
illinois: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Yet another reason not to trust Erika Johnsen of HotAir (Illinois, taxes, Gallup) - 05/03/14

Erika Johnsen of HotAir and other fiscal conservatives have a habit of showing their low level of patriotism by turning their backs on their fellow citizens in California.

Aaron Schock's treacherous, out-of-touch immigration comments - 04/22/14

On the video below, Rep. Aaron Schock (GOP of Illinois) makes immigration comments that are nearly as treacherous as some George W Bush made. But, the hallmark of Schock's comments is not so much how un-American they are, but how out-of-touch they are.

Do red states give more to charity than blue states? - 08/20/12

Reuters says, "[r]ed states give more money to charity than blue states, according to a new study" (link, [1]). Just one problem: that's not true. In fact, blue states gave over twice as much in dollar terms than red (depending on the blue/red definition).

Teaparty Nation: break California, Illinois into smaller states (Judson Phillips) - 01/09/12

The latest example of a harebrained, anti- and un-American idea from the Tea Parties comes via email from Judson Phillips of the Teaparty Nation group: ...Illinois and California are poised to become America’s Greece. Both have out of control spending problems. They have raised taxes and regulations to the point where businesses and the wealthy are fleeing those states as fast as they can. ...We need to break up both California and Illinois into smaller states.

Patriots teaparty! Chicago writing test stop! Money save! Look! - 07/08/11

Patriots tea parties, look, save money, stop money spend, Chicago, Illinois!! Look:

Palatine Teaparty opposes Illinois DREAM Act (for completely wrong reasons) - 05/09/11

Illinois' state Senate recently passed a state version of the DREAM Act; the bill is designed to make it easier for illegal aliens to attend college (and, it's not the same as the national bill; see [1]). One Tea Parties group in that state is opposing it, but for the completely wrong reasons; see below.

The Glenn Reynolds, Don Surber, Joe Walsh propaganda team (Illinois) - 10/22/10

About eight months ago, a congressional candidate conducted an overt publicity stunt, asking why a public meeting wasn't being started with the Pledge of Allegiance. Now, something similar is playing out - perhaps spontaneously or perhaps covertly - involving the congressional campaign of Joe Walsh of Illinois, who's running against Melissa Bean. Spontaneous or not, the latest incident has the hallmarks of a "boob bait for Bubba" GOTV propaganda effort, and that's heightened because one of those involved is Glenn Reynolds [1]. First, I'd like to ask you to read this post about "Allez Java"....

Illinois Business Immigration Coalition: Republican gov. Jim Edgar joins with Mexico-linked ICIRR - 04/09/10

Former Illinois governor Jim Edgar - a Republican - has joined with the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights - a group whose president is linked to the Mexican government - to form the Illinois Business Immigration Coalition [1] [2]. The links between the two groups are close: if you visit you'll be redirected to, and in the videos below you'll note the ICIRR background. And: [The IBIC is] an iniative [sic] spearheaded by the Illinois Coailition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. The coalition includes over 200 businesses...

Ohio, Illinois, NY, NJ, Penn to lose political power due to massive immigration (House seats; also: IA, LA, MA, MI, MN, MO) - 11/19/09

According to a new study (, due to massive immigration particularly by Latinos, the results of the 2010 Census - used to apportion congressional districts - will result in the following changes (chart from the HuffPost article discussed here): States gaining House seats: Texas (+4), Arizona (+2), Florida (+1), Georgia (+1), Nevada (+1), Oregon (+1), South Carolina (+1), and Utah (+1). States losing House seats: Ohio (-2), Illinois (-1), Iowa (-1), Louisiana (-1), Massachusetts (-1), Michigan (-1), Minnesota (-1), Missouri (-1), New Jersey (-1...

Dan Lipinski challenger has divided loyalties, was official with Mexican political party (Jorge Mujica, Illinois) - 11/05/09

On Monday, Jorge Mujica of Illinois filed as a Democrat to challenge Rep. Dan Lipinski, also a Democrat.

Immigration Reform Advocates Receive JBL Awards From Tides - 09/01/09

Source: press release located here. See the first item in the history for the full text. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 1 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Tides ( hasawarded a total of $22,500 to the 2009 recipients of the JBL Awards forExcellence in Public Advocacy. Tides' JBL Awards honor policy activists andadvocates by recognizing work that demonstrates innovative approaches tosocial change and a deep commitment to the public interest.

