obama supporters
obama supporters: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
I'm proud to have opposed both two major recent U.S. personality cults - 09/02/09
Due to it being played in a classroom in Utah, the creepy, seven month-old pledge video made by a group of B-list celebrities to Barack Obama is making the rounds again. The original video is here, and an answer video I made about it is attached. While the exact circumstances are quite unimportant, Jay Nordlinger and others at National Review are apparently upset about the (original) video. Accordingly Glenn Greenwald of Salon weighs in with a tu quoque response ("Deleting the Bush Personality Cult from history", link).
Obama administration wants artists to push their agenda (NEA, serve.gov) - 08/26/09
A couple weeks ago, representatives of the Obama administration held a conference call with dozens from the art world in which those officials encouraged the artists to push issues that are also being pushed by the Barack Obama administration, including healthcare reform and cap and trade. The details are in this long, disjoined report from someone who took part in the call. Those on the call stressed the role of the art community in getting Obama elected (including referencing Shepard Fairey's posters and the "Yes We Can" song) and apparently wanted them to continue.
Backed by the full...
Sally Quinn drools all over Michelle Obama's arms - 05/10/09
Washington Post "Staff Writer" Sally Quinn offers "The Nation's Embracing, and Embraceable, Arms" (link):
"May I change the subject," said a prominent Washington theologian at a recent dinner. The conversation had been high-minded -- religion, philosophy, the nature of evil. "I'd like to talk about Michelle Obama's arms," he said.
He is a big fan of those arms. We then began a discussion about the significance of the first lady's arms. Actually, it turned out to be equally serious. Michelle Obama's arms, we determined, were transformational. Her arms are representative of a new kind of woman...
Census worker sign: "Yes we can! 2010 census." (highly politicized Los Angeles office) - 04/06/09
Ari Bloomekatz of the Los Angeles Times offers this blurb:
"The census is here!" shouted Esther Cepeda, manager of the local census office downtown. Music played and employees carried signs that read: "The census, coming to your neighborhood" and "Yes we can! 2010 census."
"Yes we can" was, of course, one of Barack Obama's campaign slogans, and he took it from the slogan "si se puede"; if there are Spanish-language versions of those signs it would almost certainly be translated into that phrase. While it's had other uses, that slogan was more recently used in support of illegal immigration at...
Liz Sidoti /AP: Obama's opponents still racist (lies, takes quotes out of context, elides statistics...) - 03/30/09
Before the election there were a string of articles attempting to portray opponents of Barack Obama as racist. Liz Sidoti of the Associated Press decided to carry on that fine tradition after the election (link):
Disproved and disputed claims about his religion and citizenship, namely untruths that Obama is a Muslim and isn't U.S.-born, zip across chatrooms and dominate the blogosphere. Fringe critics largely are responsible for perpetuating the lies, but even elected officials have raised them.
1. Only Obama himself knows what, if any, religion he belongs to. The most that can be said is...
kidthing: kids' letters to Obama strikingly similar to ones from adult MoveOn members - 02/16/09
The Associated Press informs us (link) that the private company kidthing.com (background here) - in conjunction with the National Education Association - has compiled a free e-Book (to be released Monday) containing 150 letters from children to our leader Barack Obama:
End war, forever. Make the planet greener. Please help my dad find work. Make it rain candy! ..."I hope that we will have no war ever again. I mean why are we fighting why can't we all be friends." ..."I would appreciate it if you would try to make this a greener planet and try to bring home the troops and end the war... I am...
BBC, Jason Kottke rave about Whitehouse *robots.txt* file, reach new low in fawning - 01/23/09
Jason Kottke raved about the new Whitehouse dot gov robots.txt file a few days ago, completely going around the bend and establishing a new low for fawning (kottke.org/09/01/the-countrys-new-robotstxt-file). Despite how stupid that was, I didn't note it here due to the fact that Kottke isn't important. Now I see that the BBC has joined in.
Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, pals need to take a Civics class - 01/21/09
All Hollywood and indeed the world have been waiting for my video reply to the recent Ashton Kutcher/Demi Moore opus in which they and their celebrity pals made various pledges, including to be Obama's "servant".
Without further ado:
Obama will become less popular, and we need to be prepared - 01/20/09
Barack Obama will probably never reach a George W Bush level of unpopularity, but at some point during his presidency his star will fade. And, that will be an absolutely terrific chance to discredit his current cult-like supporters.
Pro-Obama celebrity videos get even creepier (Ashton Kutcher, etc.) - 01/19/09
The guy from Dude, Where's My Car, Ashton Kutcher has gotten together with a large number of his celebrity pals to create an incredibly creepy 4 minute, 13 second video in which they make various pledges to Barack Obama, the U.S., and the world. You can see it here if you dare.
On the plus side, it has Alyssa Milano and other assorted hitherto unheard-of-by-me eye candy.
On the downside, Will.I.Am makes yet another appearance. And, their pledges are about as braindead as you'd expect; the Dude, My Car guy pledges "to always represent my country with pride, dignity, and honesty". (Alyssa...
Pete Seeger most open Communist at Barack Obama inaugural musical celebration - 01/18/09
Zdravstvuite tovarishchi! Yesli by... oops! Izvinite, I begin again.
If I had hammer and sickle and dollar for every note that Pete Seeger sung at today's inaugural celebration in honor of Barack Obama, I would have to give most of it back to state!
Meanwhile, here picture of American music legend singing with Bruce Springsteen at event that happened today.
Obama's Organizing for America: a corps of supporters answerable only to him? Fight disasters and political enemies? (CNSF) - 01/17/09
The Barack Obama movement is about to get even creepier, with his announcement of "Organizing for America" ("OFA"), part of "Barack Obama 2.0", the continuation of his campaign even after he's been elected president.
From this:
"As President, I will need the help of all Americans to meet the challenges that lie ahead," Obama said in a video message e-mailed to supporters (and reporters) this morning. "That's why I'm asking people like you who fought for change during the campaign to continue fighting for change in your communities."
The video is here. Apparently OFA will be part of the...
Pepsi's "Dear Mr. President"/"Refresh Everything" campaign fizzles, goes flat - 01/17/09
Whether because they're "liberals" or just because they think fans of Barack Obama are their demographic, Pepsi (PepsiCo) has started a new ad campaign called "Refresh Everything" in which celebrities and supposed regular citizens upload open video letters to Obama entitled "Dear Mr. President" (refresheverything.com). Apparently they looked at the fact that Obama is little more than a marketed product and decided to piggyback on his successful campaign, trying to reach out to the same gullible people.
Obama releases official portrait: first taken with digital camera. Obama fan reveals ignorance. - 01/14/09
My well of sarcasm is about tapped out, so I'll just point out that Barack Obama's official portrait has been released, and it's the first to be taken with a digital camera: change.gov/page/-/officialportrait.jpg
Just how great is our Leader, Obama? He is great enough to write open letter to his daughters! - 01/14/09
Friends! Our Leader, the great exalted One, the Barack Obama, has shown once again the munificence of his leadership of this, the great Nation, with a new Open Letter he has written to his daughters, the shining young exemplars for all American children, Malia and Sasha! The Leader has caused it to be printed in Parade Magazine and has asked the Huffington Post to promulgate his message of cheer to the world (link)!
When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me--about how I'd make my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want. But then the two of you came into my...
Bad art or good joke? CNN wants Obama "art" from viewers - 01/07/09
CNN's iReport.com site is currently soliciting Obama art from their visitors. See "The Passion of the Obama?!
Zogby poll shows how misinformed Obama's supporters are (and is yet another example of Obama's opponents making mistakes) - 11/19/08
John Ziegler - a former KFI talk jock who was pushed out after a dispute with John & Ken - has a video documentary including interviews with Barack Obama supporters showing how ignorant and/or misinformed they are.
