George Soros funding ACLU, SPLC immigration projects
The list of the 2009 Soros Justice Fellows has been released, and a list is at [1]. The two involving are:
Sam Brooke; lawyer; Southern Poverty Law Center; Montgomery, AL
Brooke will engage in advocacy and public education to curb arbitrary detentions and abuses at Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities in the southeastern United States.Amalia Greenberg Delgado; lawyer; American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California; San Francisco, CA
Greenberg Delgado will develop a public education program to counter myths about immigrants and crime, and advocate for improved law-enforcement practices in immigrant communities. State and local police in California increasingly target people based not on suspected criminal activity but on supposed immigration violations. This tactic has made immigrant neighborhoods less safe and places a severe burden on families and communities.
The last will almost assuredly be an even-handed, intellectually-honest treatment that will fully acknowledge and faithfully represent the opponents' positions, and won't involve George Soros just funding misleading propaganda.