Dick Armey, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Mike Pence, and Helen Krieble do lunch

From their press release:
FreedomWorks Foundation sponsored a luncheon for Capitol Hill staffers to discuss immigration reform that will balance both security and economic concerns. In particular, the forum will examine options for strengthening our borders while establishing procedures that provide law-abiding workers a legitimate path to the American workplace.

FreedomWorks chairman and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey was joined by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN, 6), and Helen Krieble, President of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation.
It was her brilliant idea - perhaps as a way to get cheap labor for her horse ranch - that led to the Pence massive amnesty scheme, you know, the one that would allow unlimited immigrants.

Pausing briefly to wipe the "cheap" vegetables off his chin, Dick offers the usual false choice as well as a scare tactic:
"The Pence and Hutchison plans are on the right track. These serious legislative proposals first secure the border and address the need to supply necessary labor to critical sectors of the economy. Forcibly removing 15 million people is impractical and unrealistic, actions like this would be more characteristic of police state and not a free society."
His group supposedly has 800,000 members, but he is/was also one of the leaders of "Americans for Border and Economic Security", a group created by George Bush to push his guest worker scheme.

UPDATE: There are some comments Armey made after the lunch in "Armey blasts Republicans over opposition to guest-worker plan" by Dave Montgomery of McClatchy Newspapers. He refers to those Republicans - whether just leaders or constituents - who oppose Bush's "guest" worker program as "jerks". Of course, Montgomery concentrates on the name-calling and doesn't ask Armey whether or not he's simply a paid cheap labor shill.