His site (link) also includes a Zogby poll he commissioned that tries to show the same thing. Unfortunately, some of the questions that are supposedly true either aren't true or are disputed.
So, it's a two-fer. The poll shows not only how misinformed many Obama supporters are, but also provides yet another example of Obama's opponents making mistakes. See #18 at that list...
Hope, change: Black Panthers intimidate white voters in Philadelphia - 11/04/08
Rough transcript of the video below.
RICK LEVENTHAL/FOX NEWS: i do not even know where to begin, but we have reached a polling place in the city of philadelphia. one of the two black panthers who was allegedly blocking the door is standing right over here, with an accused us of intimidating voters because we were here with a camera and microphone. he did not answer questions, other people here have confirmed that another person in black panther attire was holding a night stick and apparently the concern was that they were intimidating people who were trying to go inside to vote. a...
Loretta Waldman: "L-e-n-i-n-'-s Obama's Letter Was Answer To A Little Boy's Request" - 10/31/08
Instead of concentrating on Barack Obama's creepy outreach to pre-teens where he wants to use those children 12 and under to get votes, how about some good news? You know, the kind you don't have to think about and that any hack (in this case Loretta Waldman of the Hartford Courant [1]) could write? Accordingly, here's her heart-warming tale (with an image of my choosing below):
New from Obama cultists: the November 4 PROPHECY (Quincy Jones) - 10/23/08
Some of you were probably asking, "Why hasn't Quincy Jones produced his own creepy video showing a cult-like devotion to Barack Obama's personality cult, complete with the contention that it's a 'prophecy' for him to be elected president?" Well, your prayers to The One have been answered!
I rush to remind our "liberal" friends that this is not at all creepy, and it would be great if it went viral just like the kids singing to Dear Leader video did. I especially urge everyone to send it to religious people, so they can be well aware of our newest prophet.
From their site:
The prophecy...
Dave Winer deletes comment, locks thread - 10/05/08
Earlier today, Dave Winer of Scripting News offered "I'd like to have a word with Republicans" (scripting.com/stories/2008/10/05/idLikeToHaveAWordWithRepub.html). Clamping his hands down over his ears just as hard as he could, he said:
Barack Obama is an honorable person. You may not agree with him, or like where he would take our country, that's your right of course, but he doesn't "pal around" with terrorists. I think we all know that, right? If you have any doubts, you can skip the rest of this post, and please don't leave any comments.
Ever the maverick, I left the comment in the extended...
Are you scared of Barack Obama's followers yet? (kids singing video) - 09/30/08
Please compare these two videos of children singing to their leader. If you aren't scared of Barack Obama and his followers now, it might just change your mind [SEE THE UPDATES; 'SING FOR CHANGE' REMOVED THE ORIGINAL VIDEO]:
Jacob Weisberg/Slate: only racism prevents Barack Obama from being elected - 08/23/08
Jacob Weisberg of Slate offers If "Obama Loses/Racism is the only reason McCain might beat him" (link). I hopefully don't need to excerpt any of it to point out that it's not only wrong, it's also a roadmap for how the Democratic Party will operate for the next four years (or in perpetuity). Note that Weisburg isn't just some nobody; he's the "editor-in-chief of the Slate Group".
So, I'll just reprise the comment I left on the article:
Barack Obama: "I ended up loving Texas!... It is fun to be in Fargo" (Jeff Zeleny/NYT) - 07/09/08
The exact motivations for the Jeff Zeleny/New York Times article "As America Learns About Obama, He Returns the Favor" [1] aren't clear. I don't know whether he thinks he's doing him a favor, or whether his bosses have realized that BHO needs more experience before being selected for something and are trying to get him to withdraw from the race. However, in the recount of his travels across the U.S.