"Enough is Enough!" anti-Lou Dobbs campaign from Democracia Ahora (DNC link, Obama too?; Bendixen)
In addition to the Drop Dobbs campaign, another group is starting their own push in an attempt to silence Lou Dobbs. This group has links to the Obama administration and the Democrats that are slightly closer than the other, and given that Obama lied about Lou Dobbs during the election, it would be interesting to know the degree to which there's any coordination.
The campaign is from Democracia Ahora - run by Jorge Mursuli - and is called "Enough is Enough!" (TellCNNEnoughisEnough.com). They commisioned Sergio Bendixen's firm to conduct what amounts to an extraordinarily biased push-poll of 100 Hispanic leaders about Dobbs; it hasn't been released but for an example of their intellectual integrity here's one of the questions from the Politico report by Carol Lee (link):
"Many Hispanics are offended by the news content of Lou Dobbs’ show and regard him as a demagogue who is helping to create a negative image of Hispanics. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment?"
Those who took part in the poll - almost assuredly among the 90% who agreed with the preceding question - include Sen. Bob Menendez, Dan Restrepo (a member of President Obama’s National Security Council, who Democracia Ahora says was interviewed while he was a director for the Americas Project at Center for American Progress), and Reps. Raul Grijalva and Lucille Roybal Allard.
Communications for "Enough is Enough!" are being handled by another Miami-based firm, Balsera Communications, which is run by Freddy Balsera, who coordinated Hispanic media for the Obama campaign and is co-chair of the Democratic National Committee’s National Hispanic Leadership Council.
Note also this ironic bit:
“We’re asking CNN, the alleged ‘most trusted name in news,’ to really hold Lou Dobbs to the journalistic standards he should be held to,” said Jorge Mursuli, president of Democracia Ahora, who expressed frustration with Dobbs’ reports that immigration contributed to thousands of new reported cases of leprosy and of a ‘superhighway’ from Mexico to Canada.
In April 2008, Barack Obama seemed to confirm the NAFTA superhighway, so maybe Mursuli would like to conduct a campaign against him.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 09/20/2009 - 16:59
HS 19414 dawes57@cox.net 2009-09-20T18:59:30-05:00
my god the little monkeys really hate Lou.