Tweets to Michael Balter teaches journalism and does it too

Michael Balter teaches journalism and does it too's avatar
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Michael Balter teaches journalism and does it too
Recently returned to USA from 29 yrs exile in Europe.
Journalism prof, City College of New York; contributor to CJR, SciAm, SAPIENS, The Verge, Yale E360, etc. Anthro, mental health, environ, #MeTooSTEM
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Michael Balter teaches journalism and does it too's avatar
From @mbalter
RT @ThePlumLineGS: In the piece below, @jonathanchait notes that a 2009 DHS report predicted the current rise of white supremacist terroris…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mbalter: if he were smart enough, @jonathanchait could have easily done smart things that would have prevented Trump. Eg, urging all his MSM pals to call out Trump or his proxies on how Trump's main selling point (the "wall") is unimplementable. Was Chait smart enough?
David Fahrenthold's avatar
From @Fahrenthold
We found this by FOIAing the last 13 years of calls for service at Trump's club, from the Bedminster PD. They gave…
Rabbi Jill Zimmerman's avatar
From @RabbiJill
@Fahrenthold You and your team are amazing David. Thank you
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@RabbiJill @mbalter: Trump's horrific, but @Fahrenthold is going after Trump to help Big Biz lower wages. I'm sure if you spend enough time thinking things through you'll figure out cui bono. Try it out.