american civil liberties union
American Civil Liberties Union: Page 2
Summary (posts follow):
See the summary for this topic on the main American Civil Liberties Union page.
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Napolitano immigration meeting: you weren't represented (vast # of loose borders groups, Obama/Janet anti-287g) - 08/20/09
Earlier today, Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security held a closed-door meeting with a group of what she calls "stakeholders" ( but was actually a vast pantheon (see below) of far-left, racial power, corrupt business, and in general loose borders groups all of which want some form of comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty. There were at least 98 participants in the meeting, and none of them represent your interests or the interests of the great majority of American citizens. Why exactly they'd hold the meeting isn't clear;...
ACLU sues Sheriff Joe Arpaio for alleged racial profiling (Dan Pochoda) - 08/19/09
The American Civil Liberties Union - an organization that is/was collaborating with the Mexican government in a scheme that would help that government profit from illegal activity inside the U.S. - is suing Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio for alleged racial profiling and related issues ( According to the ACLU, a father and son - the first a long-term legal resident, the second a U.S. citizen - were detained by Arpaio's deputies while they were conducting an immigration raid at a business:
The lawsuit charges that the MCSO...
ACLU tries to block 287g program, files FOIA request - 07/15/09
From the ACLU press release at
The American Civil Liberties Union filed a Freedom of Information Act request Tuesday for new documents governing the continued delegation to state and local law enforcement agencies of federal immigration enforcement authority. The fundamentally flawed program has been associated with serious civil rights abuses and public safety concerns...
[references the DHS changing their rules]
"No amount of tinkering with the 287(g) program is likely to solve the fact that it threatens public safety and undermines the basic guarantee...
DOJ blocks Georgia from checking citizenship of voters; GA has evidence of non-citizen voting - 06/02/09
From this press release from Karen Handel, Secretary of State of Georgia:
"The decision by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to deny preclearance of Georgia’s already implemented citizenship verification process shows a shocking disregard for the integrity of our elections. With this decision, DOJ has now barred Georgia from continuing the citizenship verification program that DOJ lawyers helped to craft. DOJ’s decision also nullifies the orders of two federal courts directing Georgia to implement the procedure for the 2008 general election. The decision comes seven months after Georgia...
Nina Bernstein, New York Times on immigration and mental illness - 05/04/09
Nina Bernstein of the New York Times offers "Mentally Ill and in Immigration Limbo" (link).
George Soros funding ACLU, SPLC immigration projects - 04/29/09
The list of the 2009 Soros Justice Fellows has been released, and a list is at [1]. The two involving are:
Sam Brooke; lawyer; Southern Poverty Law Center; Montgomery, AL
Brooke will engage in advocacy and public education to curb arbitrary detentions and abuses at Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities in the southeastern United States.
Amalia Greenberg Delgado; lawyer; American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California; San Francisco, CA
Greenberg Delgado will develop a public education program to counter myths about immigrants and crime, and advocate for improved law-enforcement...
2006: Grover Norquist supported amnesty with U.S. CofC, far-left ACLU, NCLR, SEIU, NIF, USCCB, AFL-CIO - 04/09/09
On January 12, 2006, the American Bar Association held a conference called "Fortress America: Comprehensive Immigration Reform" at the National Press Club in Washington DC in support of that "reform" and specifically in opposition to HR4437.
Is the ACLU's official policy to just enforce labor laws (with little or no immigration enforcement)? - 04/03/09
Back on November 28, 2007, Lucas Guttentag - "national director of the Immigrants' Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation" [1] - conducted an interview with the leftwing "Uprising Radio" program [2].
Zoe Lofgren, Jerrold Nadler, ACLU try to end 287g program (4/2/09 hearing; Arpaio) - 04/01/09
Two House subcommittees will be holding a joint hearing tomorrow ( in an attempt to block the 287g program that allows local police to cooperate with the Department of Homeland Security to locate illegal aliens. The most famous use of 287(g) involves Sheriff Joe Arpaio; he isn't scheduled to testify, but two of those who are will be opposing his efforts specifically.
In advance of the hearing, today the American Civil Liberties Union - a group that's directly collaborating with the Mexican government - called on the Obama administration to end the...
ACLU controlling Obama policy? ("Transition Recommendations" wants most immigration enforcement halted, + much more) - 03/17/09
In November, the American Civil Liberties Union released "Actions For Restoring America: Transition Recommendations for President‐Elect Barack Obama" ( listing things they wanted him to do the first day, within the first 100 days, and within the first year. Several of their proposals would halt immigration enforcement to a great extent, pending "review".
