that unless we reverse the trend of Hispanic voter registration, we have a very, very deep hole that we've got to come out...
Howard Kurtz of CNN is not a reliable source - 07/27/09
If you think Howard Kurtz of CNN and the Washington Post is credible, please see the following. On yesterday's "Reliable Sources" program, he said the following (video attached):
Is it responsible for (Lou Dobbs) and others to go on the air, talk about these claims, demand proof, when we have seen a copy of the birth certificate? When Hawaii officials say that Barack Obama was born there in 1961?
If Kurtz is credible, you should be able to find direct quotes from Hawaiian officials confirming Obama was born there, right?
So, where are those quotes?
If Howard Kurtz is telling the truth, then...
Kitty Pilgrim of CNN lies, smears over Obama certificate issue (John Avlon and Errol Louis lie) - 07/20/09
On the video from CNN at, Kitty Pilgrim attempts to "debunk" the Obama citizenship issue and shows that she's simply a dissembling mainstream media hack. The discussion features Orly Taitz and Alan Keyes on one side, and John Avlon and Errol Louis on the other. Rather than trying to get the facts of the matter, Pilgrim persistently engages in mockery, as do Avlon and Louis.
Pilgrim first leads off with a summary of the issue; here are the problems with what she says:
* She refers to Obama's "birth certificate", saying it shows he was born in Hawaii. See this for why...
Obama admin sends audit letters to possible illegal alien employers; Bush-style prelude to "reform" - 07/02/09
Remember how George W Bush "got tough" on illegal immigration in an attempt to push through comprehensive immigration reform? Welcome to the Obama administration's version (link, from Jeanne Meserve of CNN):
In a signal that the Obama administration is changing tactics in dealing with illegal immigration, hundreds of businesses were notified Wednesday that federal authorities will be taking a closer look at their employment records to determine if they are hiring illegal aliens.
Kelly Nantel, a spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said businesses in every state and industry are...
Anderson Cooper, Thelma Gutierrez of CNN promote anti-American DREAM Act - 06/14/09
Finally: PIIPPs are now available in video form as Anderson Cooper of CNN presents a "news" report from Thelma Gutierrez which isn't more than an ad for the anti-American DREAM Act, a federal bill t
2009 immigration marches get tea party-level turnout (actually even less) - 05/01/09
The 2009 marches in support of illegal immigration are getting a turn-out roughly equivalent to that of the tea parties or less. For the high side of figures, turn to the Fair Immigration Reform Movement at
Gumecindo Salas /HACU misleads about Dream Act (Heidi Collins/CNN helps) - 04/23/09
Heidi Collins of CNN did a segment on the anti-American DREAM Act earlier today. The transcript is here, and a video of the first part of the segment is here.
CA LULAC: U.S.-Mexico border might not be valid; legalize Mexican illegal aliens; wants international arbitration - 04/21/09
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is a considered-mainstream group that in the past has been pandered to by George W Bush, John Kerry, John McCain, and Barack Obama and presented as mainstream by the MSM despite having at least a national treasurer who's an extremist.
Now, over to Casey Wian on CNN's Lou Dobbs show (transcript link):
WIAN: LULAC claims that 2008 Supreme Court decision in a Texas death penalty case involving a Mexican citizen could render the 1848 border treaty [of Guadalupe Hidalgo] invalid because Congress failed to make the treaty binding on individual...
Janet Napolitano falsely says "crossing the border is not a crime" (+border fence, Arpaio) - 04/20/09
Department of Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano appeared on CNN's "State of the Union" with John King and said the following (transcript here):
And yes, when we find illegal workers, yes, appropriate action, some of which is criminal, most of that is civil, because crossing the border is not a crime per se. It is civil. But anyway, going after those as well.
The U.S. Code says she's wrong (link, excerpt at [1]): sneaking across the border can result in up to six months in jail for the first offense and up to two years for subsequent offenses. It most definitely is a crime; see also...
HotAir unwittingly shows futility, stupidity, perniciousness of tea parties (Susan Roesgen) - 04/17/09
Allahpundit of HotAir has posted two videos that - completely unwittingly - show just how futile, stupid, and pernicious the tea parties are: link.
John King/CNN: border fence works (but, maybe "reform" would be better) - 02/15/09
John King of CNN offers "Border fence is a dividing line in immigration debate", a report from his "State of the Union" show (link). It provides anecdotal evidence that the border fence works where it's deployed, but he also closes on a note that might have been designed to promote comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty.