Jan Schakowsky: tea parties are "despicable". Here's how to affect her political career - 04/18/09

A few days ago, Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois said that the tea parties are "despicable" and "shameful." Now, Glenn Reynolds informs us ( that she'll be making an appearance at the Peoria County Democratic Women's May Day Dinner on May 3 (link), saying: I WONDER IF ANY “TEA PARTY” PROTESTERS WILL SHOW UP?... There were 3,000 Tea Party protesters in Peoria. They might take exception to her calling them despicable and shameful. If you'd like to do something about this, there are two basic ways to do it: 1. Stand around outside with signs. However, there are...

Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich arrested by FBI on federal corruption charges; accused of trying to sell Obama's senate seat - 12/09/08

Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich - aka "Blago" - and his chief of staff have been arrested for trying to sell Barack Obama's Senate seat. And, Barack Obama - or at least his advisor Valerie Jarrett - probably knew what he was doing; see the "SEIU Official" paragraph below. And, Obama may have lied about his recent conversations with Blago; see the first update. Uh-oh: Obama might be more worried about this than it would at first appear; see the second update. From a U.S. Department of Justice press release (, text version here): Illinois Gov...

The Non-Partisan Case Against Barack Obama - 10/29/08

You don't have to be a conservative or a Republican to be opposed to Barack Obama. Here are some of the reasons that almost anyone should oppose him:

Immigration march organizers have foreign links - 08/15/08

1. One of the organizers of the March 24 Georgia boycott was Teodoro Maus, a former Mexican consul general. He was also one of the organizers of the October 7 Atlanta march. That march was led by GA state Senator Sam Zamarripa and GA state representative Pedro Marin, both members of the Democratic Party.

Influence on both sides of the border - 07/03/08

"Influence on both sides of the border/Activists' political power is rising in Chicago and their homeland, as they seek reforms through marches and money"/Antonio Olivo and Oscar Avila/Chicago Tribune/[[April 6, 2007]]/

March 10 Committee - 10/30/07

Also known as the March 10 Movement, March 10 Coalition, Diez de Marzo Committee. Home page at At their site, they declare their unconditional support for Elvira Arellano as well as all other "immigrants" who are in the process of being deported. They also call on all those immigrants who are being deported to apply for asylum and to seek asylum in local churches. They also oppose employer sanctions and programs to check the SSNs of employees.

Everything Ready For the March for the Millions of Undocumented Foreigners - 10/11/07

[[March 10, 2006]]/[[Ana Maria u. Montes de Oca]]/Editor of [[El Dia News]]/ link

March 10 Chicago march - 10/11/07

Organized by the March 10 Committee. One of the leaders of that committee is Jorge Mujica, an official with Mexico's PRD party. Those speaking at the event included U.S. Representative Luis Gutierrez, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras - 10/03/07

From their site "Our campaign has the support of the Governor of Illinois (Rod Blagojevich) and a broad base of Illinois elected officials, religious and civic leaders. We have made a campaign so that the nation might know that the "immigration debate" is about real, human families, and their struggle to stay together." Executive director is Emma Lozano. Immigration activist living at church sends son to L.A. conference

First Data Immigration Reform panel - 10/03/07

First Data Corporation - the current or former parent company of Western Union - conducted several immigration "reform" panels around the country in 2004. The [[July 22, 2004]] version was held in Denver and is described here. That page describes how a fight broke out, which appears to have been initiated by an illegal immigration supporter. And:

Immigrant rights activists gather in Chicago - 08/17/07

Socialist Worker/Lee Sustar/[[August 25, 2006]]/ link

New Americans Immigrant Policy Council (Illinois) - 03/20/07

Created by Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich by an Executive Order on [[November 19, 2005]]. link Their report was issued around [[December 13, 2006]], and it resulted in this [1]:

We Are America debates in Chicago - 03/18/07

"We Are America" debates in Chicago/Socialist Worker/Sam Jordan/[[June 9, 2006]]/ link Describes a [[June 4, 2006]] meeting of that the We Are America Alliance in Chicago. Reports that those attending included:

Year later, battle goes on - 03/11/07

Chicago Tribune/Antonio Olivo/[[March 11, 2007]]/ link Discusses the [[March 11, 2007 Chicago march]] subtitle: Immigration rally marks anniversary of massive march

Chicago immigration activists ready Washington push - 03/06/07

Chicago Tribune/Antonio Olivo/[[March 5, 2007]]/ link ...Chicago activists plan to blitz lawmakers with phone calls and bus caravans to Washington in hopes of winning more rights for legal and undocumented immigrants.

