us chamber of commerce

us chamber of commerce: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Heritage names loose borders advocate Stephen Moore as chief economist - 01/22/14

Potentially bad news for the upcoming fight against amnesty: the Heritage Foundation has named Stephen Moore as their chief economist.

US Chamber of Commerce to "pull out all the stops" for immigration amnesty - 01/08/14

The US Chamber of Commerce has always been a strong supporter of comprehensive immigration reform and high immigration in general. Now they plan to turn up the heat, spending money on candidates that agree with their stance and on "grass-roots lobbying".

Richard Trumka admits there's no labor shortage, but won't admit how amnesty would harm Americans (AFL CIO, immigration reform) - 08/30/13

First, the good news. Richard Trumka - president of the AFL CIO - admits that complaints about a labor shortage are bogus. He recently said this (link):

Marco Rubio spox praises U.S. Chamber and AFLCIO colluding on guest workers - 02/22/13

The AFL CIO and the US Chamber of Commerce have reached agreement on three principles for a guest worker program; see that link for the details and what you can do about it is here. Now, from :

AFL-CIO reaches agreement with Chamber of Commerce on guest workers - 02/21/13

Richard Trumka and Tom Donohue - respective heads of the AFL CIO and US Chamber of Commerce - have released a "Joint Statement of Shared Principles" on a guest workers program.

Unions join with bosses in reckless disregard of workers (Chamber of Commerce, SEIU, AFL-CIO, Trumka) - 01/16/13

For years now, unions - caring more about gaining power than helping American workers - have joined with business groups to support massive and illegal immigration. So, while this might be news to some, it's more just a recent, ratcheted-up version of something that's been happening for a while:

Big Business wants more skilled immigration; Alejandro Mayorkas does their bidding as fast as he can (USCIS, U.S. Chamber, NFAP, AILA, Jacoby, USCCB) - 08/18/11

The National Foundation for American Policy has released a compendium of suggestions to increase skilled immigration [1]. The groups offering suggestions include the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AILA, and Tamar Jacoby; see [2] for more.

Legal Workforce Act: too many concessions to US Chamber of Commerce? (eVerify, HR 2164) - 06/18/11

A group of House members [1] have introduce the "Legal Workforce Act" ("LFA"), which would require the use of eVerify by most workers nationwide. That would presumably make it difficult for companies to employ illegal aliens.

Supreme Court upholds 2007 Arizona immigration enforcement law; eVerify; losing: US Chamber, DOJ, Berman, NCLR, ADL, SPLC, AILA, SEIU, LULAC - 05/26/11

In a major victory for states that want to reduce illegal immigration, the US Supreme Court has upheld Arizona's 2007 "Legal Arizona Workers Act" employer enforcement law that requires the use of eVerify and that allows Arizona to pull the business licenses of companies that knowingly hire illegal aliens. Note that the 2007 law and the decision have no relation to Arizona's more recent immigration law. A Los Angeles Times article is here, and links to legal documents are here. Sonia Sotomayor voted in dissent; see her name's link. Those who opposed Arizona's law in court and who lost today...

Massey Energy "profoundly reckless" in mine disaster; Tea Party as useful idiots; Soros, U.S. Chamber - 05/22/11

In April 2010, an explosion at the Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia claimed 40 lives. An independent investigation initiated by that state has found that the mine's operator - Massey Energy - was to blame for the tragedy and was "profoundly reckless" [1] [2]. There are also major political components to the tragedy: 1. Massey - led by their former CEO Don Blankenship - played a major role in West Virginia politics [3]. 2. In September 2009, Massey sponsored the ""Friends of America Rally" which featured Ted Nugent, Hank Williams Jr, and Sean Hannity. The site

Koch family, U.S. Chamber, businesses met to plan strategy (+Glenn Beck, tea parties, "mobilize citizens for November") - 10/20/10

Twice each year, the Koch family conducts strategy meetings with corporate and thought leaders to plan how to advance their "free market" ideology. ThinkProgress has the guest list and program for their June 2010 meeting (in Aspen), and, while immigration isn't mentioned, many of the known attendees are on the wrong side. I don't normally recommend anything at ThinkProgress, but in this case I'll suggest taking a look at their post and downloading the PDF. The New York Times has a related report here; from that: The participants in Aspen dined under the stars at the top of the gondola run on...

Glenn Beck urges donations to illegal immigration-supporting U.S. Chamber of Commerce - 10/14/10

Earlier today, Glenn Beck urged his fans to donate to the US Chamber of Commerce, a group that strongly supports illegal and massive immigration. In 2006, GOP Rep. James Sensenbrenner suggested that the Chamber register as a foreign agent due to what they support.