"The Least of These" movie: ACLU pro-illegal immigration propaganda - 03/16/09
The American Civil Liberties Union - a group that's directly collaborating with the Mexican government - is promoting ( a new documentary called "The Least of These" about conditions at the Hutto immigration detention center in Texas.
Juliana Barbassa /AP: it's "drastic" to cut non-emergency health care to illegal aliens - 03/15/09
Juliana Barbassa of the Associated Press offers "Budget crunch cuts illegal immigrants' health care" (link), a discussion of localities reducing or eliminating non-emergency healthcare to illegal aliens.
Judge Mary Murguia in Joe Arpaio case is twin sister of NCLR's Janet - 02/28/09
One of the major things to be worried about it is those who support open or loose borders "infiltrating" our institutions.
Thomas Saenz of MALDEF is new DOJ civil rights division chief (Villaraigosa) - 02/24/09
Per the Los Angeles Daily Journal (reblogged by the WSJ here), the new head of the civil rights division at the Department of Justice is Thomas Saenz.
For about a dozen years, Saenz worked as an attorney for the far-left, illegal immigration-supporting Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), and lately he was of counsel to the far-left, illegal immigration-supporting mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa.
Needless to say, the ACLU cheered the news:
"I don’t think the president or attorney general could make a better selection," said Mark Rosenbaum, legal director of...
CBO: SAVE Act would have cost $40 billion over 10 years, incl. $30 billion for e-Verify (Tim Sparapani/ACLU lies) - 02/15/09
On April 4, 2008, the Congressional Budget Office - responding to a request from Rep. John Conyers - estimated the cost of H.R. 4088, the Secure America Through
Rights Working Group wants immigration enforcement moratorium and much more (ACLU, NCLR, 248 others) - 01/09/09
The Asian American Justice Center runs the Rights Working Group, a coalition of over 250 leftwing groups, and they have a petition calling on Barack Obama to in effect not do immigration enforcement. They want a "moratorium" while the subject of raids and the like is "studied", but everyone knows what that means.
20,000 U.S. military troops to help with "homeland security" in U.S. by 2011 - 12/01/08
Spencer Hsu and Ann Scott Tyson of the Washington Post offers "Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security" (link), which is currently being linked by Drudge:
The U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials.
The long-planned shift in the Defense Department's role in homeland security was recently backed with funding and troop commitments after years of prodding by Congress and outside experts,...
Judge Peter Busch: San Francisco can pass out ID cards to all, including illegal aliens - 10/15/08
From this:
A lawsuit to block San Francisco from handing out municipal identification cards to anyone who has lived in the city for at least 15 days regardless of their immigration status was tossed out of court Tuesday.
San Francisco Superior Court Judge Peter Busch ruled against the Immigration Reform Law Institute of Washington D.C., which left open the possibility of an appeal.
A quote from J
Mexico-linked ACLU, MALDEF, Steptoe & Johnson sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio for "profiling" - 07/17/08
As part of an agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio takes part in enforcing immigration laws; ICE has given his efforts a clean bill of health.
Debbie Russell/ACLU tries blocking immigration enforcement in Austin, Texas (ICE, jails) - 06/23/08
The American Civil Liberties Union is collaborating with the Mexican government, so the following shouldn't be much of a surprise:
An ACLU attorney [ACLU of Texas Central Texas Chapter President Debbie Russell] and immigration rights' advocate [Austin Immigrants' Rights Coalition member Caroline Keating-Guerra] sighed with some relief after the City of Austin Human Rights Commission passed seven recommendations Monday to city council reg
Caltrans suspends Adopt-A-Highway to "review" guidelines (SD Minutemen, ACLU, Lori Saldana) - 06/20/08
From this we learn that the California Department of Transportation ("Caltrans") is reviewing the guidelines used in their Adopt-A-Highway program, whereby groups can volunteer to clean up stretches of highways. In exchange, they get some publicity with their names on signs along the stretches.
Jorge Bustamante of United Nations to review immigration in Prince William County, Virginia - 06/05/08
The United Nations' special rapporteur on migrants' rights, Jorge Bustamante will be paying a visit to Prince William County, Virginia to review their strict anti-illegal immigration ordinance (link). He'll be visiting Manassas and Woodbridge and trying to speak with local officials on June 10 and 11, and his visit might have been orchestrated by the extremist group Mexicanos Sin Fronteras.
