Tweets to Robin Osgood

Robin Osgood's avatar
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Robin Osgood
Bluegrass State
Whether they want 2 admit it or not, every1 got a lil crazy in them I'm good crazyπŸ’• helping others, cook, animals, & 🀣 1stπŸ’™ocean NO DMs or PMs
Tweets to this user:
NPR's avatar
From @NPR
A new survey conducted in 33 countries finds a clear majority of people living outside the U.S. do not trust Presid…
Robin Osgood's avatar
From @ladyroseofky
@NPR I live in the U.S. and I don't trust him to do right thing either
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Congrats on being the 2304230213th to say the same thing. You win a chance to figure out how NPR hyping that supposed survey *helps* Trump. MT @ladyroseofky I live in the U.S. and I don't trust him to do right thing either MT @NPR [most around world don't trust Trump]