glenn beck

Glenn Beck

Last modified Jul 27, 2018
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Noah Rothman and Glenn Beck: false compassion for border kids - 07/09/14

Noah Rothman is the latest contributor and the latest amnesty shill at HotAir. He's promoting a plan by Glenn Beck to give teddy bears, food, and soccer balls to Unaccompanied Alien Children; see UAC for the backstory on that issue.

"The Kronies": slick libertarian propaganda linked to Koch, and who doesn't reveal that - 01/24/14

[SEE 6/17/14 UPDATE BELOW] "The Kronies" is a series of slick, live action videos that promote a libertarian message. The effort comes complete with not only its own site, but a fake site for the "company" behind the figures, a "Chimera Global Holdings Inc.".

Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity paid to promote FreedomWorks, AFP, Heritage (Koch, immigration) - 06/18/11

Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity are paid large amounts of money to promote groups like FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and the Heritage Foundation.

A list of "conservative" bloggers who are actually Communist agents of George Soros - 04/18/11

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's with a heavy heart that I bring you today's post. I didn't want to have to write this post, and I didn't want to have to think about what I'm going to reveal. However, someone has to be looking out for the United States when she's under attack by forces who will do anything - and say anything - to bring her down. I'm sorry, I choked up a bit there. But, I will persevere. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have shocking news for you.

How Glenn Beck could have kept his Fox News show - 04/07/11

Glenn Beck announced yesterday that he was going to stop his daily Fox News show as of the end of the year. He'll still be doing the occasional special for them, and he promises that he'll have surprises in store and that the best is yet to come. Some notes:

The Teaparty-ification of NPR (James O'Keefe, cheap stunts, distraction) - 03/09/11

The president and CEO of NPR - Vivian Schiller - was fired by their board today (link). That follows James OKeefe of ACORN fame catching one of her former underlings on hidden camera saying embarrassing things. A few notes:

Reason Magazine misleads about Jared Loughner (+AllahPundit, Glenn Reynolds) - 01/18/11

Reason Magazine offers the deceptive video "The Week in Stupid: Cable Pundits on the Gifford Shooting" (below). If you trust anything Reason tells you, keep reading.

Globalist Rep. Keith Ellison: "God willing, one day the border will become an irrelavancy" - 12/22/10

The attached video has Rep. Keith Ellison saying the following around the 8:40 mark: "God willing, one day the border will become an irrelevancy." This quote wasn't taken out of context; the video below (from the Network of Spiritual Progressives Conference in June 2010) shows the full context, even if the camera operator adjusts something during that part of his speech. Ellison's appearance was to promote a bill he wrote called the "Global Marshall Plan", and part 2 ( ) has more on that and shows him to be quite the globalist. And, note how even the crowd seems to be...

The Glenn Reynolds, Don Surber, Joe Walsh propaganda team (Illinois) - 10/22/10

About eight months ago, a congressional candidate conducted an overt publicity stunt, asking why a public meeting wasn't being started with the Pledge of Allegiance. Now, something similar is playing out - perhaps spontaneously or perhaps covertly - involving the congressional campaign of Joe Walsh of Illinois, who's running against Melissa Bean. Spontaneous or not, the latest incident has the hallmarks of a "boob bait for Bubba" GOTV propaganda effort, and that's heightened because one of those involved is Glenn Reynolds [1]. First, I'd like to ask you to read this post about "Allez Java"....

Koch family, U.S. Chamber, businesses met to plan strategy (+Glenn Beck, tea parties, "mobilize citizens for November") - 10/20/10

Twice each year, the Koch family conducts strategy meetings with corporate and thought leaders to plan how to advance their "free market" ideology. ThinkProgress has the guest list and program for their June 2010 meeting (in Aspen), and, while immigration isn't mentioned, many of the known attendees are on the wrong side. I don't normally recommend anything at ThinkProgress, but in this case I'll suggest taking a look at their post and downloading the PDF. The New York Times has a related report here; from that: The participants in Aspen dined under the stars at the top of the gondola run on...

