Book: "Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista"

From the SPLC* Review of Books comes news of a book called "Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista":

Now, courtesy of former Navy SEAL Matthew Bracken, comes the American version [of Camp of the Saints] - a portrait of the apocalypse Bracken fears will overtake America thanks to undocumented immigration from the south. The book is a fictionalized version of the Aztlan conspiracy theory - the idea that Mexico is secretly planning a "reconquista" (reconquering) of the seven states of the Southwest - that now animates large swaths of the anti-immigration movement. It's being plugged on extremist websites, in gun magazines and similar electronic venues, and on immigrant-bashing radio shows like Peter Boyles' program on KHOW-AM in Denver...

And, for completeness' sake, I'll plug it here too, despite not having read it.

* Note: The Southern Poverty Law Center is indirectly linked to the Mexican government.


"eh" has noted the "secretly planning" comment. I don't think it's really such a secret!

I think Mexico City is happy with the status quo: we get the poverty, they get the remittances/foreign aid/loan forgiveness. I really think in 10 years we will have small pockets of armed conflict throughout the US, with drug cartels in the national forests over marijuana "gardens," with low tech terrorism as in the UK, with ethnic enclaves fighting each other. Isn't this what gangbanging is? The world knows we don't have the stomach to enforce our laws or treaties and will take their advantage.

_...- the idea that Mexico is SECRETLY PLANNING a "reconquista" (reconquering) of the seven states of the Southwest -..._ Instead of throwing this in -- I guess in an effort to discredit anyone who talks about "reconquista" by marking them as tin foil hat wearers -- why not address the political reality of ethnic identity politics and ethnic voting blocks? There is no shortage of news about that. So 'secret plan' or not, it's pretty clear what is happening, and there is just as clearly something to worry about, given the lousy demographic profile of Hispanics.

eh and dchamil are right on the money the Mexicans are not planning to take over the 7 states its being done in front of people by using the Ideals of mass population as a weapon, sad to say Bush is part of this evil plan, don't be a fool the day is coming when you will be told Mexican only, get in back of the bus American pig, its already happening in L.A. and May God help you all.