Alan Colmes, immigration lightweight
The "Immigration Watchdog" [1] appeared on Hannity & Colmes tonight to discuss reconquista matters. He needs to learn to filibuster a bit better, because liberal lightweight Alan Colmes was able to keep interrupting him and at the end mocked him over his mention of the North American Union. At the appropriate moment (after Colmes had disputed his statement that the majority of Mexicans thing this is rightfully their land), IW should have told Colmes that his source was a Zogby poll conducted in Mexico.
IW did get in that Antonio Villaraigosa and Cruz Bustamante are former members of MEChA, but one of the key facts he should have mentioned is that part of the problem is the "liberal" infrastructure, including Colmes himself. Rather than looking into these matters, they try to downplay them (Colmes), or they ignore or even completely lie about them (the Los Angeles Times, for instance).
[1] immigrationwatchdog . com/2006/12/06/hannity-colmes-tonight-645pm-pst-watchdog-discusses-the-race-card
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 12/07/2006 - 09:52
When I see MEchA I think bin laden and terrorists acts against people who are not hispanic, the act of reconquista is helping bin laden and that is what mexico city wants.
Our non Government is made up of people who have made a deal with the evil rats FROM Mexico City and the third worlds people to come here and play the murder game, Our Government is helping in all areas to kill Americans, and most still don't get that fact, sad world, buy guns, Its not going to be a good world when it comes to be understood what is happening and why, and may God help you all.