Among other things, Bustamante is a Mexican citizen and partisan who wanted Mexican immigrants to the U.S. to become citizens of this country in order to push Mexico's agenda inside the U.S. This link...
Mexico-linked ACLU: immigration raids are "terrorizing communities" (Joanne Lin) - 05/22/08
Joanne Lin, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union - an organization collaborating with the Mexican government to possibly sue the U.S. government - on Monday appeared at a meeting of the Appleseed Foundation and said, in reference to local police playing a role in immigration enforcement under the 287g program:
"Local law enforcement has been given the green light to engage in racial profiling... Massive immigration sweeps are terrorizing communities across the country, including those who are U.S. citizens, permanent residents and other lawful workers... It's always been the...
Three questions for the American Civil Liberties Union (Kevin Keenan) - 05/22/08
On April 24, 2008 I sent an email to the American Civil Liberties Union's San Diego chapter, directed to their president Kevin Keenan. I listed a few questions I had for them concerning the fact that they're collaborating with the Mexican government to in effect block immigration enforcement. Needless to say, I haven't heard back.
Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) tries tying ICE's hands on immigration raids; Mexico-linked ACLU cheers - 05/20/08
Rep. Lynn Woolsey, Democrat from Petaluma, California and chairwoman of the Workforce Protection Subcommittee of the House Education and Labor Committee (some background here), held a hearing this morning regarding ICE raids (link):
Congress should enact legislation giving more teeth to existing federal guidelines aimed at ensuring that children's needs are considered when their parents are arrested in raids by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enfocement agents [Woolsey said]. The agency's November 2007 guidelines outlining humanitarian concerns to be addressed during raids "are not being...
ACLU now working with Mexican government - 04/22/08
The San Diego chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is now working with directly with Mexico's Human Rights Commission, a quasi-governmental group that's independent from but funded by the Mexican government. The ACLU is a very strong supporter of illegal immigration but in the past the only known link between them and the Mexican government was indirect. Any future news report on the ACLU's efforts regarding immigration should mention their new direct link, and if it doesn't please contact the news source's editor. They should also be asked about this at public meetings or...
Phoenix mayor Phil Gordon files FBI complaint over Joe Arpaio raids - 04/13/08
In his effort to support illegal immigration and perhaps just gain some fame, Phoenix mayor Phil Gordon now wants the FBI to investigate Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio over whether any civil rights laws were broken civil rights laws during his recent immigration sweeps (link).
In the letter, Gordon race baits, does something no one should do and relies on the characterization of an Arizona Republic editorial ("guilty of looking latino", link), and he also apparently included other news reports which may be biased as well. He includes one example of a suit that's already been filed, and...
Otero County, New Mexico capitulates to ACLU, MALDEF - 04/09/08
The American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund - two groups indirectly linked to the Mexican government - sued New Mexico's Otero County Sheriff's Department over immigration raids that occurred in that county.
Denver public school system dumbs down "highly gifted" program to be more "equitable" (ACLU) - 03/08/08
Jeremy Meyer of the Denver Post offers 'Minorities, poor get "highly gifted" lift/A new DPS system awards some kids an extra boost to make things more equitable', but don't worry it's even worse than it sounds:
...To determine who gets into [their "highly gifted" program], the [Denver Public School district] previously relied on oral tests that measure a student's reasoning and IQ.
To make things more equitable, the district now relies on a sum of measures to determine eligibility into the h
Jorge Bustamante/U.N./Notre Dame/Mexico proposes hobbling U.S. immigration enforcement, ACLU approves - 03/07/08
The ACLU offers a press release ( entitled "International Human Rights Experts Denounce U.S. Record On Racial And Ethnic Discrimination" about a "strongly worded critique" and list of recommendations released by the United Nations' "Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination". As discussed at that link, the ACLU was one of the "human rights" groups which testified in Geneva, Switzerland.
In addition to the main report, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants - Jorge Bustamante of Mexico - released...
United Nations "Committee on the Elimination of Racism" chides U.S. over treatment of immigrants - 02/24/08
From their safe Geneva home, on Friday United Nations bureaucrats from the "Committee on the Elimination of Racism" (part of the U.N. "Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights") chided U.S. government representatives for a variety of alleged issues ranging from extraordinary rendition to police brutality to race-based disparities in sentencing to the treatment of legal and illegal immigrants and refugees (
The end of this leaps out:
The U.N. panel discussed a broad range of other questions with the U.S. delegation, including police...
