Judge Mary Murguia in Joe Arpaio case is twin sister of NCLR's Janet

One of the major things to be worried about it is those who support open or loose borders "infiltrating" our institutions. A possible clear example of that is the fact that the judge in a racial profiling case against Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona's Maricopa County is Mary Murguia.

Those who've visited this site before might be familiar with that last name: her twin sister is none other than Janet Murguia, president of the National Council of La Raza. The NCLR is a far-left group that - while not explicitly radical nor explicitly supportive of "reconquista" - strongly supports illegal immigration and funds extremist groups.

The latest news is that Arpaio's attorneys have filed a motion to have her removed from the case (link). If she isn't, it might make an appeal easier at least in the court of public opinion. Note also that the American Civil Liberties Union is involved in the case; that organization is directly collaborting with the Mexican government in an effort that would block the border fence and other forms of immigration enforcement.

7/17/09 UPDATE: She's recused herself from the case (link).


we all know what is happening, this so called judge, murgnia, is just a tool of mexico city and the one world pigs and its drug dealers and joe Arpaio understands the system, "and he will be removed one way or the other". you can't stop evil by talking to it, you can only stop evil by fighting it in the old way, if you know what i mean? the madness is just starting just watch ans listen in the next one year this evil will eat us all alive.