Greg Mitchell misleads about MSM smears of Sarah Palin ("Why Obama Won") - 02/15/09
Greg Mitchell - editor of Editor and Publisher and author of the new book "Why Obama Won" - puts on his mainstream media apologist hat to offer the incredibly misleading "Hit or Myth: Did the Media 'Destroy' McCain's Chances By Mocking Sarah Palin?" (link):
In the months after the November election, and then gaining even more attention as Barack Obama became president, are charges that the media helped elect him by attacking, of mocking, Sarah Palin. Numerous pundits and conservative activists have alleged that she had given John McCain a big boost in the polls when first named and that she...
Assignment: document Obama, FEMA, MSM response to ice storms in Kentucky - 02/02/09
As of last week, hundreds of thousands in Kentucky and others in Arkansas were without power due to ice storms, and dozens have died. While not as major a disaster as Katrina, some have called into question the mainstream media's coverage of the response, wondering whether they would have approached it differently if it had happened during the Bush administration.
Your assignment: compare the government response to past incidents, and compare the MSM's coverage to how they covered past incidents including Katrina and others. And, find out whether Barack Obama has paid as much attention to...
Bad art or good joke? CNN wants Obama "art" from viewers - 01/07/09
CNN's site is currently soliciting Obama art from their visitors. See "The Passion of the Obama?!
The Star Spanglish Banner and Barack the Magic Negro tear up the RNC chart - 12/29/08
The latest way for the MSM and the Democratic Party to portray the Republican Party as home of knuckle-dragging racists was, ultimately, self-inflicted by Chip Saltsman, a candidate to be chair of the RNC. Saltsman is a former head of the Tennessee Republican Party who managed the Mike Huckabee campaign and who recently distributed a Christmas CD containing parody songs, including some from Paul Shanklin which are "controversial". To a good extent, the two songs I've reviewed are only controversial because they were made so. Unfortunately, that's not a full defense of Saltsman's actions...
Drew Griffin/CNN smears Sarah Palin with completely out-of-context National Review quote - 10/21/08
Drew Griffin of CNN recently conducted an interview with Sarah Palin and asked her this:
Governor, you've been mocked in the press, the press has been pretty hard on you, the Democrats have been pretty hard on you, but also some conservatives have been pretty hard on you as well. The National Review had a story saying that, you know, I can't tell if Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt or all of the above.
As detailed here, Griffin took that NR quote completely out of context; the laundry list referred to the impression that the media has been trying to give of her. How...
Scott Shane/NYT's pro-BHO spin on Bill Ayers/Barack Obama collaboration - 10/04/08
Scott Shane of the New York Times offers "Obama and '60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths" (originally titled "Obama Had Met Ayers, but the Two Are Not Close"). If you believe the NYT, then everything's fine and dandy, and Barack Obama and 60s radical Bill Ayers are not close. The fact that they aren't close and never were close and nothing funny went on and there's nothing to see here is especially important because Ayers is a former and allegedly unrepentant terrorist who's since been, in Shane's words, "rehabilitated".
On the other hand, if you actually want the truth, compare the second...
Sarah Palin/Joe Biden vice presidential debate live coverage 10/2/08 - 10/02/08
Summary: Palin "won", in that she held her own, which was much better than the MSM and the "pundits" expected (and hoped). She didn't eviscerate Biden (even though she got in a subtle dig against Michelle Obama), but simply by being able to match him she hasn't doomed the McCain campaign and her folksy ways probably helped a good deal. She's also shown herself not to be the monster that the MSM has tried to portray her as.
Commencing now..
Biden implies that madrassas aren't schools. I'm sure he knows, but...
Palin had a "good conversation" with Henry Kissinger. Oh my. Was David Rockefeller...
CNN "fact check" misleads about John McCain comprehensive immigration reform stance - 09/24/08
Dear CNN:
Sorry to shout, but I see that your "Fact Check: Is Obama ad right on McCain's immigration stance?" (link) continues the same lie that several of Barack Obama's other minions have tried to promulgate.
John McCain ad was right and Barack Obama, MSM misled about BHO's kindergartener sex education bill - 09/16/08
Earlier this month the John McCain campaign released an ad (link, video link) saying in part:
"Obama's one accomplishment?
Legislation to teach "comprehensive sex education" to kindergartners.
Learning about sex before learning to read?
Barack Obama.
This has led to a wide variety of BHO supporters - specifically those in the MSM - calling McCain a liar. To a certain extent, they have somewhat of a point: the bill might not be an "accomplishment" for BHO since he was just a supporter and not a co-sponsor and since it never passed. And, the McCain campaign might not have correctly...
Judy Bachrach/Vanity Fair smears Lou Dobbs - 08/08/08
Freelance writer and Vanity Fair contributor Judy Bachrach offers a smear of Lou Dobbs in "Lou Doubts" ( It's yet another example of the illegal activity-supporting establishment trying to reduce his influence in order to profit from illegal activity in one way or another.