ICIRR First Draft of Batavia September 1 march press release - 02/26/07

The file is entitled a "first draft" of a press release concerning the September 1 Chicago march and it's cached here and in the 18:41, 26 February 2007 revision:

September 1 Chicago march - 02/26/07

A small group of illegal immigration supporters walked the 42 to 50 miles (reports vary) from Chicago's Chinatown (meant to symbolize that we're a nation of immigrants) to Dennis Hastert's office in Batavia, Illinois. It took them four days, starting [[September 1, 2006]] and finishing [[September 4, 2006]]. Only "around 3000" showed up for the final rally. AKA the "Immigrant Workers Justice Walk".

Latino Leaders Protest Rahm Emanuel - 02/26/07

[[Progressive Democrats of America]]//[[February 26th, 2007]]/ link This is a press release printed/reprinted at their site: Latino Leaders Protest In Front of the Most Powerful Democrat in the Nation today, Rahm Emanuel To Request an Immediate Moratorium on the Deportations

Monday's immigration rally to snarl traffic, not business - 02/24/07

Chicago Business/Lorene Yue/[[April 28, 2006]]/ link ... organizers of May 1 Chicago march [include] the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Casa Michoacan and the Local 1 and 73 chapters of the Service Employees International Union, have chosen not to bill their event as a boycott.

Immigrants at crossroads - 02/24/07

Stakes are high for legalization campaign/Chicago Tribune/Oscar Avila and Michael Martinez/[[May 1, 2006]]/ link or link

In Chicago, A Tale of Two Mexican Consulates - 02/23/07

NPR (All Things Considered)/Cheryl Corley/[[December 2, 2006]]/ link

Irked Mexicans open alternate consulate - 02/23/07

Chicago Tribune/Oscar Avila/[[November 29, 2006]]/ link

May 1 Immigrant Rights March: 'Birth of a Movement' - 02/23/07

Newstips(Community Media Workshop)/Gordon Mayer/[[April 25, 2006]]/ link More than 100 leaders of the immigration rallies that have swept from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C. since early March gathered Saturday ([[April 22, 2006]]) at the UNITE HERE union headquarters, 333 S. Ashland, for an all-day meeting to discuss the movement behind the marches.

Juan Salgado letter to Vicente Fox - 02/22/07

The following letter was sent by Juan Salgado - president of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights - to Mexican president [[Vicente Fox]]. URL:

Rallies sound immigration drumbeat - 02/21/07

Deseret News/[[September 5, 2006]]/Shia Kapos/ link BATAVIA, Ill. -- Spirited groups of immigrant rights supporters rallied in Illinois and Arizona on Monday ([[September 4, 2006]]) in marches intended to keep the drumbeat going for changes in immigration law.

Standing FIRM Summit Pushes for Immigration Reform - 02/08/07

New America Media/Naomi Briley[[February 8, 2007]]/ link WASHINGTON--Last week over 200 immigrant rights leaders from across the country joined together, building strategies for immigration reform. The three-day conference, hosted by the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), was held at the Galludet University in Washington, D.C.

Immigrants put pressure on Congress - 01/31/07

Chicago Tribune/Emma Graves Fitzsimmons/[[January 31, 2007]]/ link An alliance of Chicago immigrant advocates called on Congress Tuesday to give undocumented immigrants legal status when the Democratic majority takes another look at immigration reform in February.

Independent Task Force on Immigration - 01/15/07

A group convened by the Migration Policy Institute in partnership with Manhattan Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars which published "Immigration and America's Future:A New Chapter" ( link) in [[September, 2006]]. Supports a "new, secure Social Security card" (possibly a national ID card) and "path to legal status for unauthorized immigrants" (a massive amnesty for illegal aliens). As of creation time, this is the list of those involved:

Will Rod Blagojevich pro-illegal immigration scheme violate law? - 12/13/06

In November 2005, Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich - a very strong supporter of illegal immigration - created the "New Americans Immigrant Policy Council" (press release link) to come up with ways to deal with immigrants in his state. The report from the NAIPC has been released, as has a report from a similar panel. Blago has endorsed their findings, but has not committed any money. And, whether any money will be found is still to be determined. As even the WaPo discloses ("Ill. Governor To Announce New Benefits For Immigrants" by Kari Lydersen), these benefits would be for both legal and...
