Obama will become less popular, and we need to be prepared
Barack Obama will probably never reach a George W Bush level of unpopularity, but at some point during his presidency his star will fade. And, that will be an absolutely terrific chance to discredit his current cult-like supporters.
For example, let's say Obama (fulfilling Joe Biden's promise) decides to do something unpopular. His current supporters can then be confronted with their past ludicrous pro-Obama statements in order to impeach their credibility.
Unfortunately, based on the mistakes that his other opponents made during the election, I doubt whether they'll be prepared.
So, we need to help those other opponents get prepared.
What we need to do is encourage someone or some group to start a web site collecting all the over-the-top statements and actions of his well-known supporters. I'm referring to things like celebrity videos, but also the various statements of Andrew Sullivan and the like. Those can then be catalogued by their name and by just how ludicrous their statements and actions are. And, all the relevant material needs to be cached in case they try to disappear their folly.
Please contact the various anti-Obama pundits and others and try to get them to join together in some form of effort to establish and maintain such a site.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Wed, 01/21/2009 - 00:46
HS 17130 Dawes57@cox.net 2009-01-21T02:46:02-06:00
Yes and ok, but you miss the fact all obama and his pro-obama boys have to do is cry racists and all will get in line! the other fact is obama presidency is based in race and their race hate obama boys will use this race hate to keep obama in power for life the fact is this real nightmare is started and will only end in mass enslavement is not really understood by most people right now but will be. say nothing do nothing the black foot is about to come down on you! with the help of many white feet all who hate the ideals of a free people under the rule of law and not laws! the citizens of treason and tyrant are in power and want you in your grave like yesterday! cry havoc and let the dogs of war come to you!
Mary (not verified)
Wed, 01/21/2009 - 13:49
HS 17131 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2009-01-21T15:49:59-06:0
Newsbusters.org does a good job of keeping track of stupidity from celebs,pols and media hacks .