Ruben Navarrette supports lowering U.S. wages to global levels
Ruben Navarrette offers a "Special to CNN" called "U.S. workers can't hide from competition" [1] which can be summarized thusly: "suck it up, American workers! You have no right not to have your wages fall to Bangladeshi levels".
He discusses Luis Gutierrez' bogus "hire Americans first" provision, and says:
Both parties use lies and demagoguery to exploit fears and convince frightened Americans that we can fence ourselves off from competition. Build a wall. Impose a tariff. All so we don't have to put up with the annoyance of being forced to out-work, out-produce and out-hustle someone else to make a living... ...What our own parents and grandparents came to expect decades ago when they went after a job, we think we're above... ...Why should U.S. citizens get a benefit not from education or hard work but from something they had nothing to do with -- where they were born? If a job is available, U.S. workers should be free to compete for it, but not have it handed to them on a silver platter. Likewise, foreign workers who come here legally should have a shot at competing for that same job.
Only recently has it become possible for millions of foreign workers in their own countries to compete with U.S. workers for U.S. jobs, and various plans (such as George W Bush's anti- and un-American guest workers program) would have ramped up immigration by foreign workers. Navarette is like Bush turning his back on U.S. workers, supporting lowering previously middle class wages - such as that for call center workers, nurses, and a whole host of other jobs - to the global level. The global level is quite low and those coming here temporarily have shown that they're willing to endure privations while in the U.S., such as living dozens to a house and living in shantytowns. While competition is a good concept, it's a better concept not to encourage bringing third world levels of living to the U.S. as Navarrette would have us do.
Mary (not verified)
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 18:36
HS 19977 2009-11-27T20:36:30-06:0
Let's start with him.
Anonymous (not verified)
Fri, 11/27/2009 - 21:50
HS 19978 2009-11-27T23:50:24-06:00
It's one thing to take that stance if you have to compete with foreign production. But the extremists like Ruben even want to drag American jobs that can't be exported down to the lowest wage possible. There's no need to do that. Obviously, it's not in the interests of U.S. workers. They can either become unemployed (which the country has to deal with) or they can take the new, artificially lower wage. That's if they can even get the job over the foreigner--some companies may prefer foreign labor even if there are Americans willing to take the same lowered wage. That's probably cool with Ruben even if the reasons are pure race discrimination, ability to violate workplace standards, etc. To Ruben, it's just that you're lazy.
Leave it to Beaner (not verified)
Sat, 11/28/2009 - 04:53
HS 19979 2009-11-28T06:53:22-06:00
Rueben is Tamar Jacoby in drag.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 11/28/2009 - 14:32
HS 19980 2009-11-28T16:32:31-06:00
This is so out of the turner diaries its a joke! and face facts boys our so called leaders want us not only to be paid at level but live at third world levels, and it is the plan of our enemies. Buy Guns understand your enemy and this little shit pig Ruben Navarrette is a little brown shit who loves his owners.