Labor Dep't "We Can Help" wants tips from third-party activist groups (in addition to helping illegal labor) - 04/06/10

A few days ago we discussed how the Department of Labor is actively supporting illegal immigration with their new "We Can Help" program. Now comes this: [The DOL] is also relying on tips from worker advocacy groups [as part of the "We Can Help" program], widening efforts by the Obama administration to enlist activist groups to help with enforcement in a range of sectors from toy safety to distracted driving... ...The agency and independent groups, including labor federation AFL-CIO, will also distribute posters, fact sheets and booklets on pay and how to report complaints... ...Bill Lurye,...

Appeals court mixed on Oklahoma illegal immigration control law; may jeopardize other states' laws - 02/03/10

From this: A federal appeals court panel ruled Tuesday that a portion of Oklahoma’s anti-illegal immigration law is enforceable now, while other provisions of the law are not. In a divided opinion, a three-judge panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver said that though the plaintiffs would likely triumph with most of their claims, Oklahoma can force employers to check employees names against a federal database of workers eligible to work in this country... ...Saying the provisions are likely to be held unconstitutional, the panel unanimously upheld the preliminary court...

9/12: Tea Party march on Washington DC live coverage (Glenn Beck, Freedomworks) - 09/12/09

Later today, one or two million (maybe less) extreme fiscal conservatives will be marching on Washington DC demanding that the government listens to them and their Randroid concerns. And, we'll be there - virtually speaking - offering coverage of this momentous event featuring millions of people throughout the day. Literally thousands of busloads of true patriots - as opposed to the other, non-patriotic Americans - will be bussed in (at their own expense) by FreedomWorks (run by the corporate lobbyist Dick Armey). Hopefully many will be wearing period costumes and playing fifes, since we know...

Napolitano immigration meeting: you weren't represented (vast # of loose borders groups, Obama/Janet anti-287g) - 08/20/09

Earlier today, Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security held a closed-door meeting with a group of what she calls "stakeholders" ( but was actually a vast pantheon (see below) of far-left, racial power, corrupt business, and in general loose borders groups all of which want some form of comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. There were at least 98 participants in the meeting, and none of them represent your interests or the interests of the great majority of American citizens. Why exactly they'd hold the meeting isn't clear;...

U.S. Chamber of Commerce: $10 million for lobbying in 1Q 2009, including twelve lobbyists on immigration - 05/15/09

The US Chamber of Commerce spent almost $10 million on lobbying in the first quarter of 2009 for all issues combined. The Associated Press enumerates the issues here: The government's $700 billion financial rescue package and Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, were among the high-profile issues the Chamber lobbied on during the first quarter... The group also lobbied on: union organizing, wage discrimination, the children's health insurance program, transportation and port infrastructure, travel restrictions to Cuba, pension security, medical liability reform, greenhouse gas standards,...

Change to Win, AFL-CIO join to push immigration "reform"; ditching big business; labor commission - 04/14/09

Julia Preston and Steven Greenhouse of the New York Times offer 'Immigration Accord by Labor Boosts Obama Effort" (link).

2006: Grover Norquist supported amnesty with U.S. CofC, far-left ACLU, NCLR, SEIU, NIF, USCCB, AFL-CIO - 04/09/09

On January 12, 2006, the American Bar Association held a conference called "Fortress America: Comprehensive Immigration Reform" at the National Press Club in Washington DC in support of that "reform" and specifically in opposition to HR4437.

Soros-funded Democratic immigration push might ditch business interests - 03/28/09

According to Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times, unspecified immigration groups will be making a push for comprehensive immigration reform this fall that would see the Democrats try to get it on their own without bringing business interests into their big, crooked tent: link (See also last month's "Hilda Solis to prefer labor enforcement to immigration enforcement?") Under their scheme, there'd be a massive amnesty, following by: an independent commission that would assess labor and industry data to decide how many foreign workers should be allowed into the country. The system, designed...

Some questioners at Obama town hall were plants (SEIU, donors, etc.) - 03/27/09

At yesterday's Barack Obama town hall meeting, some of those who asked questions live at the event - as distinguished from those who submitted questions online - were plants with connections to the White House or other Beltway establishments. Garance Franke Ruta of the Washington Post says: the five fully identified questioners called on randomly by the president in the East Room were anything but a diverse lot. They included: a member of the pro-Obama Service Employees International Union, a member of the Democratic National Committee who campaigned for Obama among Hispanics during the...

