Immigration Reform Advocates Receive JBL Awards From Tides

Source: press release located here. See the first item in the history for the full text.

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 1 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Tides ( hasawarded a total of $22,500 to the 2009 recipients of the JBL Awards forExcellence in Public Advocacy. Tides' JBL Awards honor policy activists andadvocates by recognizing work that demonstrates innovative approaches tosocial change and a deep commitment to the public interest.

This year's three JBL Awards recipients - Jose Artemio Arreola, Salvador Reza,and Angelica Salas - have tirelessly advocated and organized for comprehensiveimmigration reform, worked to counter anti-immigrant policies and groups, andhelped grassroots voices shape and influence the immigration debate at thenational level...

Tides is further spotlighting immigration issues at its Momentum conference,with National Immigration Forum Executive Director Ali Noorani presenting onimmigration reform as part of Momentum's "Rights" plenary on Wednesday,September 9 at 9:30 a.m...

-- Jose Artemio Arreola - a community leader and labor activist, Arreolacurrently manages the "Reform Immigration for America"campaign in Illinois and is Political Director for the IllinoisCoalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. A founder of theFederation of Michoacan's Clubs in Illinois, and of Casa Michoacan, he wasalso the co-founder and main organizer of the March 10th Movement thatbrought more than 500,000 people to the streets of Chicago for thehistoric immigration demonstration and he supported efforts toorganize the largest immigration rally in Los Angeles' history on March 25,2006. Arreola also helped to re-establish May Day as a workers day byorganizing marches in more than 100 cities across the U.S. and, as aunion labor activist at Service Employees International Union (SEIU),has participated in numerous labor contracts negotiations.

-- Salvador Reza - coordinator of Tonatierra Macehualli Day LaborProject, Reza works closely with migratory workers and their families on thehuman rights issues of employment, entrepreneurship and education.Working with the National Day Labor Organizing Project, Reza wasinstrumental in bringing about the investigation of human rightsviolations committed by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and hisdeputies. The campaign culminated in a congressional hearing and anongoing investigation by the Justice Department on racial profilingand civil rights violations by Sheriff Arpaio. Reza presented testimony onthe abuses to the UN Committee to Eliminate Racial Discrimination inGeneva in 2008 and also helped found Centro Macehualli, a nationallyrecognized day labor center managed by the laborers. He also supportedtaco venders in Phoenix to create Union Pochteca and negotiatesuccessfully with the city to protect their right to work. Rezateaches ESL classes at Tonatierra and is a weekly columnist for PrensaHispana. He has received numerous local and national commendations includingthe Ford Foundation Leadership for a Changing World Award.

-- Angelica Salas - Angelica Salas is the executive director of theCoalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), amembership organization of immigrant rights organizations, low wageimmigrant workers and immigrant youth. She is a national leaderfighting for legalization with a path to citizenship, family reunification, andthe protection of civil and labor rights. She is also a foundingmember of the Fair Immigrant Rights Movement and Reform Immigration forAmerica Campaign. She has played a leadership role in the formation ofstatewide and local multi-sector coalitions working on immigration issues andworkers rights. Among her accomplishments, Angelica helped winin-state tuition for undocumented immigrant students and established daylaborer job centers that have served as a model for the entire country. Shealso led the effort to allow all California drivers to obtain licenses andis a leading spokesperson on federal immigration policy. Salas was also aspeaker at Tides' Momentum 2008 Conference and the video of herpresentation, can be viewed at:
