reconquista: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
2002 Zogby poll: 58% of Mexicans think U.S. Southwest rightfully belongs to Mexico - 07/06/17
These are the results of a Zogby poll from 2002. Many of the links about the poll have since vanished, so I'll reprint the results here.
The original page at the group that commissioned it is archived at [1].
From [2]:
Anti-American: Barack Obama says only Native Americans can decide U.S. immigration policy - 11/28/14
Speaking in Chicago yesterday, Barack Obama said that U.S. citizens have no right to control who comes into the U.S. and that the only people who can rightfully control that are Native Americans. In so doing, Obama denied the sovereignty of the United States and denied the very laws and structures that made him president in the first place. HIs statement also harkens back to the days when the "one drop rule" was used to deprive blacks of rights.
Coca Cola's pro-multiculturalism, anti-American "America the Beautiful" video ads - 02/03/14
During the Super Bowl, Coca Cola released an ad featuring people singing America the Beautiful in various languages. This set off a firestorm on Twitter and elsewhere, with others posting in support and opposition to the ad. For instance, Lt. Col. Allen West quotes Teddy Roosevelt's support for assimilation and says (link):
Piers Morgan is incapable of discrediting even John Leguizamo's absurd immigration ideas (CNN, Ice Age: Continental Drift) - 07/13/12
How weak an interviewer is Piers Morgan of CNN? So weak that he can't and won't show how a celebrity airhead like John Leguizamo is wrong about immigration policy. In an appearance last night to promote the Ice Age: Continental Drift movie, Leguizamo also promoted a racialist immigration policy for the U.S., with Morgan saying nary a peep:
Will California declare state-level immigration amnesty? (Opportunity and Prosperity Act, illegal aliens) - 12/03/11
No, California won't be declaring its own, state-level amnesty for illegal aliens. While Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes and others are trying to put an initiative on the ballot ("California Opportunity and Prosperity Act") that would attempt to declare such an amnesty (link), such an initiative has nearly zero chance of passing.
Jorge Ramos: most Californians support Mexico over U.S. in soccer; US is "latinizing" - 06/26/11
Yesterday, the U.S. soccer team faced off against the Mexican soccer team in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. The Los Angeles Times headline says it all: "In Gold Cup final, it's red, white and boo again/Mexico rallies for a 4-2 win over U.S. behind overwhelming support at Rose Bowl. In what other country would the visitors have home-field advantage?" [1].
Obama flames reconquista at Hispanic Caucus, gets history, Declaration of Independence wrong - 09/19/10
Just over two years ago and as discussed here and almost nowhere else, Barack Obama flamed reconquista sentiments. Speaking at a Congressional Hispanic Caucus event recently he did it again. He also got history wrong and left "by their Creator" out of the Declaration of Independence.
On the video at Obama says:
...long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. From British to French, to Dutch and Spanish - to Mexican - to countless Indian tribes, we all shared the same land. We didn't always get along, but over the centuries what...
Rachel Maddow smear: Jan Brewer, SB1070, and CCA private prisons (Arizona, Morgan Loew) - 09/07/10
Rachel Maddow and others are implying an absurd claim: that Arizona governor Jan Brewer signed SB 1070 - that state's new immigration law - in part to profit Corrections Corporation of America. CCA has a contract with the Department of Homeland Security's ICE agency to provide immigration detention facilities, and two people linked to Brewer are also linked to CCA. For background from far-left illegal immigration supporters, see this and this; the Morgan Loew report from KPHO is here; Brewer's campaign manager responds here [1].
On the video at (transcript here) Maddow...
Roland Martin's reconquista rant (CNN) - 08/10/10
Criticizing Roland Martin of CNN is generally useless since it's doubtful whether anyone outside Jon Klein takes him seriously.
Clueless: Nick Gillespie can't see problems with massive illegal immigration (Mickey Kaus, Reason Magazine) - 06/04/10
The video at [1] has an interview Nick Gillespie of Reason Magazine did with Mickey Kaus. At the beginning they discuss immigration, and Gillespie, rather unbelievably, asks "what was the negative outcome of the 1986 immigration reform [bill]".
Laura Wides-Munoz of AP's noxious racial bean-counting (does Obama discriminate against white males in cabinet?) - 12/21/09
Laura Wides Munoz of the Associated Press offers a noxious bit of racial bean-counting in "Obama naming Hispanics to top posts at record pace" (link):
Liberals cheer racism, repudiation of U.S. sovereignty at tea party protest by Nick Espinosa (Daniel Tencer) - 11/16/09
Daniel Tencer of RawStory offers "Tea partiers punk’d into supporting removal of white people from US" ( video at Both the underlying story and his treatment of it are explicitly anti-American:
Creeping condominium: L.A. Mexican consulate working with governments, non-profits (Anna Gorman) - 07/23/09
The Mexican government has been able to gain a great deal of political power inside the U.S. over the years; see that link. If things continue as they are, eventually we may reach some form of de facto power-sharing arrangement where we don't have full control of parts of our territory or our populace. Corrupt, illegal activity-supporting libertarians, liberals, and conservatives would have you believe that's just a conspiracy theory ("reconquista"), but there are currently border areas and the like that are under shared control between other countries. And, there doesn't have to be an actual...
