secure the border
"Secure the border": Page 3
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
John McCain would sign his own amnesty bill as president; tries co-opting attrition - 01/28/08
Yesterday, Tim Russert asked John McCain:
"If the Senate passed your bill, S.1433, the McCain/Kennedy immigration bill, would you as president sign it?
McCain replied:
"Yeah. But look, the lesson is, it isn't - one, it isn't going to come. It isn't going to come."
Video here.
In other news, McCain is now trying to pretend to embrace the attrition concept, whereby we'd enforce our laws and reduce non-emergency services now to encourage many or most illegal aliens to go home voluntarily. However, he only presents it as a side-effect of an amnesty rather than suggesting it as an...
Obama immigration interview: he'd make situation far worse (Kevin Johnson/UC Davis) - 09/25/07
Professors Kevin Johnson (, Jennifer Chacon, and Bill Hing of UC Davis have scored a true coup for the blogosphere: an interview about immigration with Barack Obama!
Mitt Romney releases immigration policy document (er, kinda) - 09/19/07
Mitt Romney has released a momentous 70-page tome called "Strategy for a Stronger America" (link). It consists of ten sections about his various proposals. In rather large print, with lots of pictures. No footnotes for him!
The immigration section includes the following quote:
Raul Grijalva wants to secure border ecologically soundly (Defenders of Wildlife) - 06/13/07
From a Defenders of Wildlife press release (link):
Immigration activists spar at Phoenix rally - 03/07/07
Tim Gaynor/"(Additional reporting by Mary Milliken in Los Angeles and Adriana Garcia in Washington.)"/Reuters
Supporters and opponents of liberalized immigration laws bellowed at each other through bullhorns at a rally in Phoenix on Monday...
Bush State of the Union Address 2007 features blackmail - 01/23/07
The SOTU excerpt has Bush blackmailing the country he supposedly works for:
we cannot fully secure the border unless we take pressure off the border - and that requires a temporary worker program.
That statement is either completely Clintonian or complete bunk depending on how it's parsed.
Gabrielle Giffords' first immigration speech - 01/13/07
I've been told that one of the big blogging stories of 2006 was all the hacks, er, bloggers who were hired by campaigns. Well, guess what! This blog has just been hired by a politician you've probably heard of, and you'd never guess I'd be working for her, but I am.
Finally today I can announce: I've been hired to give the plain English, BS-free version of Gabrielle Giffords' speeches. The plucky Arizona legislator beat Randy Graf in November, sparking the massive Graf/Hayworth canard, and one of her top goals is finally "solving" the immigration crisis.
Here's my maiden attempt for "Gabby" (...
Texas Gov. Rick Perry strongly supports illegal immigration - 01/12/07
Texas governor Rick Perry is closely following the George Bush playbook as he came out against attempts to prevent illegal aliens from taking Texas college tuition discounts from U.S. citizens. Some in Texas want to repeal the law he signed six years ago, and he's pledged to oppose their efforts. And, he's also revealed he's a liar:
Alberto Gonzalez strokes Laredo over border violence - 01/11/07
From this:
U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales toured the World Trade Bridge on Wednesday, announcing a new effort to fight drug traffickers on the border. "We're concerned about violence in Mexico spilling into the U.S.," Gonzales said...
...He was scheduled to meet with his Mexican counterpart later Wednesday.
Dick Armey, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mike Pence, and Helen Krieble do lunch - 09/26/06
From their press release:
FreedomWorks Foundation sponsored a luncheon for Capitol Hill staffers to discuss immigration reform that will balance both security and economic concerns. In particular, the forum will examine options for strengthening our borders while establishing procedures that provide law-abiding workers a legitimate path to the American workplace.
FreedomWorks chairman and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey was joined by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN, 6), and Helen Krieble, President of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation.
It was her...
Who wrote Arnold Schwarzenegger's immigration opinion piece? - 09/12/06
California's Bush- and Kennedy-controlled governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, offers "Keep the Immigration Debate Civil". My summary: "A protest vote for Phil Angelides might wake me, Maria, and my Bush handlers up to the realization that I'm on the wrong path."
1. The title will be read by most as a challenge to those opposed to illegal immigration.
Arizona: GOP backs losing Steve Huffman over Randy Graf - 08/31/06
Illegal immigration supporting Rep. Jim Kolbe is retiring and in the race for his former seat:
...the National Republican Congressional Committee is spending more than $122,000 on television ads for state Rep. Steve Huffman. The primary is Sept.