Glenn Beck urges donations to illegal immigration-supporting U.S. Chamber of Commerce - 10/14/10

Earlier today, Glenn Beck urged his fans to donate to the US Chamber of Commerce, a group that strongly supports illegal and massive immigration. In 2006, GOP Rep. James Sensenbrenner suggested that the Chamber register as a foreign agent due to what they support.

Erick Stoll, Chase Whiteside smear tea partiers (New Left Media; a challenge) - 09/01/10

Erick Stoll and Chase Whiteside run "New Left Media" and their claim to limited fame is going to tea parties events and trying to get those attending to make themselves look bad, even if they have to use deception to do it (link).

Christopher Hitchens has no clue about the tea parties - 08/31/10

Christopher Hitchens offers "White Fright / Glenn Beck's rally was large, vague, moist, and undirected—the Waterworld of white self-pity" about Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally (at Slate: ). A few comments:

Example of Tea Party helping their opponents (immigration, "Restoring Honor") - 08/29/10

The video at provides yet another in the long line of examples of how the tea parties are helping their opponents. The video features Nick Gillespie of Reason Magazine interviewing the crowd at yesterday's Glenn Beck event.

Glenn Beck "Restoring Honor" rally linked to Dick Armey (Koch too?) - 08/28/10

Earlier today, Glenn Beck held a "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington DC which was attended by somewhere around a few hundred thousand people; certainly an impressive turnout (UPDATE: see below). Thankfully I didn't watch it, but Part 1 of Beck's speech is at and Part 1 of Sarah Palin's speech is at Any response to the borderline lunacy offered by Beck would become novel-length; for the novella version, see the dozens of tea parties posts. A few quick notes: 1. Apparently Beck unveiled or was planning on unveiling something called a "Black-Robed...

Meet the 'Patriots': SPLC lies and misleads (Bachmann, Al Garza, Joseph Farah, Taitz...) - 04/18/10

If you trust the Southern Poverty Law Center to tell you the truth - and to be interested in getting the truth in the first place - please see the following as well as the other posts at the last link. The latest example of how you can't trust them comes from "Meet the 'Patriots'" (,0) which lies about at least two of the people on the list. They also show little interest in real journalism. (Note: there's also another possible lie by them here, and there are probably other lies on the list about people I'm not familiar with). 1. The...

Henry Waxman: government intervention to help MSM; far-left Soros group cheers (John Poirier, Tim Dobbyn) - 12/02/09

John Poirier of Reuters offers this (edited by Tim Dobbyn): House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, saying quality journalism was essential to U.S. democracy, said eventually government would have to help resolve the problems caused by a failing business model... Tweaks to the tax code to allow newspapers to spread losses over a greater number of years, providing a nonprofit structure to allow for public and foundation funding, and changes to antitrust laws are being considered by lawmakers and policymakers... [Waxman said] "Eventually government is going to have to be...

Doug Hoffman's immigration position, Part 2 - 11/02/09

On October 21, Glenn Beck interviewed Doug Hoffman on his radio show, and the transcript and audio are here, relevant portion excerpted at [1].

Lindsey Graham slams Glenn Beck; "Birthers" are "crazy" (The Atlantic's First Draft of History) - 10/01/09

The Atlantic is conducting a corporate-sponsored series of interviews they call the "First Draft of History". Me, I call them EstablishmentHackapaooza. Earlier today, one segment featured Sen. Lindsay Graham being interviewed by Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic ( As could be expected, Graham wasn't exactly challenged on the various things he said.

Irony deficient Christopher Knight of LAT: "Glenn Beck's '9-12' logo based on communist and socialist designs" - 09/14/09

Christopher Knight of the Los Angeles Times offers "Glenn Beck's '9-12' logo based on communist and socialist designs" (link), a hilarious example of someone - in this case some sort of art critic - just not getting the joke. His shocking news is that the logo used for 9/12's march on Washington was lifted from Communist symbols. That's obvious, and it was intentional. To help Knight understand this, he should refer to the classics. See this discussion last month about how FreedomWorks controls the "grassroots" movement, specifically the logo: In that FreedomWorks response, forwarded to the...