DHS "Domestic Extremism Lexicon" includes wider range of groups - 05/01/09
Just before the more famous "rightwing extremism" report, the Department of Homeland Security also released a "Domestic Extremism Lexicon" that defines a wide range of left, right, and elsewhere groups. You can download a copy from here, and the DHS says it was pulled for an unnamed reason shortly after it was released.
Among those groups and movements defined are "anti-immigration extremism":
A movement of groups or individuals who are vehemently opposed to illegal immigration, particularly along the U.S. southwest border with Mexico, and who have been known to advocate or engage in criminal...
Fmr CO state Sen. Polly Baca tells American: "Go back to Europe" - 04/08/09
Polly Baca is a former Colorado state senator and a supporter of illegal immigration who is/was linked into the Western Union gravy train and who served as the spokeswoman for a pro-illegal immigration group headed by Federico Pena.
After Chris Romer's recent attempt to give in-state tuition to illegal aliens failed, she posted about it on her Facebook page. Subsequently, an Air Force veteran named Gregory Williams left a response (link; note that he thought she was still in office):
I, as a Coloradan, am glad your bill got shot down. Colorado has continued to shout 'no amnesty, no special...
Lawrence Downes /NYT: strongly supports illegal activity, has mental issues - 03/19/09
Lawrence Downes of the New York Times offers "Notes From the Immigration Battlefield" (link).
Barack Obama's Reconquista 101: "they didn't cross the border, the border crossed them", Indians aren't immigrants - 08/18/08
Speaking at a high school in New Mexico, Barack Obama was asked about immigration and, according to this liveblog of the event, said:
"We are a nation of immigrants," Obama answers.
"The only people can say that they aren't immigrants are the people sitting right here," the Presidential candidate says and points to the tribal leaders.
"There are some families who have been here for 4 or 500 years. They didn't cross the border, the border crossed them."
Judy Bachrach/Vanity Fair smears Lou Dobbs - 08/08/08
Freelance writer and Vanity Fair contributor Judy Bachrach offers a smear of Lou Dobbs in "Lou Doubts" ( It's yet another example of the illegal activity-supporting establishment trying to reduce his influence in order to profit from illegal activity in one way or another.
John McCain at National Council of La Raza convention (charter schools, immigration "reform") - 07/14/08
[UPDATE: Did McCain pledge to stop immigration raids?]
Yesterday, Barack Obama spoke at the National Council of La Raza convention. Today, it's John McCain's turn to pander to that far-left, extremist-funding, racist-awarding group, and his prepared remarks are here.
"La Raza runs one of the largest housing counseling programs in the country that has helped tens of thousands of Latinos become homeowners with secure mortgages."
Yes, indeed. And, they've made it quite clear that that or a similar program is racially-specific.
He then says that he's an "unapologetic supporter of NAFTA, the...
Obama, McCain, Clinton at LULAC convention (illegal immigration supporters; reconquista quote) - 07/07/08
Barack Obama, John McCain, and even Hillary Clinton will all be speaking at this year's convention of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), an illegal immigration-supporting group that was once patriotic but has since been radicalized. As shown by the attendees discussed below, the convention will be a nexus of those who do not support what's in the best interests of the U.S. For example, here's a 2007 quote from their national treasurer Jaime Martinez, who'll also be appearing at one of their workshops:
MALDEF: Truth in Immigration website - 03/21/08
The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), has launched a new website called "Truth in Immigration" ( Per this:
John Trasvina, president of Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, said Thursday the airwaves are dominated by anti-immigrant sentiment.
"Comedian" George Lopez, ethnic nationalist for Obama - 02/28/08
From our "getting close to David Duke territory" file comes this:
Hollywood television celebrity and popular comedian George Lopez brought U.S. Sen. Barack Obama's message of hope and change Wednesday afternoon to an estimated 1,200 potential young voters at the University of Texas at El Paso.
"It is the time of the Latino, your time to step up, your time to take this country over," Lopez said, eliciting applause.
Peter Prengaman, Travis Loller spin "reconquista" - 09/07/07
Peter Prengaman and Travis Loller of the Associated Press offer "Anti-Immigration Forces Warn of Plot" (original AP title). It discusses those that favor some form of "reconquista" and those who oppose them and tries to downplay the influence that those favoring "reconquista" have. On the other hand, it's good to see the AP at least acknowledging that such sentiments exist and publicizing them.
Book: "Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista" - 07/17/07
From the SPLC* Review of Books comes news of a book called "Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista":
Now, courtesy of former Navy SEAL Matthew Bracken, comes the American version [of Camp of the Saints] - a portrait of the apocalypse Bracken fears will overtake America thanks to undocumented immigration from the south.
LULAC, Raza radicals: Senate bill "unworkable", "this is our land!", "border crossed us" - 05/20/07
A couple days ago, Mickey Kaus suggested one (slate . com/id/2166199) way to scuttle the Senate's amnesty bill: get radicals to support an even worse version, and perhaps even utter "reconquista" style statements. It looks like he's got his wish. From this:
Meet Fabian Nunez, Hillary Clinton's campaign co-chair - 05/12/07
On this uninteresting April 30 video (, you can see Hillary Clinton introduced by California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, one of her campaign's co-chairs.