Jason DeParle/NYT gives full page ad to Migration Policy Institute - 02/04/08
Jason DeParle of the New York Times gives a "big warm hug" to the Migration Policy Institute and their online journal Migration Information Source ( in "A Tiny Staff, Tracking People Across the Globe". It's essentially an ad not just for that group but also an ad in support of migration and globalism in general. It also falls into the "little 'nonpartisan' organization that could" category, in the same sense that the ACLU is "nonpartisan".
The MPI would have to pay tens of thousands of dollars for an ad of the same length, yet they apparently got this for free. The...
Jorge Bustamante/U.N./Notre Dame wants pro-illegal immigration boycott (earlier: dual citizenship to support Mexico's agenda in U.S.) - 12/16/07
From this:
Jorge Bustamante, the United Nations' Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants and a sociology professor at the University of Notre Dame, this week called Republican Party policies on immigration "immoral." Writing in the Mexico City daily Reforma, Bustamante said the Republican candidates share a in immigration stance that "lacks even the most minimum recognition of the demand for the Mexican migrant labor."
He called on Mexicans to harness "the real power we have as consumers" to boycott big companies that do business in Mexico and fund Republican candidacies...
Bush admin to submit new no-match rule... in March 2008 - 11/25/07
In October, U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer blocked the Bush administration from enforcing a new "no-match" rule that they'd announced in August. Under "no-match", letters are sent to companies warning them that an employees' name doesn't match the Social Security number they provided.
Arkansas Friendship Coalition: ACLU, Tyson Foods, ACORN join to support "immigration" - 11/01/07
The Arkansas Friendship Coalition ( is a new group formed by business and religious leaders, and their goal is to ensure that Arkansas doesn't establish Prop. 200/187-style laws as Oklahoma and Missouri have or are trying to do.
Richard Marosi/Ari Bloomekatz/LAT enable illegal immigration (San Diego fires) - 10/28/07
As a cost-saving move, let me suggest that the Los Angeles Times outsources their coverage to the Western Growers Association, the Mexican government, or the Democratic Party. That way, "reporters" Richard Marosi and Ari Bloomekatz can achieve their true calling of selling used tires, and there'd be little difference between the outsourced version and that which they provide in "Evacuations raise deportation fears" about illegal aliens and the San Diego wild fires (link).
In fact, their article is remarkably similar to the other instances of this new subgenre, such as that from Leslie...
ACLU, Leslie Berestein, Amy Isackson defending looters because they're illegal aliens - 10/26/07
On Wednesday, an alleged group of looters were arrested at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego; it was claimed that they were collecting supplies meant for the victims of the recent wild fires in order to resell them. Apparently one or more admitted they were stealing, and one person said it was for resale. Some were illegal aliens; when that was suspected the San Diego Police called the Border Patrol who then deported a few of them. A few others have been released.
The exact details, and everyone who was involved, isn't clear at this time (and probably never will be). However, one thing is crystal...
District Judge Charles Breyer blocks DHS no-match letters (ACLU, CofC, AFL-CIO) - 10/10/07
Spencer Hsu of the Washington Post offers "Judge Bars Bush Crackdown on Illegal Workers" (link):
A federal judge barred the Bush administration today from launching a planned crackdown on U.S. firms that hire illegal immigrants, warning of the plan's potentially "staggering" impact on law-abiding workers and companies.
Issuing a firm rebuke of the White House, U.S. District Judge Charles R. Breyer of San Francisco granted a preliminary injunction against the government's plan to pressure employers to fire up to 8.7 million workers with suspect Social Security numbers starting this fall...
ACLU loses church/state separation case (Jesus painting in courthouse) - 09/20/07
Their Communist paymasters friends and allies are probably still steamed about this September 10 story:
A disputed portrait of Jesus Christ will remain at the Slidell city courthouse in Louisiana after a federal judge refused to grant a demand by the American Civil Liberties Union to have the painting removed...
In response [to the ACLU], the city of Slidell mounted additional portraits of 15 of history's preeminent lawgivers alongside the Jesus p
ACLU, MALDEF, NILC sue over Arizona worker verification law - 09/05/07
From this:
The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) joined the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Arizona, the law firm of Altshuler Berzon and the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) in filing a lawsuit in federal court today on behalf of Chicanos Por La Causa and Somos America challenging Arizona's new law ["Legal Arizona Workers Act", which uses the Basic Pilot Program] that threatens employers with permanent loss of business licenses based on invalid new state requirements.
..."Under federal law, participation in the Basic Pilot Program is voluntary...