9/12: Tea Party march on Washington DC live coverage (Glenn Beck, Freedomworks) - 09/12/09

Later today, one or two million (maybe less) extreme fiscal conservatives will be marching on Washington DC demanding that the government listens to them and their Randroid concerns. And, we'll be there - virtually speaking - offering coverage of this momentous event featuring millions of people throughout the day. Literally thousands of busloads of true patriots - as opposed to the other, non-patriotic Americans - will be bussed in (at their own expense) by FreedomWorks (run by the corporate lobbyist Dick Armey). Hopefully many will be wearing period costumes and playing fifes, since we know...

Glenn Beck's five points, explained - 08/28/09

On today's show, Glenn Beck offered five points representing his concerns about the Obama administration (link), and he asked his viewers to contact their representatives and find out whether they were "In or Out", i.e., whether they agreed with Beck's points. If they don't agree, he wants his viewers to vote them out of office the next chance they get. The five points follow, and after that I explain what's wrong with Beck's overall campaign. Any Beck readers who think I'm an Obama supporter should search through the hundreds of posts here about the Obama administration and their associates...

When even Glenn Beck turns on the "Birthers", should they get a clue? (+ HotAir <3 MMFA) - 08/04/09

Even Glenn Beck has turned on the "Birthers", saying that he doesn't believe Obama was born in Kenya, that if it came out that he was born there it would result in "civil war", and that "there are other things that you should concentrate on... Who cares about the birth certificate thing? ...What do you say we pay attention to he's appointing Communists..." (The audio is at

HuffPost, The Atlantic, LGF, Gawker, Sullivan, C&L, & more spread smear video (Glenn Beck, "burn the books") - 04/12/09

The attached video is a local meetup for Glenn Beck's "912 Project" and features someone who's probably genuine giving an anti-Communism and partly paranoid rant. However, near the five minute mark, a lady's voice is heard shouting out "burn the books". She's then challenged by a male attendee who asks her whether she's serious; she replies that yes she is.

Honk three times if you're on the road to Idiocracy: bombastic Bob Basso gives final tea party talk - 04/11/09

Bob Basso - the motivational speaker and actor who's also a Youtube sensation [1] due to dressing up as Tom Paine and pulling a "mad as hell" act - is back with a new video which was shown as part of the Glenn Beck program.

Is Michael Cohen of the New America Foundation trustworthy? ("Live From the Campaign Trail") - 04/08/09

Can you trust Michael Cohen of the New America Foundation? Read on if you've ever heard of that author of "Live From the Campaign Trail: The Greatest Presidential Campaign Speeches of the 20th Century and How They Shaped Modern America" and want to see whether trusting him is a wise idea or not.

Glenn Beck, Popular Mechanics "debunk" FEMA camps - 04/07/09

About a month ago, Glenn Beck of Fox News breathlessly announced on another of their shows that he was looking into the issue of FEMA camps and said that he couldn't disprove them (link; contemporaneous leftwing reaction

Jeffrey Feldman /Huffington Post invites your mockery (Glenn Beck, FEMA camps) - 03/15/09

Over at Huffington Post, someone named Jeffrey Feldman offers the hilarious 'Glenn Beck Recycles "X-Files" Plot to Spread Fear of Obama' ( Let's not all laugh at once but ration it out over time: FOX News personality, Glenn Beck, has been using his airtime to broadcast a right-wing conspiracy theory about the Obama administration setting up 'concentration camps,'part of a secret plot to establish totalitarian rule... Beck's conspiracy theory appears to be lifted directly from FOX Searchlight's 1998 movie The X-Files....

Media Matters for America on immigration "myths" ("Fear and Loathing in Prime Time") - 05/21/08

Media Matters for America offers a "report" called "Fear and Loathing in Prime Time/Immigration Myths and Cable News" ( It attempts to address some of the "myths" supposedly promulgated by Lou Dobbs, [[Bill O'Reilly]], and Glenn Beck.

We Can Stop The Hate: Mexico-linked groups try silencing opponents of illegal immigration - 01/31/08

The extremist-funding National Council of La Raza has started a new effort called We Can Stop The Hate ( which is attempting to silence those who support our immigration laws by highlighting what they call examples of "hate". Three of their cohorts in the effort have at least indirect links to the Mexican government. Note that that government has explicitly stated that they're going to be using U.S.