Meanwhile, back in the 90's, Nunez was just a bit more radical than that video might suggest. On this video ( from an anti-Proposition 187 rally in Los Angeles:
Fabian Nunez is seen on stage introducing Juan Jose Gutierrez of the SEIU to make a speech to the crowd. To the right stands a Mexican trumpet band. Behind the stage is a large colonial-era American flag, signifying a...
May Day 2007 illegal alien marches odds and ends - 05/01/07
Good crowd shots, including a Mexica Movement banner, lots of red and a sign saying "{peace sign} does not require intelligence":
Good people shots with poor resolution:
Hyped up recounts of the MacArthur Park riot:
Los Angeles illegal immigration march turns violent - 05/01/07
Per Eric Leonard on KFI, the second, more militant illegal immigration march in MacArthur Park in Los Angeles has turned violent, with protesters throwing rocks at police, and the police responding with rubber bullets. A couple reporters were hit by the bullets. Breaking...
Witnesses said police wearing riot gear and wielding batons gave no warning before firing at rally participants gathered at MacArthur Park, CNN reported.
Doug McIntyre (KABC) sued by LAUSD "reconquista" charter school - 04/18/07
The Los Angeles charter school Academia Semillas del Pueblo - funded by the National Council of La Raza and which allegedly teaches a "reconquista" curriculum - is suing KABC-AM radio host Doug McIntyre for slander.
While I haven't seen it, the description makes the lawsuit seem incredibly weak:
"McIntyre implemented a premeditated scheme to bring down the school at all costs because the school e
Geraldo Rivera's reconquista rant - 03/23/07
Geraldo Rivera is half Jewish, half Puerto Rican (Spanish). He hasn't let that stand in his way of standing in solidarity with the indigenous people to whom he has no bond otherwise, such as by supporting illegal immigration and penning a new screed at his site [1].
Alan Colmes, immigration lightweight - 12/06/06
The "Immigration Watchdog" [1] appeared on Hannity & Colmes tonight to discuss reconquista matters. He needs to learn to filibuster a bit better, because liberal lightweight Alan Colmes was able to keep interrupting him and at the end mocked him over his mention of the North American Union.
Democratic Texas/Mexico/Aztlan flyer confirmed? - 10/21/06
I'm sure you all remember this classic:
That flyer - showing Texas and Mexico rejoined - was supposedly passed out at the April 9, 2006 illegal immigration march in Dallas. At the time, I wondered whether it was a real poster or a fake.
Now, someone has sent an email to one Sarah from and says they've received the following reply:
"Yes it is likely one that we produced. I can't seem to get to the part of the site that explains the context of why they showed it though."
Not exactly a full admission, and they might backtrack, but at the very least we can say they haven't...
Peter Bagge is an idiot (Reason Magazine open borders cartoon) - 10/12/06
The Reason Magazine cartoonist offers a fine slab of pro-open borders propaganda in the cartoon ending here: reason . com/0608/bagge4.shtml. Let's take a look at a few of his points and see what he doesn't know or isn't telling his readers. (I'm fisking a cartoon?)
Democrats vs. assimilation - 10/06/06
Yesterday, Arnold Schwarzenegger issued yet another "controversial" statement, this one about Mexican immigrants assimilating. I had two initial thoughts: a) I'm not carrying Arnold's water anymore, and b) few could quibble with his pro-American comments that are similar to ones stated by leading academics.
NCLR Michelle Waslin on assimilation and patriotism - 09/10/06
The April 4, 2006 editorial "An image problem" (link) discusses an NCLR email that shows what they really think about that whole "assimilation" and "patriotism" issue:
Maywood SOS protest, Round Two - 08/30/06
There are already four updates to the post about the SOS protest in Maywood CA that saw a Mexican flag being raised over a U.S. Post Office, and the updates keep coming.
The L.A.
Mexican flag raised over Maywood, CA (SOS protest) - 08/26/06
The Save Our State group held an anti-illegal immigration protest in Maywood, California earlier today. According to various posts in their forums (1,2) there were allegedly a few incidents, including:
- An elderly couple being swarmed and having to go into an auto parts store and then be escorted out by police to avoid the crowd...
Los Angeles Times on Aztlan; LAT now 10% more American - 07/07/06
The Los Angeles Times' David Kelly offers the slightly balanced report "Vision That Inspires Some and Scares Others: Aztlan". This is actually a step up for the Times: instead of simply apologizing militant Chicano attempts to reclaim "their" land away, they offer a somewhat more balanced view.
Brad DeLong deletes comments - 07/07/06
I left two comments on the entry "Greg Mankiw Explains Why Economists Favor Immigration" from UC Berkeley professor Brad DeLong. Both were deleted.
Since both comments have a bit more heft than some other comments which were not deleted, and neither comment is abusive, I have to wonder what's going on. Has DeLong suddenly realized that he and the other "economists" have no argument?
The two comments are in the extended entry.