Hilda Solis to prefer labor enforcement to immigration enforcement? (Tyche Hendricks) - 02/04/09

Tyche Hendricks of the San Francisco Chronicle offers "Obama's labor secretary pick backs enforcement" (link); the title isn't as misleading as one might first think since Hendricks is referring to Hilda Solis's position on labor enforcement and not on immigration enforcement; Solis is especially weak on the latter. However, the goal of the article seems to be to try to sell us a new way for the Democrats to have their cake and eat it too: President Obama's pick for secretary of labor, Rep. Hilda Solis, could help shape a new approach to immigration control that emphasizes the robust...

U.S. Chamber of Commerce collaborating with Mexican government on trucks? (Thomas Donohue) - 09/23/08

In 2006, Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. suggested that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce consider registering as a Foreign Agent. Now, from an article entitled "Mexican lobby fights for truck program" (link): The House has made it veto-proof clear: The controversial pilot program allowing big Mexican trucks to cross the U.S. border and travel into the country must end. The Senate has yet to act, though. And Mexico and its U.S. big-business allies are ramping up their efforts to block the repeal, including a renewed warning by Mexican officials to retaliate against U.S. exports if the program is...

SPP North American Leaders Summit April 21, 22 in New Orleans - 04/20/08

The fourth annual "North American Leaders Summit" - part of the Security and Prosperity Partnership started by George Bush - will be held Monday and Tuesday in New Orleans and will be attended by Bush, Felipe Calderon of Mexico, and Stephen Harper of Canada. Expect the news reports about the event to be credulous. Speaking of which, Norma Greenaway of the Canwest News Service/Ottawa Citizen offers this: The annual leaders' gathering, popularly referred to as the Amigos Summit, is being held against the backdrop of a gripping race for the U.S. presidency where the North American Free Trade...

NYT almost follows the money on Western Union (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Ken Salazar) - 11/24/07

Jason DeParle of the New York Times almost follows the money on Western Union, a company that makes almost a billion dollars per year off legal and illegal immigrants sending money home ("remittances"): lin

District Judge Charles Breyer blocks DHS no-match letters (ACLU, CofC, AFL-CIO) - 10/10/07

Spencer Hsu of the Washington Post offers "Judge Bars Bush Crackdown on Illegal Workers" (link): A federal judge barred the Bush administration today from launching a planned crackdown on U.S. firms that hire illegal immigrants, warning of the plan's potentially "staggering" impact on law-abiding workers and companies. Issuing a firm rebuke of the White House, U.S. District Judge Charles R. Breyer of San Francisco granted a preliminary injunction against the government's plan to pressure employers to fire up to 8.7 million workers with suspect Social Security numbers starting this fall...

Thomas Donohue, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, doesn't like you too much - 09/13/07

Here's a quote from Thomas Donohue: "You know, when you come to immigration and trade -- I've sort of come to the point that I don't blame the politicians as much as I blame their constituents." Per the link, this was in an August 31, 2007 Federal News Service article called "Remarks by Thomas Donohue, President and CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Topic: The Chamber of Commerce's Trade Priorities for This Fall".

AFL-CIO, ACLU, NILC sue DHS over no-match letters; EWIC - 08/30/07

From this: ...a lawsuit filed against the Department of Homeland Security this week contends that the new rules are discriminatory and will lead to mass firings of legal workers. Even United States citizens will face discrimination if they look or sound foreign, according to the suit. Filed in a San Francisco federal court this week, the 17-page complaint [link] also names the Social Security Administration as a defendant because it says letters informing businesses of discrepancies between employee records and the agency's database would violate worker’s rights and impose burdensome...

White House listening to pork producers, La Raza, Mexico-linked NALEO, NRA... just not you - 06/21/07

The White House offers a PDF entitled "What They're Saying: Border Security And Immigration Reform Agreement" and subtitled 'Business And Agriculture Groups Say "It Is Critical That The Process Moves Forward"' (PDF) [1]. It's just a collection of quotes from press releases from those few groups that support the Bush/Senate massive illegal immigration amnesty, and it contains no accompaning text other than the titles. As simply a collection of quotes, it's not that shocking. However, it's interesting that these are the special interest groups that the White House chooses to use to bolster...

Senate immigration amnesty bill: the supporters - 05/21/07

Outside a number of Senators, there aren't too many who support the Senate's immigration amnesty/"guest" worker plan. This post will keep track of them, and I urge everyone to hold those below accountable whether the bill passes or not. I also urge everyone to keep calling Congress, but, even more importantly, follow the steps previously outlined to help stop amnesty. The supporters: * Of course: president Bush, Sens. John McCain and Ted Kennedy * From "Few senators support the illegals bill" (link): Sen. Arlen Specter, one of the Republicans who helped craft the deal, said it's the best they...