Molly Hennessy-Fiske/LAT promotes corruption in Arkansas; Huckabee - 07/23/06
Molly Hennessy-Fiske of the Los Angeles Times offers a fine slice of pro-illegal immigration propaganda called "Arkansas Immigration Raid Reaches Beyond Workers" (link). It "reports" on the aftermath of the raid at the Petit Jean Poultry plant in Arkadelphia, Arkansas a year ago. We're informed that "[i]nstead of feeling reassured that immigration laws were being enforced, many felt that their community had been disrupted":
History repeats itself with illegal alien amnesty; the huge difference - 05/24/06
Many of the aspects of the current immigration "reform" proposals are similar to the horribly failed past amnesties, and even some of the players - such as Teddy Kennedy - have been at this same game for decades.
There is, however, a major difference between now and then that politicians, pundits, policy makers, and even bloggers would be very wise to heed: the internet.
If you wanted to find out the position of a politician on the 1986 amnesty you might have to go scrounge through microfiches at your regional library or buy a pass to a newspaper's archives.
"Immigration Madness - Come One, Come All, No Ticket Needed" - 05/03/06
Tony Blankley:
It is almost inconceivable that an argument is taken seriously that we don't have the right to secure our borders and determine who shall enter our country. Not only has such lunacy become respectable, but our mainstream media instantly, instinctively embraces such a position. Every radio headline newscast, almost every newspaper and television report willfully refuses to distinguish between illegal and legal immigrants.
Have the Bushes finally lost it over immigration? - 04/05/06
Has the immigration "debate" had a debilitating toll on the Bush family?
First up we have Jeb Bush race-baiting the issue:
"My wife came here legally, but it hurts her just as it hurts me when people give the perception that all immigrants are bad... The cumulative effect of some politicians pounding their chests about immigration is hurtful to both of us," [Jeb] wrote, referring to himself and his brother.
Tim Kaine's SOTU response - 01/31/06
Virginia governor Tim Kaine responds to Bush's speech here:
The failure of the federal government to implement and enforce a rational immigration policy has resulted in a confusing patchwork of state and local efforts. We should welcome those who seek to lawfully join and contribute to our American family. At the same time, we must ensure that our homeland defense efforts begin with consistent federal action to protect our borders.
At first glance you might think it sounds more American than Bush's take on immigration. Then, you slap your forehead as you realize that Tim Kaine supports...
Democrats support "securing the border", UAVs - 12/28/05
The House "Homeland Security Democrats" have released a report (PDF file) taking the administration to task for their failures to secure the "homeland".
"Boob Bait for Bubba" - 11/29/05
Rich Lowry ([1]):
TX Gov. Rick Perry unveils "blueprint for border security" - 10/13/05
From this:
...Saying he is tired of waiting for the federal government to do its job, Texas Gov. Rick Perry unveiled what he called a comprehensive blueprint for border security, which includes the use of the Texas National Guard for training and for deployment in emergencies...
The governor said the National Guard troops would be used only for emergencies and not for routine patrolling of the 1,200-mile long Texas-Mexico border...
Loony Texans oppose Minutemen; Perry offers lukewarm support - 09/24/05
"Minuteman border patrol raises opposition in Texas" (link) has a roundup of the open borders types that oppose the Minuteman Project.
Those include Sen. Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa, D-McAllen and 10 other state senators as well as U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, Texas Democrat. Plus:
Arkansas Republican governor Mike Huckabee and the "underground economy" - 08/29/05
Arkansas' "compassionate conservative" governor, Republican Mike Huckabee, paid a visit to New Hampshire over the weekend. The details are in "Arkansas governor talks politics, immigrants at GOP gathering". In the original version, the following two paragraphs have several paragraphs between them. But, when excerpted they are quite striking:
Hillary: 'Secure our borders' - 07/27/04
During the Clinton administration, the INS became a virtual recruiting drive for the Democratic party, as described here.
So, when Hillary Clinton remarked in her speech yesterday that we should secure our borders, I laughed a bit. However, there's always the possibility that if they say it enough, they might actually mean it. Unfortunately, the non-liberal media will not press her to fully explain her comment and provide details of what we should be doing.
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