Tweets to Jeff Kosseff

Jeff Kosseff's avatar
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Jeff Kosseff
Tweets only my views
Asst. Prof, Cybersecurity Law, U.S. Naval Academy. Author of The 26 Words That Created the Internet, 2019 Andrew Carnegie Fellow. Won’t speak on all-male panels
Tweets to this user:
Mike Godwin's avatar
From @sfmnemonic
Section 230 is what made it possible for you to be here complaining about Section 230.
Anthony DiPierro's avatar
From @DipierroAnthony
@sfmnemonic Slight exaggeration, maybe?
Anthony DiPierro's avatar
From @DipierroAnthony
@sfmnemonic Last I checked, Twitter still exists outside of the USA.
Jeff Kosseff's avatar
From @jkosseff
@DipierroAnthony @sfmnemonic US courts can’t enforce foreign judgments that are inconsistent with 230. Also, social…
Anthony DiPierro's avatar
From @DipierroAnthony
@jkosseff @sfmnemonic It exists though. The original tweet was a gross exaggeration, at best.
Anthony DiPierro's avatar
From @DipierroAnthony
@jkosseff @sfmnemonic In fact, without Section 230, Twitter might be even better, as Twitter wouldn't feel as embol…
Mike Godwin's avatar
From @sfmnemonic
@DipierroAnthony @jkosseff I was part of the legal team that challenged the Communications Decency Act. Anthony, th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sfmnemonic: EFF doesn't really oppose censorship. If they did, they'd oppose Twitter ghosting (and thus lying to) millions of all kinds of users around the world. See the real data linked from my top tweet. EFF refuses to help my open source project due to to NIH Syndrome.