Kennedy-McCain illegal alien amnesty nearing completion; business, racial groups - 02/22/07

From this: Senators and lobbyists are putting the final touches on a comprehensive immigration-reform bill that includes an easier citizenship path for illegal aliens and weaker enforcement provisions than were in the highly criticized legislation that the Senate approved last year. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who ardently supports citizenship rights for illegals, will introduce the bill as early as next week, according to Senate sources knowledgeable about the negotiations. If the Senate Judiciary Committee can make quick work of the bill, it could be ready for...

Hundreds Meet to Launch New Immigrant Rights Alliance - 02/20/07

Socialist Action/Jason Cain & Wayne McElyea/September 2006/ link Reveals that "a number of delegates" to the National Immigrant Rights Strategy Convention had "close ties" to Mexico's PRD party. Rep. Luis Gutierrez - a member of the U.S. Democratic Party - attended and spoke at that convention.

EWIC, U.S. C of C blocked DHS "no-match" regulation? - 01/11/07

Via this Dan Stein says: Representatives of the Essential Workers [Immigration] Coalition (see their member roster: [[Essential Workers [Immigration] Coalition]]) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have asserted that they have successfully sabotaged implementation of a proposed DHS regulation which would require employers who receive 'no-match' letters from the Social Security Administration to correct the discrepancy, or be considered to have "constructive knowledge" of unlawful hiring of illegal aliens at their business. On a January 11, 2006 teleconference for immigration lawyers...

Businesses worried about being sued for hiring illegal aliens - 02/15/06

From this: Employers who hire illegal immigrants to depress wages have something new to fear: Employees who use racketeering laws to take them to court. A law originally conceived to hammer the Mafia – the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations statute – is now being swung against employers at chicken-plucking plants, apple orchards and janitorial firms. In April, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to hear a Georgia racketeering case involving carpet giant Mohawk Industries Inc., its employment practices and allegations that it used labor recruiters in Brownsville. The case is...

Sensenbrenner: no amnesty; perhaps U.S. Chamber of Commerce should register as foreign agent - 01/26/06

From this: Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr., the House point man on immigration, yesterday said that a guest-worker program like the one proposed by President Bush is amnesty and that he cannot accept it in a final immigration bill...

Coalition vows to defeat harsh immigration bill [HR 4437] - 01/20/06

From this: A U.S. coalition of business, labor unions and religious groups launched a campaign on Thursday to defeat a bill backed by Republicans that would turn some 11 million illegal immigrants into felons. The coalition of 24 organizations, many of which rarely agree on politics or economics, denounced the bill passed by the House of Representatives last month and called on the Senate to enact legislation to include a guest worker program and a path for illegal aliens to gain legal status. ..."We are extremely disappointed with the proposal that passed the House last month," said...

How out of touch is Morton Kondracke? - 01/10/06

MorTON! offers "Bush Must Talk Sense To Republicans On Immigration". He starts with a bad title and goes downhill: the ones who need sense are Bush's handlers and the corrupt elites that favor massive illegal immigration. Believe it or not, Morton wants Bush to co-opt Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt and Laura Ingraham, so that those fine hosts can then turn around and explain the wisdom of Bush's plans to the great unwashed out there beyond the beltway. Unfortunately, Kondracke doesn't discuss what those hosts would do when their ratings started to plummet. And, he...

"Sens. Cornyn, Kyl Prepare Massive Guestworker Plan" - 05/27/05

Paul Egan of FAIR reports on a Senate immigration hearing attended by John Cornyn (R-TX) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ).

Tamar Jacoby on the Kennedy-McCain mass amnesty - 05/14/05

Tamar Jacoby has issued the following statement: We the undersigned applaud the introduction today of Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act... [etc. etc...] The signatories include: Lee Culpepper (last mentioned here; works for the National Restaurant Association and is Chairman of the National Immigration Forum) Jack Kemp Grover Norquist Rick Swartz: And then there's the National Immigration Forum, the umbrella organization for high-immigration political advocacy, which works closely with sympathetic Republicans. But NIF is not like the conventional lobbying coalitions that...

AZ Republicans rally for Protect Arizona Now - 09/16/04

From the WashTimes: An immigration initiative in Arizona that would require secure identification to vote in elections and to receive public benefits was endorsed yesterday by more than two dozen Republican state legislators and candidates at a rally outside the statehouse in Phoenix.
